Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fancy Fine party!

Happy New Year!!!
I hope the start of 2011 has been good to everyone so far!! I spent last night in an extra shiny gold wiggle dress and I'm excited for whatever the new year has in store - even though it's an odd number (and I truly prefer even)

I'm very, very behind on updating about 2010 things so you'll have to bear with the mini-time warp over the next few posts... I've never been one for making or keeping resolutions, but I'm hoping to try and be generally better about things ... keeping this blog regularly updated is one of them!

Here are some photos from Ashley's vintage extravaganza shopping party she hosted a few weeks back! Ashley did a pretty great job with supplying the Holiday cheer (and pretty clothes!) and there were a whole lot of sweet people who came out.... some faces I bet you recognize!

Melissa, Nicole, Ashley



extra nice accessories


The Hummingbird crew



and these last two pictures I stole from Ashley's!




Melissa Righero said...

Such pretty garments there...It was hard to jut walk away with one dress! And Ashley and you were the perfect hostesses <3

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

everyone looks so adorable and beautiful!

Secondhand Stella said...

Looks like such a fun party! Love all the vintage shoes under the tree :)


This looks like such a lovely little party with lovely pretty people :)

Caroline said...

What a fun party!! Love these photos! xo

The Cat and The Cow said...

How delightful!!!! I love the shoes under the tree. Your hair looks so pretty!

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Oh wow, that looked amazing, so many pretty things around! Bet you had a great night! Happy 2011!

Anonymous said...

That night looks like it was so full of pretty! Also, your hair. I am envious.

Percy Owl said...

Haha, I love some of the 'matching' boyfriends in there.
2011 is even - two 1's? Couldn't be more even than that :P

Sara Downton said...

ooh such gorgeous clothes! love all the shoes under the tree.
happy new year :)

Emily Blackapple said...

Down with the evens!
Up with the odds!

(and Up with your prettiest goldie locks, too!)

reckless daughter said...

lovely ladies! A Happy New Year to you too!

A said...

This looks like so much fun! The ladybird hat is incredible!

hannah, heart city said...

aw looks like so much fun- love your giant smile! and happy new year :-)

softspoken said...

beautiful photos! looks like such a lovely party :)

Marcheline said...

I totally freaked out and thought you'd dyed your hair dark, until I got to the later pics. Who is the brunette chick that's got your haircut? Your sister?

Rosaspina Vintage said...

What a lovely party! You two ladies are so pretty :)
I look forward to the grand opening, those little treasures are just beautiful!
Have a wonderful new year,

Annalise said...

Fun pictures of a fun night! I'm glad you got a picture of the pretty straws. Thanks for keeping the champagne flowing.

teri said...

Looks positively fun! What's the thing with the ladybugs on it? It's so quirky and amazing! The shoes under the tree are also so cute :). I want to have a vintage party now too!

Caitlin said...

Looks so beautiful and fun! I am jealous

Laura @ The World Looks Red said...

Haha, bunch of cuties!

Samantha said...

I love the last photo, its so cute :)

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