Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31st

I was planning on keeping things around here sleepy until after October 31st was over and done with.. I'm sort of a holiday grinch ... not because I don't like them - but, I think my expectations are always too high and unless I plan in advance, the day usually turns into a total bust. And well, I'm lazy... so advance preparation neverrrr happens.

Halloween this year has been no different - I wasn't planning on celebrating in any way shape or form, except for my binge eating of fun sized assorted candy last week ... and having Westley wear a bow tie around town.

littlest gentleman

But, then I was listening to The Caretaker on repeat and the idea of dressing up and getting out of the house didn't seem so bad. My boyfriend would play False Memory Syndrome and I always referred to it as ghost music. I really love it. It reminds me of empty ballrooms in abandoned mansions and all that kind of spooky stuff. So, it's been perfect for today.


I bought this floor length 30s chiffon dress at the flea market a few months ago and it seemed like tonight would be the best excuse to wear it. Some sort of old 30s Hollywood fancy ghost lady of sorts? I have no ideaaaaa but it's Halloween and I think that means anything goes!


chichi said...

GORGEOUS dress!! Photo, hair, look like 1940s movie star! Westley looks very handsome too : p I'm not one for Halloween, but it's usually the day i also excuse myself to wear a funky vintage dress that normally wouldn't be in my roster of options for a regular day...

Great blog, i really look forward to checking it out every couple of seeing all the clothes and your pictures never disappoint me...thanks for the nice posts...if you're looking to kill a few minutes of extra time please check out my fledgling blog:

Take care!


Dakota said...

How very beautiful and ghostly! What a perfect dress, too.
You always have the best flea market finds; so jealous!!

Anonymous said...

i have high expectations for the holidays too. i try to plan things accordingly but nothing works out. as a result, i've learned to just lay low too.

your outfit was beautiful! especially your hair, i love it! & wesley is cute too :) happy all hallow's eve!

Ady Grafovna said...

You look glamourous, ethereal, and romantic. What a perfect Halloween outfit!

My name is Giacobba said...

really beautiful dress!

Sophia said...

Your dog is so cute my God!!!! The dress is stunning!! I love the jacet you wore over it as well, very glamorous!!! <3

Marcheline said...

Whooop! You hit it right on the head!

A Little Brighter said...

What a stunning dress! You have such class that you would pull this off even without the excuse of Halloween. Ha I love what you said about candy. It is my favourite part!

Ayesha x

BaronessVonVintage said...

Just LOVE your gown. Beautiful!

Leslie Kimel said...

Oh, what a ghostly and romantic dress. And Westley looks marvelous in his bowtie. I love your blog--it always gives me neat things to dream about. Every post is a special treat!

Megan said...

You are so beautiful!!!!
I just adore your outfit!!
Have a lovely Monday,

Cateaclysmic said...

Awww what a cutie he is <3
That dress is stunning, so beautiful xoxo

Kennedy said...

you look like the most beautiful old hollywood ghost, hope you had fun!

Samantha said...

You look beautiful :)
& Westley looks so cute with a bow tie on!!

A said...

Oh, you're so gorgeous! The dress is really beautiful, and Westley looks so cute with his bowtie. :-)

Sara Downton said...

westley is the most perfect name for a dog, i have to say! and he looks adorable with the bowtie.

you look beautiful in that dress

Kristin said...

You find some really good vintage finds. That dress is incredible.You have such a cute dog.

montaj-montaj said...

caretaker totally has that effect!! i, too, was listening to his album on repeat. ghostly and ... haunting

Amber said...

what that dress is a real score, so pretty

Fabiola "Fab" said...

YOU ARE PERFECTION of effortless beauty! that is all I have say!

Erica said...

amazing dress! You seem to have so many beautiful vintage pieces.
And may I say that your dog is adorable. Is he a westie? He looks like my dog I had as a child, his names was Howard and he had the personality of an old man but he was amazing, i really miss him. They really have the best personalities!

Unknown said...

That bowtie on Westley made me COO outloud! I want a westie so badly!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything for Halloween this year, either! Your dog is too cute, and that dress is stunning.

Erin said...

for us vintage hoarders (am I allowed to say that?!), I think the absolute best thing about Halloween is getting to wear those gorgeous, stuffed-in-closets-for-eternity pieces that would otherwise remain stuffed in closets. an excuse to wear whatever you want and never feel overdressed!
I love your costume.

Samantha June said...

the dress.
the hair.
the photo.
just lovely.

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