Friday, June 3, 2011

Pfeiffer Beach

My last California day trip to Pfeiffer Beach. It was one of the best places I've ever been to, yet it was only a tiny peek at how amazing Big Sur is.... I've basically been thinking about when I can go back since the moment we got there.







Big Sur



Big Sur
. . .


Roseann said...

Great photos! I love the California coast.

Secondhand Stella said...

OMG, your dog looks so cute w/ his little scarf :)

Liz said...

Beautiful pics, I went there on my honeymoon twoish years ago, thanks for bringing back some ace memories. Big Sur is the best xx

Allie said...

I love your Westie's handkerchief!

sweet harvest moon said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the last one,so cute!

NATIE said...

love california snce i watched the oc on tv!
the photos are perfect!

Fear is a Dirty Word said...

Wow these are amazing, the first three pictures are utterly beautiful

calivintage said...

these photos are so lovely and make me long for a trip down to big sur! it's one of my favorite vacation spots hands down. the views are just amazing. have you ever been to the lost coast up in northern california? i think you would like it!

nataya, chacha, nchan said...

nice pics and outfit, matched colors

Julie said...

Aw, your pictures are so beautiful! I wish I was there!

etheria said...

it's beautiful

Joy said...

Super gorgeous photograph much? The epitome of Summer is right here.

Kellie said...

It looks gorgeous there! I went with my family to Big Sur when I was maybe six years old, but I can't remember much of it at all. And awww, your dog is SO cute! <3

Lauren said...

These pictures are amazing!! I can almost hear the water! And your doggy is adorbz!

Sparrow & Urchin

Sarah J said...

I love everything about this blog. This can only be decribed as magical. You remind me of Beach Baby by Bon Iver.

Caitlin Rose said...

It's absolutely beautiful. I hope you get back there soon. But atleast you have the photographs.

art deco dame said...

beautiful shots

Unknown said...

oh! I wish I was there! It looks so amazing!

dianne tanner / dark times said...

Wargh this is amazing. About 4 years ago I went on a roadtrip from LA to SF and we drove past this stretch and I took some photographs. Got a bit excited and nostalgic seeing it here also. x

Natasha said...

This is so weird because I was reading about Big Sur today! These photos are fantastic, so beautiful. xxx

Liz said...

this might be the dreamiest beach i've ever seen!

Cara Edwards said...

this beach looks stunning, as does the cute little puppy! thanks for sharing lovely :)

lasophia said...

Aww beautiful pictures! Nothing like California beaches!


Kamilla said...

beautiful pictures!!

Cassidy said...

What a beautiful place!

Laurel said...

Francesca - your blog makes me happy. I have posted a link to it on my business facebook page to share your pretty pictures and general loveliness (hope that's ok!) -

I miss miss miss thirteeneightyfive and anxiously await your return to etsy.

Hope the move has gone ok!

xxx Laurel

Johanna said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful place!

becca said...

crazy beautiful shots.

I'm so happy you shared them; they're gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What a beauty, the photos are just perfect and the place is exactly the one I want to be right now. Also I should add that your dog is such a cutty.

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Emily said...

Beautiful. I'm headed to san francisco at the end of the summer. any other recommendations?

chachamisu said...

Great photos, you captured the atmosphere successfully. And the outfit is fit. Great moments, i miss beach, not visiting beach for about a year

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

Wow, this is breathtaking. I live in Cali and I've never been here. Must go!

Faith McKay said...

I love california beaches :) That last shot with your dog is so pretty!

Hollie May said...

my favorite beach of the EARTH. great pics!!!

Dial V for Vintage said...

What lovely pictures! Your dog is a cutie :).

Miss B. said...

Oh my is that the most darling dog ever (and yes, those photo's are amazing!)

YOURFLIRTYLOOK | by Karlijn said...

beautiful pictures, I like it

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