Thursday, June 26, 2008

oh, ebay

I decided to try it out again and put some things on there…. I sure do need the practice. It took me an hour for each listing… I gave up and went to be after the 4th one. But, just to let everyone know - there will be another ebay listing next Wednesday, and then a BIG etsy update on July 4th! (And I still need to do some catch up work with tales of California!)

And yes, I’m selling that lovely button dress… I don’t wear it enough and I know another girl out there will love it to pieces!


George Murphy said...

Imagine how long it took to list this ebay auction ;) nice dresses!

Emily Rose said...

ug! how could you ever part with the first three?!? that polka dot dress looks so great on you, and i love how you pictured it with bare feet. and that skirt! i love the photo too, with the plane in the background. you have some amazing will power.

annie said...

what a lovely blue polka-dotted dress!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Isn't listing on Ebay the worst. Sometimes I want to poke my eyes out. I'm actually supposed to be working on that right now but I keep getting distracted by things like, um, your blog. :)

Francesca said...

george murphy: That's the craziest thing I've ever seen! I really hope that it sells for more than 400,000 ... it would make me so sad if it didn't.

Emily: Fortunately those things don't fit well enough to be torn over keeping them. Everything is just a bit too big ... I'm also thinking about buying this

Annie: Thank you!

Sally Jane: I don't know how you do it. Seriously... I don't know what it is that makes it the most time consuming and excruciating process known on the internet... but it's terrrible!
(and when I was doing etsy listings last week I was having the same focus problem, your archives are SO good!!)

jessica ann said...

ooooh everything is so lovely! you're going to empty out my wallet! xo

Punky said...

I hate listing on ebay it takes forever.

Unknown said...

the very thought of beginning to sell my stuff on ebay gives me hives, good luck with the auctions!

Amber said...

Oh my gosh! That dress with the diagonal buttons is phenomenal!

Lydia said...

the buttons and the polka dots are my favourites.

I've thought about starting an Ebay store but the whole thing is uber intimidating.
Maybe in time....

Anonymous said...

If you ever find yourself in Kansas City, MO, there is a fabulous vintage warehouse in the west bottoms that sells clothing, accessories, photos, and shoes by era at thrift store prices. Unfortunately, that's about the only thing fabulous about Kansas City...
I just moved to Chicago a couple of weeks ago after living there from birth to 20. That warehouse is the only thing I miss!
Good luck with your Ebaying!

Lily said...

I almost fainted when I saw that balloon skirt

that skirt is BEYOND WORDS!!

esme and the laneway said...

Oh my God, I remember commenting on that button dress when I saw you wear it on flickr... I love it so much!

christina said...

I'm very surprised you're willing to part with everything! It's all simply adorable. I'm actually really into the skirt. It's got so much character and spunk to it!

Did you happen to need help with presenting your ebay page? I've been in school all year, and now that summer is around I'm in need to practice handtyping my HTML. If you do happen to need it, I'd be willing to throw together a template where you can just replace photos and rewrite things.

Anonymous said...

great bag!!

Shen-Shen said...

My gosh, that button dress is AMAZING! And the polka-dot dress too.. I MUST GET MY HANDS ON THEM!

Emily Rose said...

oh wow, sell sell sell and get that mustard yellow dress! haha.

Daniela said...

is that green room your bedroom??? looks like such a cool room! i would love to see some more pics of it!!!!

Persephone said...

Yay! I love the dress with the buttons! And, if you're interested, I've tagged you!

Ashley Laramie said...

I love the button dress and bag. They're ridiculously adorable!

thetinylittlegirl said...

oh but you look amazing in the polka dot dress, don't sell it. KEEP IT! ;-)

Francesca said...

lydia: it's not ... terrible. but, it's time consuming. if you don't give yourself deadlines it's a little less stressful! but you should do it! I'd love to see the things in your shop!

elsie wright: thank you sooo much for letting me know about that! Shopping in LA was fun, I really want to go on more shopping trips! For a while I was thinking about going to school in Kansas City, maybe I'll have to re-consider!

Lilly: I had the same reaction when I saw that skirt! I've never seen anything like it!

daniela: yep, it is my room! there are some photos of my room if you go back into the older posts... I really should try and organize this blog better!

the tiny little girl: I know, it's hard to let it go - but it actually is a bit too big for me and the zipper is on the side so it's harder for me to alter those's going to look even better on another girl though, I'm sure of it!

Danz said...

Oh wow, such fantastic pieces!!! I love them all :D



Anonymous said...

you wouldn't want to sell your tapestry bag? i think they're lovely, but in europe they are harder to come by... :)

Eyeliah said...

If I fit it I'd be bidding on the balloon skirt for sure.

lucyloves said...

The blue polka dress is adoreable! I will defeantly be bidding!

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