Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Collections: pt. 2 - Gladstone Bags

This love affair started almost two years ago. I asked my mum for a weekend bag for my 21st birthday and I was on the prowl for a good month and a half (might I just say, I still haven't found one...) I traveled everywhere to find something. I walked into just about every shop I could think of. The folks who work on Newbury Street were probably sick of looking at me. I gave up on finding it in Boston and headed to New York City. I probably blew a pair of shoes out with the amount of walking I did but finally I found something so pretty and perfect that even though it wasn't the right size it was coming home with me!

Merci beaucoup, Cherry Vintage for bringing me the most beautiful bag I think I've ever seen! I looove this thing so much - the only downfall is that you can't fit as much in it as you think... But still though - the most perfect floral pattern in the most beautiful colors and there's even a long strap to clip on to wear it on your shoulder!

My Gladstone Collection

My Gladstone Collection

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My next bag came to me in the sweetest of ways. I put myself on another hunt for a weekend bag and kept finding all the gems on ebay uk - (ebay uk is like the bane of my ebay existence) this bag was on there, and the shipping was $80? pft. no way! so... I let it go, and a few weeks later it appeared in my room! My sweet little dear of a boyfriend had sneakily won it for me! I took this thing everywhere and now it's in need of a fixin' - the straps need some new stitches and the front pocket flap needs to be conditioned somehow so it stays down... I took the bag to NY for the day last summer and the flap got wet from terrential downpours and it dried all funny.

My Gladstone Collection

the lining. the little key. my heart!

My Gladstone Collection

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I picked this little gem up last summer at Bobby From Boston! It's made of the funniest material, but the hardware is so beautiful and there's a little engraving at the clasp. He always has the most beautiful bags...

My Gladstone Collection

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It's true, I bought this one from him too! This past fall! I was looking for a black gladstone and had one picked out and everything, but I saw this laying on the pool table and I quickly changed my mind!

My Gladstone Collection

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I ended up finding a black one - $15 at a flea market this past winter! The leather is a bit crackley, it needs a cleaning and a leather conditioner - but, I was happy to find it so I don't even mind!

My Gladstone Collection

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The black bag is the last one I've found and I think with my birthday approaching (monday, eek!) it's time to celebrate my 2 year anniversary and find another one!!

I'm officially back on the prowl!


Anonymous said...

What beautiful bags! I wish I had bags with character, these look like they've been worn and enjoyed. I'm not sure if i've commented before but I love your blog and think your style is great :)

Rebecca said...

I live in the UK so ebay US is the bane of my life :)

Kelley Anne said...

I developed a taste for these beautiful bags from reading your blog:) Now I have several. I love the structure, the clasps...and have been looking for a floral one for a while now, maybe I'll get lucky soon:)

Wonderful post...and I adore Bobby from Boston, I've found some wonderful cotton dresses there, and its one of the few vintage stores that my husband enjoys as much as I do.

Mars said...

oh, what a wonderful collection :) i especially love the floral one! and i think i need to take a look at ebay uk, straight away! xD

Alice said...

Ohh, I would love a gladstone bag, I've been looking for a while and I found a nice one on ebay too, but it got far too expensive for me to even consider...Thats so sweet of your boyfriend, I think that ones my favourite too :)

Jessica said...

Yes, please, and thank you!!!! (The first one especially stole my heart!)


Marie said...

I love vintage purses, I have so many, but I have been collecting a long time. I just love their shape and details- like the sweet plaid lining in yours here! Happy hunting.

reckless daughter said...

What a lovely collection. I think that cherry vintage bag is my favorite!

hannah, heart city said...

you have the greatest collections! these bags are pure heaven, what lovely taste. i am just starting my own prowl for a gladstone.

Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Oh I love all your bags!!!! I have quite a large vintage bag collection myself. I need to take pictures and post on my blog soon. Lovely post!


Cait said...

you have a wonderful collection there, I'm jealous.
I've been looking for a Gladstone for a long time and I've never come across one.

Sandra said...

I love those bags! especially the carpet one! I'm trying to get used to carrying handbags instead of satchels , but they seem so impractical(though very pretty).

Love_Again said...

What a fantastic collection. I love the bag third from the bottom.

amy said...

gorgeous, but that first one totally takes the cake! it is out of this world. you certainly stumbled across a great treasure.

jessibee said...

Beautiful collection of bags. I would not hesitate to have every single one myself! Good luck with your next find!

sew nancy said...

I love every single one of those bags but am smitten with the floral one the most at the moment
i love bobby from boston too.
have a wonderful birthday

Isabel said...

I absolutely love the large black bag. They're all gorgeous!

claradevi said...

It is great to keep bags that have personal stories and remarkable certain feelings lied on it! I like everything about them.

meena meena said...

im not yet surfing the gladstone wave, but by the looks of it i definitly should give them a try!i really really enjoyed this post, your stories are so perfectly written, petite and they make me happy to read!

Amy P. said...

I love all the bags! I don't think there is one person out where who loves vintage but doesn't love Gladstone bags. The structure is tooo good to resist.

I've been on the prowl for one, not so persistent, but i keep my eyes open for something similar. Imitation Gladstone will probably be the closest I come...

Katy said...

I looove that first bag, with the wonderful floral pattern! Love!

Sasi said...

Love the first and the last one the most.

Rebecca Jane said...

these bags are fantastic - I love the first one especially. Beautiful!

Meghan said...

Love this blog about bags! I adore the carpet bag- amazing!!! love it!

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