Sunday, June 27, 2010

So long SF

Today is my last full day in San Francisco before leaving for my Massachusetts July summer vacation. The weather has been really foggy and pretty cold, but today wad finally nice enough to wear my new dress! I found it on ebay in the Edwardian section, and it came all the way from France! I don't normally buy things if they're coming from another county (I'm too impatient to wait for the shipping) But, everything just sounds so much nicer when the word 'France' or 'French' is in the listing title, why is that?! It also reminded me of those nice Burberry ones that cost a fortune... This one was $30 with free shipping!

I'm also wearing a hat. Which, is weird. I don't wear hats. I just feel strange in them. I've had this one hanging around for a while and I figured it was time to take it out today.

Today was spent mostly running about doing little un-important errands. I took a few lomo photos while we were out and about around the city - but for good measure I wanted to take a few digital photos in our courtyard. We were hoping that Westley would be able to run around a bit while we snapped photos, but the little Peter Rabbit rascal kept trying to wiggle through the gate and get back into the basement of our apartment building. The basement is where all the trash/recycling is held so it's basically every dog's dream buffet.

He also got himself a little summer haircut yesterday to prepare for the insanity that is East Coast summer humid heat. I miss his old fox face terribly, but I know it's for the best... Hopefuly that hair will grow quick though!


I have that roll of film to develop, but I have so many things I haven't done yet that I should probably wait until I get back to MA to have it done.. In the mean time - I hope everyone is well and enjoying summer!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2 Months !

Today is Westley's 2 month adoption birthday! I can't believe it's been 2 months already!! To celebrate I bought him a new stuffed pheasant toy and some treats that are okay for his special allergy diet. He eats duck and potatoes (in pup food form) for every meal and I wanted to go out and get some real duck for him tonight, but maybe we'll put on the ritz for his 1 year!

Ultimate Scoundrel

If you follow me on flickr, I apologize now because the following photos are old news. And if you don't really like dogs, then I also apologize because the following post is full of photos of a certain little white scrapper dog!

A Littlest Man

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blouse Rack

Nothing very exciting has happened around here worthy of photographing. No cool day trips, nice outfits, new findings... Nothin'.
No. Wait. I take that back I found this nice rack at a garage sale in my neighborhood last weekend. I was hoping to make the designated 1385 rack, but it's too short. So, I put my blouses and shorter jackets on it.

new blouse rack

It's sitting in my living room because well, I have a bunch of boxes and random things I didn't feel like dealing after unpacking (10 months ago...) that are piling up on my closet. Trying to slowly clean that out ... And in the mean time I've ruthlessly parted with some nice things that are now on etsy. Lots of random things. Hopefully more tomorrow! Who knows.

But tomorrow there will definitely be lots and lots of photos of this little white flufferpup!

floor mop

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Additions

I seem to be finding a lot of nice blouses lately, which I've been really excited about! It's a nice change from wearing dresses. But, I have to say I have a truly pathetic skirt collection and I've come up totally empty handed the past couple of weeks searching on ebay/etsy. The blouses though, they seem to be in abundance! I'm really excited about this sweet 30s netting/ruffle puffer sleeve I got in an Edwardian lot on ebay. There was a lacey 50s blouse and 2 Edwardian blouses that'll be making their way onto etsy soon enough.

. . .

This past Sunday was the Alameda flea market. Probably the thing I look forward to the most each month. I usually like to leave my apartment around 6:30/7 to get there nice and early before all the good stuff is gone and there's too many people to weave around. Well.. I woke up late this week, and then last minute we decided to bring Westley so he could go for a nice long walk while I shopped and by the time I finally got there it was past 9 o'clock... I wasn't expecting to find much. All of the good reasonably priced things were probably scooped up by the time I was making the rounds... But I was happily surprised to find two of my favorite flea market finds, ever! And it was almost immediately upon getting there, just right in the center aisle row...

Two silk chiffon blouses in practically perfect condition ... for $20 each... $40 total for silk chiffon with amaaazing needle work! What the what !? The lady I bought them from was my ideal flea market vendor. Really sweet, an amazing collection of things, fully aware of the gems she had but willing to part with them for reasonable prices. She used to wear the blouses when she was my age and they smelled like jasmine when I was steaming them out. Perfect.

They're so similar to the silk chiffon Lyell blouses from the current Spring collection, at 1/26 of the price! So happy these found their way to me!!!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

cupcakes, garden roses and seahorses

cupcakes and tea

Yesterday was Meggy's birthday! So to help her celebrate I made red velvet cupcakes (with the Sprinkles cake mix) and home made cream cheese frosting. It was definitely my first attempt at making cupcakes. I was more or less prepared to except defeat as soon as I started, but I was pretty happy with how they turned out! It was also my first attempt at applying frosting and that turned out okayy. I need to practice ... I would also like a kitchen aid mixer for future attempts ... But I don't see one entering my life for another few years.

garden rose

I would also like to say that this cut garden rose has changed my thoughts on keeping roses in the house and more or less changed my daily life routine a bit. It smells SO beautiful. I move it around with me depending on what room I'll be in. Above the sink while I'm washing dishes. On the table when I'm doing computer work. I would make my own rose water with it if I could ever bring myself to take those petals apart. The thought of having my own little dirt road cottage is seeming even lovelier if I could only have a few bushes of these around!



That JHP seahorse cuff is something I'm really excited to have in my life! One of the elusive Jean Painlevé seahorse jewelry pieces they made in the 30s. This is my second piece, I have a brooch as well and I'd really love to keep building my collection. This one is beautiful with seafoam bakelite and a perfectly un-perfect patina. I don't normally wear bracelets but this one feels really perfect on my wrist.

William Morris

About a zillion years ago, my mom and I went on a day trip to Newport, RI. If you're from the East Coast you'll know that Newport is probably the beautiful Summer mansion homes of forgotten billionaires Capital of the US. It's also home to the Newport Folk Festival. And the Skoal Room, where my dad's 60s garage band used to play during the busy summer tourist season.

Anyway, my mum and I visited the Chateau-sur-Mer and I fell head over heels for a lot of the stuff in that house. So much of it was brought over the Atlantic and there was a strong theme of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement throughout.

The pieces in the house were beautiful, but I think I fell in love with the ideas of the movement more then anything. People were fed up with that was being produced in bulk by machines and instead wanted to shift back to original designs created by a skilled hand.

One of my very favorite blogs, The Textile Blog posted some of William Morris' original artwork and I couldn't help but re-post some of the images. They make me totally weak in the knees while pulling on every heartstring.

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Rose, 1883

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Honeysuckle, 1883

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Jasmine, 1872

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The search is on!

June 1970

This is my mum at the tender age of 19. Looking like a total beach babe and I can't get over how dang cute she was. I've had this photo scanned in for a long time - but it somehow disappeared (I could have sworn it was on flickr!) I finally found it today in the depths of my hard drive.

It's funny - as I'm getting a little older I feel like I'm finally figuring out my personal style. And I've also realized my mum has been my biggest influence. From the way she dressed when she was my age to the things I surround myself with in my apartment. My lace dress obsession definitely comes from her... that's just the start of it. And you know, all of those funny little things she used to tell me that I would just shrug off are finally clicking in. (right now it's been to wear more shades of pink and white and to keep my hair long!) I guess this is what happens when you grow up a little bit.

Well, anyway - after looking at this photo for a little while I realized my mom has the most AMAZING tote bag in existence. Creamy white, with the perfect shade of dark brown leather crisscross straps... And so my search is on for a bag like this. I'm hoping my mom can clue me in to where she got it/what brand it was - but in the mean time, if any of you lovely ladies find something similar in your internet/real life searches - please, please let me know!!! (I'll also take a navy blue/white dot bikini like that but I'm not pushing my luck!)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pink Dresses



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I was trying to clean up my desktop this morning and I saw a folder that's been sitting around for a while, Pink Dresses. I had a roll of film that was almost ready to be developed but there was just a few pictures at the end that weren't snapped. Instead of just pointing at nothing and twisting the wheel, I pulled out two of my favorite old dresses.

. . .

After the photos came back I thought it might be nice to take more photos of my other pink dresses. But... that was a few months ago and I almost forgot these photos even existed until this morning! Maybe someday ...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Strawberry season

the good days

It's that time of the year.... Strawberry season: the good days. When the summer's just starting and it's totally acceptable to spend a lazy weekend with red fingertips and little stains on the front of your dress/shorts/bathing suit. Maybe even preferred? As long as I can remember the first weekend in June is always a scorcher on the East Coast. The weather is a bit different in San Francisco, but the forecast is predicting 70s and I'm totally okay with that.

And I'm totally okay with the fact that these strawberries I picked up this morning will probably be gone by tomorrow morning. I had somehow forgotten they were in season but was happily reminded when I saw all the little open green pints lined up at the market. 3 for $10 and I have to say, it was a pretty darn great investment.

Happy lazy strawberry stained summer weekend !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today I wish ...


Today I woke up wishing I was a ballerina.

Tara-Lynn's post yesterday about New York City ballerinas of the 1960's struck a chord... I found myself looking through some of her other ballerina photos this morning and then I immediately went into my closet and tried to find something with a nice scoop neck and a good flowey skirt. I almost came up empty handed but then I remembered I bought this pink swiss dot 30s dress at Alameda last month.

It's been sitting in a wrinkled, sad mess for the past few weeks. There's split seams everywhere, and little rips and tears throughout the fabric - it's beyond repair, but it's still wearable and I prefer things a little tattered anyway. It actually used to be floor length until I chopped a few inches off this morning - I didn't feel bad doing it and I don't think I'll ever bother finishing the hem.

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