Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Carpet Bags

There's an antique mall in Putnam, CT that's 4 stories high and I swear I always come out of there with a really great haul. My mom loves to go too, which is really nice and it's always really cute to see the things she picks out. We went together this past Sunday - I wasn't looking for anything in particular but somehow I came out of there with a tun of things. (tomorrow's post!)

So, I realize I have many a weakness... and I could find at least 5 things at any antique store/flea market that I really and truly LOOOVE and NEEEED to have and can't LIIIVE without... Pillow cases. Pale colored floral cottons (fabric and/or dresses.) Raggedy stuffed animals. Hankies. Old note pads and note books. Blank ledgers. Rubber stamp sets. Gladstone bags. Early celluloid jewelry. Quilts. Buttons. Lace dresses. Metal boxes....

The list goes on... But. Carpet bags. Ooh carpet bags.. they do funny things to my heart. They're hard to find and always soo expensive. And somehow I managed to find two(!?!) on the same day!

I'll introduce you to the scragglier one first.. Judging by the clasp on it, I think it's from the late 60's. It was in a messy pile of other bags/hats/fabric and I'm glad I spotted it. It has itself a hole and the inside needs a vacuum and it could use a few stitches - but uhh, for $5, whatever!



. . .

And then.....sigh. This one... It was inside of a fancy glass case. I saw it and fell in love and couldn't even bring myself to really look at it. Penniless heartbreak.


As the man was tallying up our purchases I thought I'd show it to my mum.I took her over and one of the sales ladies happened to be right there. And before you knew it the bag was out of the case and in my hands and then I hear the words "20% off sale" and then "We'll take it!" And in those whirlwind moments - I thought my heart was going to explode.


It's amazing and it feels good on my shoulder and that flap just falls right into place so perfectly. The leather along the front is beautiful and soft - and I really love the rivets on the sides.


Now, if only someone would start re-creating these things. Etsy sellers, lets get working here! I think we could all use a little Mary Poppins in our day to day lives!


Kellie said...

Oh my gosh, those are both so nice!! :D You're so lucky. I've never been able to find a carpet bag.

Roxanne Rosensteel said...

Wow!!! What beautiful things. I love carpet bags too. My favorite one is seen here:
But really, yours are just stunning.

Mystery Flight Vintage said...

These are both great! I have spotted a few carpet bags recently on thrifting adventures. What a great mum you have!

amy merrick said...

That second one is wild. Have i talked about big civil war carpet bags with you? I think about them all the time, my holy grail if you will. And not $600 from Stock. Cause that's just wrong.

"hi, i'm ginnybranch stelling and i love love." said...


please start selling carpetbags- i will be a very good customer!!!!

Anonymous said...

OHHH, I have my grandma's carpetbag that looks EXACTLY like the top one, but more green! I love it with all my heart and soul. Favorite, favorite purse ever.

K said...

Carpet bags are my weakness as well!! I have a few I will never, ever part with.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of you. That is really amazing to find one for $5. Lucky lucky.

Shanley said...

LOVE the second one so much!

Jessica said...

Oh dear! That second one is especially wonderful--Civil War era, too!! It looks like the perfect bag to hang on your shoulder. Oh man, and I have a 'MUST NEED' list yey long too haha it's baaad!


Caitlin Shearer said...

a mall full of antiques!
how i wish there were fantastic things like that here in australia.

Lexie said...

what a great idea! i bet someone out there has the skill & time to put these together! they just need your blog for inspiration!

Meaghan Kelly said...

Mike's Mom got me a brand new gigantic carpet bag for Christmas. I can't believe I haven't posted it yet.
I'll get right on it, find out where she got it and see about getting you one!

Danielle Barbe said...

i love carpet bags! i've been scouring ebay and etsy for awhile now but haven't found the right one.

Rosie said...

I'm mapquesting Putnam, CT right now. I'm in MA and will have to get on down there, it sounds amazing! Love the carpet bags too!

Monster Girl said...

Argh I love carpet bags! Lucky finds :D

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Oh those are both lovely!!

Rebecca said...

These are lovely. I love the muted tones

Iulia Romana said...

I adore both of them !

Joanna said...

Lovely! Love carpet bags!Love your blog!

Harlow Darling said...

How lovely...just think of all the girls who would have carried those bags over the years...what year it was...who they were...what their lives were like...
Such a special purchase :)

Anonymous said...

gorgeous bags! i can't wait to see your other purchases. i do love antique stores.

Casey Maura said...

Ah... I have such a weakness for carpet bags too (and just about everything else you listed! haha!). Both of these are so, so lovely! The thing I adore most about older carpet bags (sadly, I don't own any genuinely vintage carpet bags; mine are all newer reproductions! :p) is the worn-ness. They have so much character!

♥ Casey
blog |

Lacey Starr said...

I work in a little vintage shop. If we ever get one of these in, I'll let you know. If you NEED anymore! :)

anon said...

gorgeous bags! i couldn't stop myself from getting a handwoven carpet bag in greece.

Idressinmemories said...

antique mall... four stories...!!!!

Do you know the name of it by chance? I live in brooklyn, but keep telling myself I am going to have a weekend getaway and would love to road trip to this place!

Samantha said...

The second one is so pretty and perfect - I hope it didn't cost you too much ;D

Rebecca said...

I live RIGHT by Putnam, CT and NEVER knew about the antique mall!! Your finds are gorgeous and I'm so excited to make this my Saturday-day-trip destination! Thanks so much for the post!

Dorian Fletcher said...

Found your blog by chance. Imagine my amazement at seeing the twin of a purse I purchased in Berkeley, California in the 60s! I guess the purse could be considered an antique - although not Civil War era. I guess I am sort of an antique too - age 61! Anyway, dearie, it's a lovely purse - enjoy it as I did mine.

Solanah said...

These are so wonderful, but the first is an amazing find! The fringe!


robyn said...

ooh, great finds! both of them look fantastic!

reckless daughter said...

both great finds. but I must admit that second one is incredible!

I'm always on the look out for bags like these but they aren't very esy to find!

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