Monday, January 24, 2011

Shop stuff and a Flea Market Sale

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I leave tomorrow night for a 2 week East Coast arctic tundra winter wonderland getaway. I'll be spending my days hanging with my sweet baby nephew Landon who was born this morning!!, helping my parent's clean out my grandmother's house, making Jeff help me with 1385 shop photos, dragging Alice to antique stores, drinking as much Honey Dew iced coffee as I possibly can, and most likely cursing my cold bones since it's been in the mid to high 60s here for the past week and I've happily gotten used to California winter.

So, I wanted to do a little update on what's going on with 1385 and Libris Lunaria while I'm away - any orders placed tomorrow before 2:00 PM Pacific will be shipped before I leave. I'm leaving both shops open while I'm away but won't be able to ship until 2/10

The Libris Lunaria shop is having a sale on the antique floral lithos - It's supposed to end today, but we might as well keep it going until tomorrow!

1385 is having a flea market sale starting right now and ending tomorrow (Tuesday, 1-25) at 1:00 PM Pacific!
I bought quite a bit of things over the weekend and I plan on taking all of it with me to photograph and hopefully add to the shop while I'm in MA.

For any new readers, here are the Flea Market Sale Particulars:

- From now until tomorrow (Tuesday, 1-25) at 1:00 PM Pacific send me a message with an offer price. I'll write you back and either accept that price or offer a different one. If you agree on that price then I'll reserve the Item for you!

- The only catch is that the item must be purchased and paid for by the end of the sale.

- Of course the golden rule of the flea market applies - the more you buy the more you save - so don't be shy and shop away!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Spent another really nice day with Phoebe, pawing around old junk, traipsing around overgrown muddy pathways in suede shoes, and shoving ham and cheese croissants down our gullets .. (and maybe sharing a little ham with Westley)

glen canyon park

glen canyon park


glen canyon park

glen canyon park

Glen Canyon Park is so pretty, and I only got to see maybe 1/4 of it... I have to get back there so I can explore the rest of it and not worry about my silly shoes getting ruined!

phoebe + glen canyon park

Saturday, January 15, 2011



I need to do a little gushing about one of my favorite San Francisco girls! Phoebe was one of the very, very first people I met when I got to SF and I knew it was love almost immediately. On top of being insanely sweet, and so easy to talk to - she has the most beautiful collection of vintage and antique clothing - most of which her, or her sweet mum found at the thrifts. And dang, that girl can layer and accessorize better then anyone else I've ever seen. It's always like she's stepped out of a really, really good editorial.

Yesterday I spent a really nice afternoon with her which included some pup walking, 1385 photo snapping, coffee drinking, dress shopping, and a bit of daydreaming about future project collaborations! While we were hanging around in front of Hooker's I had to snap some photos of her outfit.





She found her jacket at La Rosa, it's from the 1920s and it's probably one of the most beautifully made things I've ever seen. The construction details are amazing!! Gaaah, and that shawl collar cardigan is vintage boy's Burberry (found at GOODWILL)

(Phoebe doesn't have a blog, but I think slowly but surely it'll happen! I'm trying to get her to at least start a tumblr... I know this girl has a lot of great things to share!!)

Hooker's Sweet Treats

So very happy that Hooker's Sweet Treats is only a few blocks away from my apartment! I don't get there nearly as often as I should - but every time I stop in it's hard to leave.

Hooker's Sweet Treats

Hooker's Sweet Treats

Hooker's Sweet Treats

Hooker's Sweet Treats

Hooker's Sweet Treats

Do you remember me gushing on and on about the sea salted caramels at The Perish Trust? Well, the kind fella who makes them opened up his own sweet shop serving up bread pudding, cheddar biscuits, praline cookies, and the most excellent coffee drinks. The first time I stopped in was on my birthday over the summer and since then I've spent a few nice coffee chats with Emily, Ashley - and today with my bud Phoebe. Everything is always delicious and they really did a perfect job with the interior - I think it might just be one of my favorite places to visit in San Francisco!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SF Tourist Day, Pt. 2

Here are the rest of the photos of me and Sonja's SF tourist day date! Lots and lots of photos from the Musée!!!

Visitors Always Welcome.

Auto Race

Sonja, Auto Race

Sonja, Wizard Man

Your Fortune and Weigth

effffffffff that thing

Side Show

Olympics Pinball

Sonja, and a mini-band in a box

For Men / Women

Test Your Love

How Hot Are You

Relieves Tired Aching Feet

The Captain of your Fate

Sonja's fate??


Musee Mecanique photo booth
. . .

Unfortunately one of my favorite games to look at was out of order, a woodland animal shoot 'em up type thing that's really hard to play - but the bunnies and foxes are so cute it totally doesn't matter. One of the nicest parts about of all the places we visited was that everything was free! Well, besides our burgers and fries... and the games we played at the Musée... But even so, most of the games are only 1-2 quarters, and there's so many people putting quarters into different machines you can totally stand off to the side and watch and then use your quarters on the really good stuff, like pinball!

If you're interested in visiting the Musée and plan on using the photobooth, my only advice is to make sure you set aside some of your dollar bills before cashing them in for quarters, there's 2 film booths and they don't take quarters! (It's $3 per strip of 4 photos)

Monday, January 10, 2011

SF Tourist Day, pt. 1

Just before New Years, Sonja and I went on a little SF tourist day trip! It was really nice wandering around with her and snapping silly photos.

First up, Grace Cathedral:

Me, Grace Cathedral

Sonja, Grace Cathedral Hill
. . .

Then we walked over to the Cable Car Museum:

Cable Car Museum

Sonja, Cable Car Museum

Blurry Cable Car Museum

Sonja, Cable Car Museum
. . .

Stopped for pictures in front of an excellent yellow wall in North Beach:

North Beach
. . .

Made our way to the piers for In-N-Out:


. . .

Ate our burgers on Hyde Street Pier:

Hyde Street Pier

Hyde Street Pier

Hyde Street Pier

Sonja, Hyde Street Pier
. . .

More pics, this time at Ghiradelli Square:

Ghirardelli Square

Ghirardelli Square

And then we made our way back to the Piers for some pinball and antique carnival games! Tomorrow I'll share our photos from the Musée Mécanique!!

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