Wednesday, July 1, 2009

There's no place like here

AHHH!!! I love this girl so much it makes me cry!!

So a few months agoTara from etsy came and spent the day with Alice and I and filmed a little video on our house and our spaces and all our old junk. I'm so happy with how it came out! I think it's completely wonderful and since I got home from work I've watched it too many times to count! It's funny seeing how nervous I was and how I totally mis-pronounce a few things - "a beauty shob?" haha ohhh goshhh

I'll cut this short before I get all cheesy and sentimental - but please do check out our video, and take a peak at some of Tara's other videos too! She's a gem!

oh, and you should go here to see all the lovely things the folks at etsy picked out to 'get our look'!


Lauren said...

I just watched this and I just LOVED it. I knew I had to look at your blog when I saw it at the end.
I'm always waiting for etsy to publish another one the no place like here series..yours is by far my fav :)

young said...

Oh your house looks amazing! Wonderful video! You both seem lovely :)

Cait said...

Wow, I've always loved your home from all of your pictures but it looks even more amazing on film!

Fiona said...

This is almost certainly the cutest video I've ever seen.

Jessica said...

Oh my two are just about the cutest, most wonderful, inspiring, unique, and adorable lil' ladies there are!! You totally aren't awkward either, even if you think so! Just complete sweetness! Both of your spaces are just so dreamy and inspiring and just completely you (as corny as that sounds!)...I love you to pieces m'dear, and uhhmmm, I've said this like ten times already but all I wanna do is pack up my things and go live with you two and never look back!!


ryder said...

adorable! thank you for sharing!!!

reilly said...

that was so nice! I didn't realize you guys lived together.

i love your room! dresses everywhere!

She Can't Decide said...

it was so fun! I just caught it in the storque. Very cute.


Penny said...

that's the greatest video ever! i wish i lived with you girls, your house is gorgeous :)

Tracy said...

that is sooooo cute! i was already in love with your decorating style just from the snippets in other pics on the blog. now it's cemented. can i move in?! :)

Sasha Foster said...

I'm quite thrilled that etsy chose your little beauty to feature on "theres no place like here"! I've often imagined what your home might look like and it was great to see it in all of its glory! I was also surprised to spot a little black and white panda bear in your stuffed animal collection. I also have a small stuffed animal collection and have a very similar if not identical panda bear! Thank for the amazing tour!

Aya Smith said...

This practically seems like a documentary or something professional from TV :D

Francesca, your voice is so soft and feminine! Too cute ^_^

mAry mARy said...

You are the cutest !!!

the exhausted etiquette (kirstine) said...

It's so wonderful hearing your voice, not in a creepy way. It's like you've been animated all of the sudden. I also really loved seeing your room, everything is so pink & tan. What a cool roommate to have!!!

Eyeliah said...

that was adorable! the nervousness is there a bit, but don't sweat it. ;-)

Mars said...

oh that was so cute and fun!! i had no idea the gal from forest bound was your roommate! anyway, you have such great taste, your room is lovely and so inspirational! and you sound so awfully sweet :)!

Josephine Frances said...

Wow! your house is so inspiring and amazing! I enjoyed that so much, thankyou!!!

Jessica said...

i watched this earlier today, but i just wanted to stop by and say how much i loved it!! you two are endlessly inspiring

Emily Blackapple said...

You guys are such cuties! And I loved the excited, teensy-bit-nervous explanations and stories of the pretty and thoughtful nest you two have made.

Anonymous said...

i loved this video and it really inspired me. it's great that you two have such different styles but are learning to respect each others differences and work well together.
i'm sharing it on my blog- thanks!

Cary said...

it was really lovely! my kids actually watched it twice... because they came in while i was watching it and asked to see the beginning:) one of my mom's items was picked by etsy as well.

nice job!

teresa said...

Great video! I love your style and your lovely house

Liz said...

oh, gosh you two are just so cute. your house is perfect :)

my favorite part is when you talk about your rack of clothes! it's so funny because i have the same problem. i always tell myself that if i get something new then i have to get rid of something in return so i'm not accumulating, but its so hard to let go of things!

alice's sewing table is so great. it gets my decorating gears turning!

Jane said...

wow you have an amazing house!

kater said...

I loved this video! It's so sweet and nice, and I just love it! Your voice is so adorable!

platformshoesandwintercoat said...

your voice really matches you. love seeing more of your house.

Rhiannon said...

That's the most adorable little house ever. :)

Anonymous said...

The film is heartwarming.

It is lovely to hear about your connection to your grandmother. I can so relate and have lots of her things around that I could never part with.

It is good to know you are out there!

Thank you!

Nadinoo said...

What a lovely inspired video, and might I say you are even cuter on film!
Nadinoo x

Sasi said...

You've got the sweetest voice:) And all your furniture is adorable, I especially love your sofa!

Gracie said...

your house looks fantastic (:
LOVE your video.

Casey said...

How fun! I loved the peek at your work spaces and home. You both are too sweet and inspiring! :)

Meaghan Kelly said...

oh wow this was just the cutest thing i've ever ever seen! I think I will watch it at least a few more times! your home and studio space is absolutely perfect!

Anonymous said...

That was a lovely little film! After reading your blog for so long it was nice to see your house and hear you talk. I love your asthetic, and all your vintage dresses are so amazing. Fabulous! :)

anabela / fieldguided said...

What you say at the 32nd second is so beautiful & lovely. Aw!

Q's Daydream said...

Such an adorable video! I watched it twice! You're one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to my blog and Etsy shop. :o)

Secondhand Stella said...

Your home is so wonderful and definitely a style inspiration!

Starr said...

you two are my biggest inspirations! I'm absolutely in love with your house...inside and out, it's gorgeous. You both seem like such interesting, talented, and unique ladies! I'm so glad to have stumbled on this video, I can't wait to work on my own home now.

hannah, heart city said...

you guys have the sweetest little house!! what a lovely video. my closet looks a lot like yours, just a rod packed to the brim!

Unknown said...

That was so special! It must keep you both so inspired to be surrounded by such a beautiful creative space all the time. I loved the video!

N said...

This is so neat! It's such an inspiration to see how you both decorate your house with treasures that you have either made or found. Beautiful house by the way!

jessibee said...

Francesca your voice is so adorable!
I love all your posts about your space and your stuff so it was great to see it in motion. haha Your blog always makes me a little bit homesick for Boston!

Meggy said...

Meggy: Chris, can we have a house like this?
Chris: I am not opposed to it, but can you make it happen?
Meggy: I... I can try?

Beautiful video, stunning ladies, amazing house! Y'all are so, so great, and such an inspiration.

Jessica said...

this is a dream! work it ladies!!

cristin said...

awww... that video is the best! you both have the coolest spaces to work in and seem like the coolest girls! and the dress looked fantastic on you too! :)

babieswithstaches said...

Le sigh... I love you so much lady. I want to hang out so much more.

you two are adorable.

sunshine daydream said...

That was SO adorable! I loved getting to peek inside your little home and catch a glimpse of all your lovelies! You are both wonderful- thank you for inviting us all inside your gorgeous abode.

Jessica said...

Love love LOVE your place. You guys really bounce aesthetically off each other. It was WONderful to see your stuff. xo Blueberry

SoulPony said...

love the video and i blogged it for ya. lovely, just lovely. you were prefect.

nice to meet ya by the way. i love your blog.

The Body Electric said...

I came across the video on someone else's blog and was thusly led to your Etsy accounts. LOVELY! ALL OF IT! Your blog, your home, your crafts.....charming!!!

I'm so sad to hear you will be moving and splitting up your lovely partnership! Gosh, I wish we had those kind of houses out here in California.....sigh.

Lobster and swan said...

this is such a great video, your home and style are delightful and so inspiring.

Addie said...

Both of you have a real style of your own and your house is beautiful!
Very inspiring

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