Thursday, January 22, 2009

Uncle Wiggily's Adventures

I really like reading books out loud. I call them read alouds, and my boyfriend is usually my only audience. Right now we're reading Uncle Wiggly's Adventures and I think it's one of my favorites. There's too many silly characters to count, and they each get their own voice! 

The book chronicles the travels of dear old Uncle Wiggily - a rabbit with one crutch, a big 'ol Mary Poppins-esque satchel and a nasty case of rheumatism. The narrator has a peculiar sense of humor too and touches upon Uncle Wiggily's near death encounters with very, very hungry animals. There's also his meet up with Fido Flip-Flop, the ex-circus poodle dog who does tricks for his supper and turns even the meanest of foxes dizzy at his sight.... Surprise parties hosted by Arabella Chick in her humble chicken coop with games like, "Please don't sit on my hat, and I won't sit on yours." ..And there's other stories I haven't gotten to yet, like those of paper boats, mud pies, and hundreds of ants teaming together to carry a glass of water to Uncle Wiggily. As if this wasn't great enough - the illustrations are strange in the most wonderful way!


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Uncle Wiggily Starts Off

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I promise - if you read one, you won't be able to stop!


Anonymous said...

wow, that reminds me of the Uncle Wiggily board game my father and aunt had when they were growing up! Luckily my grandmother is a packrat so I got to play it growing up too.

Jess said...

Sounds fantastic. Definitely my cup of tea. Your synopsis reminded me of one of my favorite tales by Beatrix Potter called The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck. A sly fox cons Jemima into laying her eggs away from her farm so that he can have her and her eggs for supper. A collie dog and puppies saves her from the fox, but the puppies eat her eggs anyway. Strange childrens story for sure.

I'm doing a giveaway of some vintage crafting supplies sometime next week. Stop by if you would like to participate.


the snail and the cyclops said...

kristin: thank you SO much for sharing that! I'm going to go poke around ebay and see if there are any floating around!!!

sushipie: I loved Beatrix Potter as a child! That story sounds great, but terribly sad!!! Unfortunately I don't remember her stories that much. One Easter morning my parents hid all sorts of Peter Rabbit toys/books around the house - it still is one of my favorite holiday memories! I still have a bunnykins plate/mug/bowl set!! I'm definitely going to have to re-read those stories now!

Jessica said...

oh this book sounds so silly and magical! the illustrations are beautiful as well. thanks for sharing :)

streetdawgz said...

i love this man-rabbit.

hanne said...

I bought a copy of this book a few months ago from a local antique store! I am absolutely in love with the quirky stories and characters, just as you are. Such a great book (even if it IS meant for kids)!

streetdawgz said...

i thought i told you to stop posting what i scan. stop it. stop it. stop. i loved scanning this book. but not anymore.
- benny

Erica Kelly said...

so cute! one of my good friends and i are reading Alice In Wonderland together out loud :) it's really a bonding experience.

Evangeline said...

I used to read the adventures of uncle wiggily when I was little! I loved them!

Georgia Rose said...

Aww, these pictures are so lovely!

Missa said...

I had the Uncle Wiggily board game growing up too! Wonderful illustrations :)

Parapluie said...

This looks wonderful!

Suzy said...

I love reading f. scott fitzgerald aloud with my boyfriend; those characters say the most ridiculous things!

Unknown said...

I cannot believe you posted this! When I was a little girl I was told that the man who created the character Uncle Wiggily was a relative of mine and I was given an Uncle Wiggily board game. I have long forgotten Uncle Wiggily until this post, I must go now and get the scoop from my father and see if this is at all true or my memory is playing tricks on me! And maybe locate the board game! ~Missmarymackk

sew nancy said...

My Mom has beautiful original Uncle Wiggily dolls but, I've never read the stories. Now I'm very intrigued. My Mom absolutely is in love with her dolls

i'm B. said...

this was my favorite book as a child! my dad read it to us--with all the voices, of course!

Anastasia said...

wow! where do you find these things!! i haven't heard of this book before and i have such an obsession with old children's books! Enid Blyton books were always my 'read aloud' books.
hope you're doing well missy!! xx

Q's Daydream said...

Those pictures are beautiful! My hubby Jonny love to read a loud to me. :o)

Also, I saw on SallyJaneVintage that you bought that adorable plaid dress from etsy. One of the cutest dresses I've every seen! I was hoping that if you bought it from a store you could give me the name? Maybe they'll have something just as cute one day. Thanks!!!

LF said...

These illustrations are fantastic! They would look so good framed in similar frames & on a wall, have a lovely day!

jess s

Unknown said...

These remind me of my favorite children's book the Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Clement Hurd. You might like it too because it was published in the 40's... not as old as Uncle Wiggily, but still charming as anything!

Meaghan Kelly said...

where do you find all these fantastic children's books?

also, today while i browsed the book section at U.O. I saw you in a book! the What I Wore Today book!

i'm sure you have seen it, but congratulations! being in a book is pretty awesome!


Wild Keiki said...

This looks absolutely amazing. Where did you find such a story?

Thank you for sharing, dear.

Aberdeen said...

I wish books still used printing for illustrations. :(

Penny said...

that book sounds wonderful!! it's so sweet that you read to your boyfriend!

also, check my blog for the FABOLOUS BLOG AWARD, I'm giving you!

celia said...

I need to get a copy right now, thanks for sharing :)

{Tara} said...

Awwww...this brings back memories! I used to have an Uncle Wiggly board game that I loved to play.

Sasha Foster said...


I just stumbled upon your blog and I love everything about it. Theres nothing better than beautiful clothes paired with early 20th century childrens book illustrations.

thank you for making my day

mary catherine said...

(imagine me singing this operatically): i gave your blog an awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!! deets on my blog :)

AAAAAAAND i got my super-precious navy bow-crown (what do you call it, anyway??) and it is so pretty and special. and thank you for your dear, dear note :) you are just the best!!! much lovelovelove!!! mary catherine

porter hovey said...

That is really just too adorable . . . and what wonerful illustrations!!

the snail and the cyclops said...

thank you so much for all the lovliness everyone!

Mary: that's AMAZING - you have magic running through your family tree! I hope you can locate that board game! I ended up finding one on ebay and I'm going to open it up tonight!!

sew nancy: I would really love to see what the dolls look like! You should definitely post photos of them sometime!!

ZombieLace: thank you so much for the recommendation! It's right up my alley!!

Meaghan: haha, I still haven't had a chance to check that book out! I realllly need to but I try to avoid Urban Outfitters at all cots! Thanks for reminding me though, maybe it'll go on their super clearance and I can pick up a copy!

Sasha: thank you so much for your sweetness - that comment totally made my day!

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