Today is my last full day in San Francisco before leaving for my Massachusetts July summer vacation. The weather has been really foggy and pretty cold, but today wad finally nice enough to wear my new dress! I found it on ebay in the Edwardian section, and it came all the way from France! I don't normally buy things if they're coming from another county (I'm too impatient to wait for the shipping) But, everything just sounds so much nicer when the word 'France' or 'French' is in the listing title, why is that?! It also reminded me of those nice Burberry ones that cost a fortune... This one was $30 with free shipping!

I'm also wearing a hat. Which, is weird. I don't wear hats. I just feel strange in them. I've had this one hanging around for a while and I figured it was time to take it out today.

Today was spent mostly running about doing little un-important errands. I took a few lomo photos while we were out and about around the city - but for good measure I wanted to take a few digital photos in our courtyard. We were hoping that Westley would be able to run around a bit while we snapped photos, but the little Peter Rabbit rascal kept trying to wiggle through the gate and get back into the basement of our apartment building. The basement is where all the trash/recycling is held so it's basically every dog's dream buffet.
He also got himself a little summer haircut yesterday to prepare for the insanity that is East Coast summer humid heat. I miss his old fox face terribly, but I know it's for the best... Hopefuly that hair will grow quick though!

I have that roll of film to develop, but I have so many things I haven't done yet that I should probably wait until I get back to MA to have it done.. In the mean time - I hope everyone is well and enjoying summer!