Saturday, September 6, 2008

a work in progress

A few Saturdays ago I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and decided I hated the new room and needed to change it around. It's a very similar setup to my old room, but I just can't sleep well without being near a window. I've been slowly collecting pieces of lace for my windows and the fabric canopy above my bed, it's not finished yet, but it's coming along! I also need to find some antique inspired light bulbs for the ceiling fixture

Today it's been so hot and sticky I've been hiding in here with the air conditioner on and listening to old Duke Ellington songs. (This one is my favorite!)


loveology said...

How gorgeous is this! Beyond!
I love it so much...

Oh, i've becaome an aunt this nephew is so precious and beautiful...if you like, take a look at my blog for the pictures of him being only a few hours old..

Have a lovely sunday!


elysia mann said...

wow! you did an amazing job- what a gorgeous space! you're lucky!

Jeannie Vincent said...

the lighting is beautiful!

i think you came into my store the other day!! [fresh]

hope you are enjoying the goodies :)

Victoria said...;jsessionid=0a0105531f43807382df86294b5cb60c867289f50151.e3eSc3uRax8Te34Pa38Ta38Mb3z0?it=A&id=20081&sc=9&category=33
would look lovely in you light fixture... you might find them cheaper at Home Depot?

Wild Keiki said...

Oh my gosh your room is amazing! It looks so cozy and inviting. If I had one like it, I'd spend the weekend dreaming away.

Hope you are well!


dw said...

i do believe you might live in a dream.

Stella Polaris said...

So Miss Havisham!
(And this is a silly question, but it just sprang to my mind: how will you get rid of the dust on the canopy?)

Alicia - Sea Of Ghosts said...

oh that looks like such a cozy little nook! i wish my bedroom lent itself to that kind of set up. beautiful! xx

Casey Maura said...

what a gorgeous, romantic spot! I love how layered and airy everything is... so inspiring!

Unknown said...

I would love to have your room! I'd be thinking I wouldn't be a wake yet because your room is a dreamy place. :)

Wish the best for this sunday.

Brittany said...

I love this room! It's so gorgeous!
I wish I had your life! haha

B-b-b-etty said...

Love it! It looks like a lovely dream feels like if you understand ;D

Vergangenheitshang said...

Really cozy.

{Tara} said...

So beautiful! It's like a girly tent!

Thumbelina said...

Oh my!! How amazing it would be to sleep in that room, it looks beautiful already! The lighting in the photos make it look all those more dreamy and romantic. I just love the softness of the lace and the billowy canopy. So charming! And thank you for you sweet comment on my blog <3. Oh I would definitely trade places with you in an instant! I have been to Boston three times and it is just one of my favorite cities!
Ciao ciao dear,

Jane said...

your bedroom looks so dreamy
how I wish I had one like that!

Outi said...

This is so cute! I like the lace and the general mood you've created.

Susanna-Cole King said...

Oh wow this is so beautiful, and I love the warm colors! Looks like the perfect place to be cozy in and relax! :)


Anonymous said...

oh this is so gorgeous and beautiful! I love it!

H. Camerio said...

2nd what casey said! i wish i could do a canopy in our room, but we have a big ugly fan/light :(

Laura said...

That's stunning! Makes my bedroom look very boring and random all of a sudden. :p Really, you've done a great job!

andrea said...

DREAM BEDROOM. I concur with all the ladies who've already gushed over the splendor of your bedroom nook!

(BTW--I've been reading your blog for awhile, and started my own little one recently if you would like to trade links!)


vallmovild said...

your room is amazing. and Duke Ellington also! me and my father use to dance to him in the kitchen, or, he's trying to teach me to dance but I'm hopeless. ha.

Owl and the Grapes said...

Oh this is lovely. It looks so warm and cosy and I do love that the bed is to the side of the window, rather than facing away.

Stacey said...

It looks super cozy and enchanting at the same time :)

I'd love to feature your blog in mine... My blog is all about classy modest apparels and of course I just love your sense of style ;)

Feel free to visit

Betsey said...

i can't sleep well without being next to a window either! i really love this room; so peaceful and lovely.

KATLIN said...

Oh my gosh, this looks like something out of a movie!!! Gorgeous! I'd feel like a vintage doll sleeping in that bed!

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