Monday, June 23, 2008


We're just getting ready to leave LA......... I don't want to go home!
Everything has been more amazing than expected, and there's lots of photos and stories to share. More later - right now I need to figure out how to get all those dresses in my suitcase! (they're not for me, for the store - I promise!!)


J. Rene' said...

Looks like you got some great dresses-can't wait to see them. I hope your long flight is not too bad!

clareassiral said...

oh my the pink stripey dress! and the polka dotted one! such lovely dresses. cant wait to see them soon!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Hmmm... I think when I win the lottery and become a gazillionaire, I'm going to hire you as my personal shopper. Looks like you scored. Can't wait to see the goods and hear of your adventures. Maybe one of those little gems will be coming my way. :)

Unknown said...

Hello you!

I've understood you live in Boston.

The thing is, I'm paying a visit to your home town on April. I've tried to find information about secondhand stores, flea markets and vintage boutiques in Boston but haven't really succeeded. Maybe I've just been looking in wrong places.

I wonder if you had the time to give me some tips. I understand if you're in a hurry or anything but I'd really appreciate your help. :) I'm 19, medium-sized and love especially the 60's and the 70's.

In addition, if you want and have the time to recommend anything else (restaurants, parks, bookshops etc.) feel free to mention your favorite places! Any hint is sure to make my holiday trip even more interesting!

If you feel like it, you may also reply to

Thanks in advance!

And oh, I absolutely adore you and your style! I always read your blog. I just feel so shabby while reading your entries and watching colourful pictures! :)

Brian and Beth Jones said...

Looks like you found some amazing treasures! SO GREAT TO SPEND THE EVENING WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for coming to visit!

Margaux said...

Ooh, the dresses look fabulous.

Amber said...

I can't wait to see that white dress!

esme and the laneway said...

Wow, lovely dresses, especially the pink striped one! Can't wait to see them up in the store.

april said...

Nice haul!

bestie said...

wow, they seem like amazing dresses! i'll have to stalk your site on an hourly basis if i want to score even one of them...

Kayla said...

yay! i can't wait to see them in the store. :)

Anonymous said...

So, I just saw your version of the 'traveling shirt' on vintage society, and I have to admit that yours was my favorite. Love you dresses!


Ann said...

oooh i think i saw the third one from the left at a flea market here in la two weekends ago...was it you who snatched it up?

Paris Tarts said...

I want the polka dot one and the circle one in the middle!! Please? hehe


thetinylittlegirl said...

ooh lovely dresses! can't wait to see them properly and to hear your adventure stories!

Rhiannon said...

Oh man, I'm going to be stalking your Etsy shop!!! I seriously might have to set the alarm on my cell phone for your next update. :)

Ashley Laramie said...

I love your blog, and those dresses are adorable, especially the green one.

Riikka Aaltonen said...

Okay, I'm already coveting that pink striped dress!
I guess I need to stay up very, very late on the night you're listing things to Etsy. :)

Francesca said...

sublimely.trendoid: thanks so much! the flight was long, but not bad at all!!

sally jane: lets just call it even and shop for each other!!!

i wish: I'm working on a nice email for you! I'll send it your way soon!

ann: the yellow paisley dress? haha, it was me - it was relatively inexpensive compared to all the other dresses at that flea market! I could leave it behind!!

ranna: that pink striped one is going on ebay next week!

Annabel said...

oh dear, i too am eying that striped pink dress! my obsession with pink has gone too far!

p.s. i've used the yellow bag so many times since i got it! it's so perfect for carrying my laptop on my way to work in san francisco :)

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