Monday, November 15, 2010

november 15


Today was a really sad day for me as far as camera stuff goes... my 35mm lens has been on the fritz for the past month and it officially bit the dust this afternoon. I can't decide if I want to try and get it fixed or maybe just buy a 50mm lens instead.. My computer has also seen better days, and of course I fell asleep watching Law & Order SVU on netflix watch it now and I woke up at 1:45 am to a loud thud, which was my knee pushing my computer 4 feet off the bed and onto the hardwood floor. Thankfully it's working still - but I fear its ultimate demise is quickly approaching.

Anywayyyy, here are some blurry photos from yesterday afternoon. The weather here has been so good, in the 70s!! It's been really great not to worry about tights and warm layers. My dress is a teeny tiny teenagers dress from the 30s that I found at the flea market. I can't actually snap the snaps shut, so a cardigan is mandatory. The shoesies are from Maria's lovely shop, Adelaide Homesewn.


Oh! and my backpack! A really lucky flea market find from last month when Alice was here with me.. It was supposed to be a birthday present for my boyfriend but, I haven't let him use it. Not even once.. Whoops!

back pack


"hi, i'm ginnybranch stelling and i love love." said...

oh no :( i'm having bad technology luck too- camera and iphone are on their last legs.

i found a very similar backpack this fall at my goodwill! but it has two front pockets. everyone makes fun of me in atlanta for carrying one.

J.P. said...

i love your outfit! super cute. and that bag!? what a great find :)

A Little Brighter said...

I adore this look way too much! :D
LOVE the sock and shoe combo and how your outfit is all dream pieces I would love to own!
I am guilty of the cardigan over the dress to hide that I can't do it up too ha! (glad to know i'm not the only one)

Ayesha x

Anonymous said...

that backback is amazing! which flea market did you find it at?

the snail and the cyclops said...

uggh, Ginny - i want to throw my iphone into the sewer half the time! Do you think you're going to upgrade to the fancy video one?

thanks J.P.! I was SO happy when I found that bag!!!

Ayesha -haha, you're definitely not the only one!!!

Rosemary - thank you! I found it at Alameda!

Anonymous said...

agh! I think I have those shoes packed away at my old house. I miss them so much.

Totes cute outfit.

Emily Rose said...

love the dress, sorry to hear about your computer falling and not being so well. glad to hear about the weather though! the last couple of days have been pretty mild here, like 60s and its nice. not for long though! oh, and please post more! its ok if your photos are a bit blurry!

Caroline said...

I love my 50mm lens and I must say it is a purchase well worth it. Sorry about your 35. XO

Anawesometravelguide said...

just thought you and your followers are a perfect fit for us! would love you to check us out!!


Anawesometravelguide said...

can't beat a thrift store find...
unless you happen to find us!!

love a girl in vintage!!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I hate how fickle technology can be sometimes. At least you look good!

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Haha, I shall have to use the cardigan trick myself! Good idea for being able to wear things that are sliiiightly too small :)

Casey Maura said...

Oh golly... I can sympathize with the computer woes! Mine is over four years old and is definitely getting up there. It's served me well, but I fear it may be time to retire it next year. :/

I love your outfit! It is so cute--and I really love how you find these little treasures (like the dress!) and make them work in such a pretty way. That backpack is tops!

♥ Casey | blog

Secondhand Stella said...

That color blue looks so pretty on you!!!!

Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I really love this outfit so much. The socks are so cute too.

Lauren said...

That backpack is awesome and I love that dress!

Sparrow & Urchin

Marcheline said...

I know this is small and petty of me, but it makes me so happy to hear that there is one item of clothing that you can't snap closed. 8-)

Swingin' backpack, btw.

Amber said...

bummer about your lens, i say upgrade. very cute back pack, what a great find

Meg said...

These photos and this outfit are just perfection! You are so gorgeous.
And I love that backpack as well. So cute.

Kennedy said...

you are always beautiful my friend

Roxanne Rosensteel said...

This is the most perfect outfit! I adore the shoe sock combination. I've found myself wandering your archives when I'm looking for inspiration, you always have the most effortless styling.

Taylor Kitto / The Little Deer said...

what a wonderful find! I feel like I do the same. . . I buy my boyfriend cute thrifted things and always end up keeping them for myself. whoops! :)

Kellie said...

Sorry about your camera lens and computer. :( My technological thingamabobbers aren't doing much better, either. It's like they all form a conspiracy together to break down all at the same time!

Jocy said...


hannah, heart city said...

beautiful dress! and that backpack- no wonder you're keeping it to yourself!

dolceedamara said...

I really like this back-to-school look! I am a great fan of a navy blue color.

Vanessa said...

You look right out of one of my little daydreams, floating in a sunlit park!

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