Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lazy Bones

sick days

sick days

. . .

Bed Bud

Bed Bud

. . .

turtle pants

turtle pants

. . .


new and old


I've been in bed the past two days with a truly rotten headache. Spending lots of time resting with Westley, wearing my favorite pajama pants of all time (they used to be my dad's!) and catching up with silly tv shows. I need to rally and get out of bed though. Lots to be done! And hopefully I can shake my lazy blog updating ways soon too. I think it's time for a good adventure outside the city.... Lucky tomorrow is Friday!


Skyline Eyes said...

Sorry to hear you've not been well, Westley is gorgeous!

Carys said...

That dog is adorable, and those quilts are so beautiful!
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Tess, That'll Do said...

Oh dearest miss Frankie. :( I know your pain. I actually had recurring debilitating migraines all my childhood and teenage years. Ick, they gave me the shakes and the sweats and the pukes.

I hope you're feeling better. And the weekend is looking beautiful here, so I hope it is there, too! Yes, come back to blog world please.

Unknown said...

Westley the Westie! ♥ thats so cute! I hope you feel better - I'm also trying to recover from some kind of koodie bug I got.


Cynthia said...

I just love your PJ's! Your bed , doggie, and comforter look like the epitomy of Comfort. Hope we get more posts soon!
Much Love,

Anonymous said...

how cute are those pajama bottoms??

Betty Noir

Sarah J said...

I woke up with a sore throat this morning. Wish i could stay in bed and hide amidst such lovely quilts. Hope you feel better lovely one!

Megan said...

oh! it looks so comfortable.
i hope you are feeling better.
have a lovely day.
p.s. your puppy is absolutely adorable!

MCAnnaD said...

That dog is ADORABLE!! Feel better!

archives vintage said...

ohhh sorry you're not feeling well but days like that are needed sometimes! your pup is ADORABLE!!! love the pj's too :)

Hillary said...

I love your pajamas! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Rosie said...

Sorry you've been ill. Feel better soon! At least you have cutie Westley to keep you company :) said...

I would want to be lazy too if I had such a beautiful, cozy bedroom.

Gracie said...

What lovely patterns, and such a cute dog! Love those pajamas

KAH said...

Oh, those pajama bottoms are adorable and I love your quilt!

I hope that you feel better soon. I've been fighting a headache today too -- maybe it's being caused by this weird weather we've been having.

~ Kelly

kathy said...

Oh no- hope you feel better soon xx

reckless daughter said...

bad headaches are the worst. However... your bed seems like a nice place to spend a few days in. so cozy! Westley is such a doll.

Unknown said...

It's funny how we all have those things that comfort us when we are not feeling well. Thanks for sharing your sweet quilt and even sweeter pup. Hope you feel better.

katecreate said...

I hope you feel better soon.

lauren said...

i am up too late.
i just read this post.
and well, now i am going
to bed. so exciting! :)

hannah, heart city said...

hope you are feeling much better soon! westley looks like just the best friend for feeling under the weather. and those jammy pants are incredible! you must have a pretty cool dad..

- said...

Those pyjama pants are amazing! Your blog posts are always so inspiring, hope you'll feel better soon!

Zoƫ, Lion Heart Vintage said...

oh that little pup! he melts the heart. that's too bad that you're feeling crummy - but what a wonderful bed to spend your time in! i love the headboard and the gorgeous quilt!

feel better!

Jess & Ashley said...

I hope you are feeling better! I know it is awful to be stuck in bed all day.

Away with the fairy's said...

Jus dscovered your blog and am in love <3

nettieboop said...

Having a snuggly dog on those sickly days is the BEST. He looks like the perfect 'spoon' size like's heavenly to have such a loyal little buddy at your side.

JBalloon said...

Really cute pj's!

Laura said...

Love the turtle pants! Are they silk?

maru said...

Is it my imagination or is Westley getting more and adorable? (I didn't think it was possible.) He seems to be basking in the warmth and affection of his new home!

rachelrose said...

such a cosy bed! i can fully understand you not wanting to leave it - although i am very sorry to hear about your headache. hope it's better now!

yours, rachel rose
thisis who we are

caitlin burkhart said...

I love your pajama pants! Your photographs are lovely.

Rae said...

Aww, I love the second picture of your doggy. What breed is that? So cute!

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