Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Dresses

Hi! Things are snailishly slow around here. I don't know if they'll get better any time soon - but in the mean time, I have a few dresses I want to offer up for sale. 4 cherished, tried and true summer dresses. I'm crazy to part with them, but I brought about 20 with me on this trip and I know I'll be accumulating more this week.. Brimfield!
I'm sorry for the size discrimination ... they're all Extra Smalls, so if you're like me and cursed with a flat chest then this is your lucky day! Those of you who have real lady curves, I promise I'm collecting a range of sizes for the shop re-opening at the end of the month! (I have about 15 pieces so far - lots of late 40s/early 50s dresses! A tree novelty print and a few nice plaids!)

I have a whole bunch of home items that I left here when I moved to San Francisco that I should go through and part with as well.... I have an entire room filled at my grandmother's house with those big plastic boxes and there's no way to even walk through there. I'm worried this might be the onset of a hoarder life... My junk is just spread out all across the country!

** Edit. 7/14 - Since I'll most likely have more items I figured I should re-open the etsy shop... the following dresses can be found there!!

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End of Summer

1940s Plaid Voille Sundress - XS - SOLD

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Late 1950s Yellow Bud Calico Sundress - XS - SOLD

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1940s Pink and Black Gingham Sundress - XS - SOLD

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Early 1950s Plaid Sundress - XS - SOLD


amy merrick said...

Awww, sniff. You wore that first one in New York last august.

Guiltyhyena said...

Aloha, Win a giveaway on my blog. Check it out here Fellas and Bellas



Have a nice day! Ð

afreckledlip said...

I love the first dress! It's so cute. I love the plaid.

thefabledneedle (jen) said...

that first dress is just killing me, it's lovely. oh, it's so very tempting...lucky for me, it's probably already sold! ;)

btw, the floral dress main image is not showing up.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful dresses. You have such an amazing wardrobe!

The Collar of the Dove said...

you have the most admirable wardrobe! love especially the lace pieces:)

Victorious Youth said...

but why would you get rid of these???

Beth said...

Love these dresses, so amazingly cute!

Holly said...

Gorgeous dresses ...and in my size :) Just a shame I'm skint!

Merry May Handmade said...

I love your blog!! That’s why I am giving you an award.


Thanks for inspiring me every day!

Taylor Kitto / The Little Deer said...

always so lovely.
i adore those dresses!!
thanks for the inspiration :)

Henna @ AboutDivorce Blog said...

all the dresses are really cool. i liked the summer dresses a lot

rebekka said...

I sure wish I wore an extra small! Only for these dresses, I mean. So cute.

Miss Woody said...

crazy dresses !

Gabriela said...

I loved all dress here :)
I cant decide what is more beautiful, so sorry!

Leia said...

All the dresses are so very pretty!

Leia's Delights

Jolie Goodnight said...

I could not be more envious of those summer dresses than I am at this moment. Impossible.

Unknown said...

your vintage dresses are so beautiful but i'm glad you're passing them on so they can have new life...AGAIN!

Unknown said...

Better snailishly slow than... Cyclopsish?

Tayler Worrell said...

SO pretty! i really love your blog and your blog title!!


Anonymous said...

Nice and very light dress. Wearing this kind of dress is relaxing and because it is summer, it’s very refreshing. Thank you for sharing this.

wholesale coogi

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