Thursday, January 6, 2011

Alice and Studio Choo

These flowers were a surprise from my best girl, Alice. I was sick with a stupid cold a few weeks back and missing family something terrible and then I got a mysterious call from Studio Choo one morning and the next thing I knew, these were at my door!

studio choo

studio choo

studio choo

studio choo

Thy came in a big mason jar with a green velvet and lace ribbon. And to top it off, a cursive typewritten note!!


Carys said...

These are so beautiful!! There is something really lovely about receiving flowers, it makes you feel so special, I must start sending them.
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

Veronica said...

Ooooh, those are beautiful! Lucky girl ;)


anabela / fieldguided said...

So thoughtful, that Alice! And such a beautiful bouquet.

Caroline Ergy Erg said...

That looks so sweet, the jar it is in makes a lovely touch! xxxx

Poke Salad Annie said...

wow, those are absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, they're wonderful. I love tulips, and white flowers look so elegant. What good friends you have!

Amber said...

what a sweet friend you have

Meggy said...

Oh, how incredibly sweet of Alice! What a good friend. The peonies you gave us -- I couldn't bear to throw them away, so I let them turn brown and sit on my table for forever. I'd never heard of Studio Choo before, but now I really want to take a flower arranging class with them! Or: they offer delivery subscriptions! Imagine how lovely that would be, if you/I were super $$$$$!

xo Meggy

Niki said...

I've been working really late loads recently, and one night, my friends showed up outside the building with a massive bunch of flowers for me, and a big goodie bag to get me through the late hours.

It's so lovely that your friend did this for you - what a darling! These are the kind of people that the world needs to multiply! x

Caroline said...

What a great way to have your day brightened. Such a sweet friend.

Monique said...

That bouquet is just beautiful. Glad you're feeling better. Nothing like fresh flowers to brighten up your day.

Annalise said...

Super sweet. What a sweet friend too!

Chia May said...

wow the flowers are super pretty! your so lucky to have such a nice friend! :)

Tracey said...

Such lovely flowers ... such a wonderful friend! :)
The photos are beautiful too! :)

Alexandra said...

I love receiving flowers,it's so pleasant .

alexandra @

Kass DeBoer said...

Wow, those flowers are so pretty. What a sweet gift.

xoxo mama wolf.

elena nuez said...

such a beautiful pictures!!!!
greetings from Spain

quietandsmalladventures said...

lovely flowers! i finally wore a gorgeous dress from your shop last night and i love it!! here's the link and the credits...

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!
An award came my way..and I would like to pass it over to you!Check out my last post!

The Dandizette said...

Aww how beautiful, and so thoughtful! You have the most amazing friend :)

Just found your blog and love it! Following you my dear.


A said...

oh my. these are gorgeousssss.. im obsessed. they have such beautiful arrangements.

heleen said...

Oh that's so sweet of your friend. You photographed them beautifully as well, they blend in perfect with those odd bits and bobs. I'm not a fan of mathematics in the least, but that arithmetics book looks so pretty between all the other things.


i die for studio choo! those flowers are to die for.

x | |

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