Thursday, June 12, 2008


What excitement!
I feel like from here on out, the next week and a half is going to be a whirlwind!

First big news - I'm typing this blog entry from my brand new COMPUTER!! A black macbook that feels like a dream under my fingertips! I am so, so happy it's here finally! (and thank you to everyone who purchased anything from etsy!)

Second, I'm going to New York for the day on Saturday! This is going to be amazing for three major reasons, we're going to Lyell to exchange my skirt, finally going to Renegade (I've wanted to go since high school!) and the best part, hanging out with the super amazing totally awesome Tara! For that last reason I'm the most excited! (but very nervous my skin will break out or something equally dweeby like that! haha)

As if this wasn't enough, I'm also going to the Bobby's warehouse on Monday... (this means lots of really lovely dresses for etsy) 2,000 square feet of women's vintage is enough to make any girl's heart skip a beat!

Then ... I can't believe there's more - but, on Friday, I'm going on a very impromptu weekend trip. I don't want to say where just yet, because I'm scared something won't work out and we won't end up going, but as soon as I know for sure I'll tell you all about it!

Sorry for the lack of photos in this entry - this computer still has all the factory settings and no music, but there will be much more to come! yayayay!


Unknown said...

Bobby's the store? Or another place where he has a warehouse? How'd you get hooked up to go there??

Francesca said...

he has a warehouse in lynn! i'm not really sure what the deal is with going there, but i think you can make an appointment if you call or go to the store...

Rhiannon said...

Bobby's sounds amazing, and secret trips are the best! Can't wait to hear about it!

jamie cassell said...

Okay, and on top of that!!!
I'll be living in Boston as of JUNE 20TH!

xo, tara said...

yay! yay! yay! yay! yay!
your excitement can NOT come even close to mine! okay, maybe we're even? AND! i get to meet the famous Paul!! Hooray! omg, time tick faster!

Emily Rose said...

ah, lucky, congrats on the new laptop. mine is still out of commission unfortunately. and this bobby's warehouse sounds amazing! what are the prices like there?

Meggy said...

That's so exciting about your new computer -- I'm thinking of using my stimulus check to get a new Mac as well... & I'm definitely looking forward to Etsy updates!

Andrea Eames said...

Wow, exciting! Have fun.

makemoremistakes said...

so fun! you should also (if you like them of course) check out the free Vampire Weekend and Kid Sister concert in central park on saturday, it's at 4pm...I'm SO excited for it!!

anyway, tag, you're it! the rules are on my blog. much love!

p.s. i love your blog and room and clothing. yay.

Unknown said...

Ah, how fun! I swear, half of the blogs I read are talking about going to renegade and it's making me terribly jealous!

Ringo, have a banana! said...

Did you make it out of McCarren before the crazy scary thunder storm? My friends and I were marooned in a rapidly filling drained swimming pool...chaos and destruction ruled! It was nuts. I hope you had fun though, and a Ringo/Effie/Mrs. Beaver/Tara get together is looong overdue...

leslie and pam said...

i love new york. so jealous!

Lust for Fashion said...

Congrats! I got a black macbook as well!!!

Anonymous said...

I know the "new computer feeling", as I'm typing this on a new laptop *squeal*

I've posted a blog with a picture of you on it (this sounds a bit creepy as I'm typing it...)do you mind? I've linked to you of course

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