Monday, January 10, 2011

SF Tourist Day, pt. 1

Just before New Years, Sonja and I went on a little SF tourist day trip! It was really nice wandering around with her and snapping silly photos.

First up, Grace Cathedral:

Me, Grace Cathedral

Sonja, Grace Cathedral Hill
. . .

Then we walked over to the Cable Car Museum:

Cable Car Museum

Sonja, Cable Car Museum

Blurry Cable Car Museum

Sonja, Cable Car Museum
. . .

Stopped for pictures in front of an excellent yellow wall in North Beach:

North Beach
. . .

Made our way to the piers for In-N-Out:


. . .

Ate our burgers on Hyde Street Pier:

Hyde Street Pier

Hyde Street Pier

Hyde Street Pier

Sonja, Hyde Street Pier
. . .

More pics, this time at Ghiradelli Square:

Ghirardelli Square

Ghirardelli Square

And then we made our way back to the Piers for some pinball and antique carnival games! Tomorrow I'll share our photos from the Musée Mécanique!!


Sara said...

Ah, this looks just wonderful! Makes me want to go to SF right now!!!
Love, Lotta

Caroline said...

Looks like such a great day! I love both of your styles. Love love love this blog of yours and I might say this a bunch but you should know. Bisous!

Anonymous said...

Love what both of you are wearing! Looks like you had a lovely time in very pretty places ♡

Honor said...

It looks so nice, I find piers so fasinating

Liz said...

Ah it looks so pretty! and rather chilly there. I've never been to California, but I assumed its usually pretty warm!

Carys said...

Beautiful pictures, looks so fun!!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Abbie said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like a fantastic place to visit :)

Maria Casteel said...

i think you two are sisters. and you both look adorable.

tara-lynn / good night, day said...

you guys are babes! happy new year.

Anonymous said...

Aww, you're making me homesick. I grew up in Modesto, CA, so the City was THE place to be on the weekends. I remember when the Musee Mechanique was a hole in the wall under the Cliff House. I was wondering what happened to it. I'm glad to know it isn't gone forever!

Lexie said...

i had my FIRST in-n-out burger last month in LA and it was heavenly. i am droolin' just thinking about it!

also the cable car museum sounds really interesting, i'll have to add it to my imaginary travel plans for SF!

Couve Illustrations said...

great pair of jeans!
I like to remember myself jeans can be so nice and flattering!

Casey Maura said...

Ahh... my mouth is watering for In-N-Out right now! haha.

♥ Casey | blog

Marcheline said...

Sometimes I get the feeling you actually exist in a parallel universe, in the early 1950s... and you communicate with 2011 through this blog.

Anonymous said...

i wish i was in sf right now! i went to sf for the first time a couple years ago and i had an amazing time. i went this past summer on a road trip home to LA. too bad i was only their for a few hours ):

ps. i couldn't find your email to ask if you would like to be a guest blogger over at my blog. it would be wonderful if you could! let me know via my email: elegant_storms (at)

SoapyMermaid said...

I love your blog : very nice photos..

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