Yes, you know - the dress you wear on your special day. You usually pick it up at some darling little shop a few weeks beforehand and it's usually one of those dresses that fits so well and is just so pretty you on the spot declare it "My Birthday Dress"
I subconsciously started this tradition on my 19th birthday. Funny enough, that dress was also my first vintage dress that actually fit and didn't come from my grandmother's attic. At that point in my life I didn't know vintage stores existed and thought the only old dresses to be found were the polyester potato sacks that showed up in Salvation Army.
I don't wear this one very often. Despite it being the first dress to fit me well, it's too big in the top, but I will never, ever sell it. Nope, never. I don't have any pictures from my actual birthday, but - I do have one or two that Jeff has snapped of me from back in the day when I lived in Vermont.
. . .My 20th birthday brought me to seacoast New Hampshire and I wore a little custom dress from Seam So Swell. I still have it and I love it, but the zipper has fallen ill and needs to be replaced!

. . .My 21st birthday, I don't know what happened that year but I just wore a little h&m dress. lame? yess.... There's not too many pictures from this day, but it was a good one! On the eve of my birthday I went with Alice and Jeff to Portsmouth. We ate at The Friendly Toast and I twirled sparklers around right at midnight. That day Jeff and my dear friend Jeneen and I went to New York! We went to see the Paul Poiret exhibit at the Met and wandered around Manhattan. It was a beautiful day and I remember being so happy we stumbled upon the Alice In Wonderland status in Central Park. Then we happened to find ourself right near a man playing according... it was perfect.
. . .My 22nd birthday was... totally perfect and I'm always wishing for a time capsule to be transported back!!

That dress feels so soft, the way that flower petals feel - it's practically like wearing a buttercup!!!! It might go down as the best dress in history!
. . .... Today. I don't know what to wear. I've had a few dresses I deemed as my birthday dress, but now I don't know which one to choose... Alice just came upstairs to check on me and she said, "you have a lot of ideas. you just have to put one on!" I thought that was a nice way to think about dresses. And I suppose I better get pickin'!!