Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today I wish ...


Today I woke up wishing I was a ballerina.

Tara-Lynn's post yesterday about New York City ballerinas of the 1960's struck a chord... I found myself looking through some of her other ballerina photos this morning and then I immediately went into my closet and tried to find something with a nice scoop neck and a good flowey skirt. I almost came up empty handed but then I remembered I bought this pink swiss dot 30s dress at Alameda last month.

It's been sitting in a wrinkled, sad mess for the past few weeks. There's split seams everywhere, and little rips and tears throughout the fabric - it's beyond repair, but it's still wearable and I prefer things a little tattered anyway. It actually used to be floor length until I chopped a few inches off this morning - I didn't feel bad doing it and I don't think I'll ever bother finishing the hem.


Unknown said...

wow that dress of yours is sooooo pretty!!! where did you get it from?

nab said...

lovely dress :)

Rosie said...

I saw that post earlier today too. I love drawing inspiration for the ballet. Its so elegant and simple. You look utterly divine in this dress!

* said...

Absolutely stunning.

Charlotte said...

I absolutely love your dress!! It suits you very well =]

Rachel Dangerfield said...

These are such lovely photos. There's something about the light playing off a ballerina skirt that's positively ethereal!

Rebecca Jane said...

Beautiful, lovely photos. I love your dress!

the exhausted etiquette (kirstine) said...

you definitely look as lovely as a dreamy ballerina!
the dress is gorgeous as always. That little trinket holder is definitely the best trinket holder evveeerr!


Christy said...

I really like dresses that remind me of ballet. I just started ballet in January so it's possible that's why...

Very nice pictures.

Christy from
Dress Rehearsal

Unknown said...

Very sweet ballerina inspired outfit - you look good with a high bun :)


lisa cole said...

well, i'm not big on documentaries, but i watched this one not too long ago, and loved it...you just have to watch it, it's called "Ballets Russes" ... you may take up ballet lessons after wards.

reckless daughter said...

that dress is so pretty it almost brings a tear to my eye. I'm glad you still wear it! I know I would too.

LUU H. said...

you look so lovely in your dress ! so pretty! haha, i rememeber when i was a kid and dreaming being a ballerina cause they could dance on their toes :P

amanda löwenberg said...

Love your pictures! Lovely dress also!

bestie said...

Ballerina beauty. (:

Anonymous said...

so lovely. that dress is like a dream on you, you definitely look like a ballerina!

Unknown said...


Mystery Flight Vintage said...

so pretty!

Samantha said...

Thats a beautiful dress and I love your hairstyle! :)

renvintage said...

Oh, so pretty!

I thought the trinket box was a cupcake at first glance though, and got peckish :)

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful dress. Dreamy photos. Ballet is a great inspiration source.

~ the dandelion girl ~

MarieBayArea said...

that's a beautiful dress. you look so pretty in it.

Alice In Fashionland said...

What a pretty dress! <3

tara-lynn / good night, day said...

oh i'm so happy my post inspired you, & i saw these photos on your flickr, & had no idea of the connection!
don't worry i will ahve ballet inspiration soon, i found a bunch of goodies....

Amy said...

I love your blog! Everything about it is so ethereal, and your etsy site is fantastic as well. Great job.

Casey said...

Oh! How lovely! The ballerina influence suits you so perfectly... Plus, how could one not love a dress like that? So gorgeous! :)

♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com

kater said...

I always look at pictures of ballerinas and think, whyyy didn't I stick with ballet class! I was just a kid, but still.

Lovely, lovely.

beatriz said...

sweet dress, lovely blog, amazing photos. <3

please visit my blog

christina said...

That dress simply screams of romance. I love the photos you took too, it works well with the dress and you can hardly even see the supposed flaws.

Monked & Fifed said...

beautiful. it is ironic I should read this since just yesterday I was coveting a pair of pink floral vintagey knobs...perhaps this is a sign that I should go back to buy them!

Leire said...

Stunning! :)

Jessica said...

You look so beautiful in that dress! It's one of the prettiest I've seen!

The Greedy Seagull said...

well you look like a verifiable Degas. I need to get out my pastels and paint you, lovely!

rebekka said...

I love your ballerina look.

M said...

Can never go wrong with a soft pink!

Victorious Youth Shop

Miss Tami Lee said...

I love the dress! And finishing seams is sometimes overrated :)

hannah, heart city said...

too lovely! im glad you wear it despite being tattered, it's so so pretty :-)

Molly said...

wow that is an absolutely gorgeous dress. reminds me of the secret garden. love this look. and you can't even tell it's a little weathered. It just adds to vintage feel of it.

mick66 said...

i used to wish i was a ballerina but,
i had a mean teacher.

my daughter scarlet calls them ballinas and she loves them and their pink leotards of course

Style Hunter Mag - Vintage and Fairy Tale said...

And it's actually so so hard to find a pretty pink vintage dress!! :(
lucky youuuuu!!!


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