Thursday, January 21, 2010


I want to share a little secret with you. It's a good one. It comes in an 8.4 ounce glass bottle with the most beautiful label you could ever imagine.

Rose Water

Let me introduce to you Santa Maria Novella Rose Water and it'll be the best 28 frivolous dollars you can imagine spending. Alice and I stumbled upon these fine Italian products by accident in a very lovely, very fancy fragrance store in Seattle and I couldn't stop twisting the cap off, taking a sniff, twisting the cap back on, staring at the label - repeat.

The rose petals are from the Florentine Hills and the recipe has certainly lasted the test of time. We're talking 700 years, way back to Dante's time!!! (if you have a few minutes you should read this article!)

And let me tell you all the reasons why this bottle is my new bff. I add a little to my wrists and face when I need a mid-day pick me up. It's hydrating and reduces puffiness from tired eyes! Perfect to splash into a bath A lovely little pre-dream spritzer for your sheets And on top of that it can be added to your laundry in the rinse cycle, or right into the iron when you're steaming out those wrinkles!

Ace Hotel

All in all a magical little elixir. And I'd say, with Valentine's day approaching it might just be the perfect thing to give to your mum, your sister, best gal pal - shucks, even just a special present for yourself!

Now, if only the bath tub in the Ace Hotel Portland was in all of our apartments and homes!

Ace Hotel

PS If you're looking for where to find a bottle for yourself - Lafco carries it, and they seem to have a beautiful selection of other products!

PPS It just dawned on me that this bottle of Rose Water might be the most perfect way of beating the Winter Blues!


amy merrick said...

Gahh. Rose smell is my favorite smell.

PS- Someone commented on my blog today "Man, don't let that chick from "The Snail & The Cyclops" get a peek at this... she'll be lurking outside your door!"

I wish.

Rosie said...

Cure for the winter blues? Sign me up, where can I get some of that?

nettieboop said...

First off, was this fragrance store in a neighborhood called Fremont? If so, I know just the place!!

Second, you had a good experience at Ace? My husband and I stayed there on our anniversary (in our own city of Seattle) and it was so shabby. The rooms on the website are SO pretty, spacious, bright, beautiful. We got a teeeeeny tiny room that had ugly brown carpeting, wood paneling, and there was a fly cyclone right in the middle of the room that wouldn't go away. I'm glad you had nice experience.

p.s. you're my fave blog!


"hi, i'm ginnybranch stelling and i love love." said...

oooh! maybe i'll try this one next time! i use a plain jane version- but this one sounds soooo divine!

also, have you tried their burning papers? makes your whole room smell like an old cathedral. heaven!

Ria Leigh Rabut said...

I LOVE rose water, I usually settle for the cheap kind that you can pick up at health food stores, but I may just have to shell out a few extra bucks for this one after your glowing review.

Phoebe turned me on to you blog and I absolutely adore it. You have wonderful taste.

Welcome to San Francisco!


13bees said...

I wear santa maria novella potpourri. there is nothing else in the world like it, or the rest of the line, for that matter. make sure to try "eva" the next time you are in lafco....

Kelley Anne said...

When I was living in Florence some years ago, my professor brought me to Santa Maria Novella's pharmacy store that's run by the monks. I bought something, but not the rose water. It was formally known as a cure for hysteria in women, but I can't remember what its called now. Anyway, it had the most wonderful minty smell. I'll have to keep an eye out for the rosewater.

Lara said...

Oi. I am such a product junkie and you just added on another product my company doesn't sell to my list of need-to-buys!

Sarah Miller said...

yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *gasp for air* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tracy said...

I guess I need that bottle if it gets rid of these gray-day-doldrums!
So jealous you got to stay at the Ace! It's on my list of things to do in life.
Have a nice trip to the east!

Kellie said...

Oooooh, this looks nice! I sort of, kind of, REALLY REALLY want to get this now! I'm addicted to products like this! :D

Roxanne Rosensteel said...

Ooo I've been using alot of rose water also these days!! I only mine isn't near as pretty or high quality seeing that mine was like 3 dollars from the little Mediterranean grocery. But this gives me more ideas of how to use it! That little shop sounds divine.

Manja said...

gosh that sounds so wonderful! I can't find neither any webshops or real stores in germany nor in the Netherlands who carry those products. Sadness :(

Samantha said...

Ohh this sounds lovely, I adore the smell of roses - I'll have to see if anywhere in the UK stocks it :)

Lacey Starr said...

I have the world's tiniest bathroom but I wouldn't change it for anything if it meant having to give up my clawfoot tub!

marina said...

OOOH! thanks for sharing. The LAFCO site is amazing...I must try the burning papers. I also use a plain old rose water from whole foods (makes a great toner!)...but this one is so much prettier!


Penelope Nightingale said...

I am so jealous of that beautiful bathtub!

Urban Weeds said...

Makes me long for springtime! I miss Essenza in Seattle. A dream. Also, if you happen to be in Portland looking for great fragrance stop by Nationale, she carries the best fragrances by Heather from Olo (violet and leather...)


fraisedesbois said...

Super!!! Thanks for sharing your source. I went to the store in New York City. Actually, I passed by it everyday but never went in until I read your post. So, I went yesterday and bought the rose water. Fantastic!!! I love it. By the way, I love your blog. I found it inspiring. Have a great day and a great weekend!:0) Take care.

Marcheline said...

Penelope hit the nail on the head. Rose water? Mmmm, yes, that's nice dear. OH MY GAWWWWD THAT TUB!!!!!! *falls weeping to the floor*

Jen Hsieh said...

ahh this rose water sounds amazing! i might just splurge on it :)

Anonymous said...

Hey I live in Seattle, what is the shops title or where is it located?

Anonymous said...

Fabiola "Fab" said...

I bet that smells wonderful!

Jay said...

Goddammit. There was a Santa Maria Novella store in Barcelona, and I even tried to go in--but I was super intimidated by how freaking gorgeous it was and scurried away! I wish I'd stocked up on bottles and bottles of this!

Jessica said...

that bottle is so pretty... and i'm sure it smells wonderful too!

p.s. i gave you an award on my blog!

Harlow Darling said...

Anything with a rose essence is particularly lovely because the scent is so decadent and makes one think of days gone by when victorian ladies in crinolines would dab their ears and wrists with rose water before a big ball...

Absoloutely adore your blog, I wish I'd have found it sooner :)

Greetz from Tiz said...

I agree!I use a lot of the products of Santa maria Novella.I adore the powder and perfume!These are great products!And their stores are so beautiful!

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