Working at home can kind of make you crazy. It was nice when Alice and I lived together - periodic human interaction in between sewing and photos and joint post office trips. But, when one is doing said things solo, it's not always so fun. So, today I woke up and I thought, I'm going to take myself out to breakfast. So I gussied myself up, and putzed about and before I knew it- breakfast was lunch and then I decided, going out to eat by ones own self isn't so much fun.

So, I thought - well I'll snap some photos... and in the time it took me to build my tripod (aka stool/multiple boxes and a piece of styrofoam setup) I knocked over a cup of coffee and stepped on a few other things. So I do suppose that I better stay home and clean up this mess.
Well, anyway - whilst I'm cleaning (aka eating rocky road ice cream and watching lost on netflix) ... you should check out the fully stocked etsy shop. This dress was supposed to make its way there today, but I think I'm going to hold onto it - just for a little while. Even though it's a size too big and I'm pinching it a bit in the back to make it look right!

(but if you realllllly love it, let me know - and i'll list it sooner!)
Reallllly loving the dress! And if it's a tad too big for you it might be just right for me. What prize range were you thinking?
I'm still wearing it - but if i I had to guess I'd say the waist would be about a 26"-27" and the bust probably 34"-36"
There's a bit of damage at the back of the dress - a weird faint discoloration streak down the back, and there was a tear in the fabric by the shoulder that got mended with a white patch that kind of shows through a bit... so, I haven't decided! Maybe around $40-$46 ? I don't know!!! I don't want to sell it for too much because of those reasons, but at the same time it's so amazing that I wonder if I should just hold onto it!
You look beautiful in that dress, even despite it being a little too big.
I completely understand where you are coming from with the working at home thing. I have been doing it for a year now, and for the last four months I have been living in the country, away from all my friends in the city. I tend to feel a little crazy sometimes and rather lonely..I have my fiance but no other day to day, face to face, communication with people. Lucky for my weekend trips into to the city to see my pals!
Your shop is looking excellent, so many goodies!
awe, i often consider taking myself out to breakfast too...but alas, i never get up the nerve!
your photos turned out lovely!
Love this dress! Really pretty :) I know what you mean about working from home, it can make me a little stir crazy :)
I've made a page for your blog on Wikifashion for V-day. You can have a look at my blog for more info, we also have badges for everyone to use :)
that dress is gorgeous!
PS: you are so tiny! it's a wonder everything isn't a bit too big on you ;)
amazing dress!!!!
I understand the sometime cabin fever of working from home, I used to do that and it drove me a little crazy.
I love your dress, very very pretty
I love those tights and your hair is ah-mazing. ;D
Mmmm. I was just thinking this morning that I'd love to work from home!
Hi there! Wow I just checked your Etsy and I am loving those feedsack dresses, just too cute! Those little floral prints make me weak in the knees.
I take myself out for Greek food once a week and take a book with me. I actually really look forward to it... my dog is my only coworker now!
Hope you are well, you certainly look it ;)
Seriously, it is too bad we didn't know one another when you lived in MA. I cannot wait to look at your etsy store now!
Ooooo, super super awesome! Yeah, I think you should probably hold onto it for at least a little while. It's really the bees knees!
rahhh! so pretty! xx
I totally understand your dilemma! I would so hold onto that kind of dress, but if you eventually decide to sell it I 'll promice to give it a loving home (if your guess is right it would be just the right size for me).
Have a lovely weekend!
That is a lovely dress, you look delightful in it!
Love your blog, do feel free to visit mine :)
You look lovely in that dress - its a shame its a tad too big for you!
that's such a pretty dress... and you look really great in it! i also really love your first outfit... that blouse is wonderful!
I can't even tell you home many times I have set about to do something while working at home and ended up doing exactly what you did: eating food I shouldn't getting totally engrossed in a TV show/movie. Sometimes, we just need those kind of days.
sounds like my mornings! you looked lovely, even if for staying in :)
Beautiful dress. I just love following your blog, your photos and fashions are so sweet.
i started reading this post and can SO identify since i also work from home and get quite lonely in fact. then i scrolled down and see a blouse i recognize. :)
i love your blog!!!!
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