1. Interestingness
2. Rarity
3. Condition in relation to Age
4. Just plain 'ol general awesomeness
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Uhmmmm, whaat!?!? I didn't even know something like this could exist in the world! Not only are there 12 beautiful animal stamps but there's also three ink pads and a slew of other little paper bits all stamped up and colored on!

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I'm not entirely sure on the age. The company was founded in 1860 and one of the ink pads says 1910 on it... so it's somewhere between 150 - 100 years old ... crazy, right? It blows my mind that a children's stamp set could survive its early years with the original owner, never-mind be carried along through the generations! Or maybe it belonged to a very fussy, and particular child who kept their toys neat and shiny and after they grew out of these stamps they were kept safe inside a box only to be rescued years and years later. Who knows! And that's part of the fun about it!
All I have to say about its prior life- whoever this little bebe was had some amaaazing crayon color blending techniques!

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I also really love how simple the stamps are in comparison to the drawings that accompany them!

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Now I just need to track down a stamp pad. In the shuffle of moving I seemed to misplace all of mine, and would you believe it- Dick Blick doesn't carry even a silly blank ink pad?!?
What a amazing find! I found a young girl's c.1924 scrapbook from her entire year at school over 75 pages of amazing pictures, etc. When you find such lovely things, it's like your in charge of keeping it safe for years to come.
Ohhhhh dreamy, dreamy, dreamy!!!! Who wouldda known something this amazing existed in the world, waiting for you to find it? Haha and yer the best (referencing the bebe with amazing crayon blending skills).
Oh my this is just wonderful, an amazing find!
How fantastic!
such an incredible find!
These are unreal! Score!
Have you posted something about this before? It looks familiar! Its such an amazing find though, I can't believe how old it is!!
that is amazing! i have a similar type thing from my great grandfather. it's all letters & you spell out what you want. similar to what alice has.
also, you should forget new stamp pads & just re-ink these ones! you can get a think of ink & you just roll it all over the stamp pad.
this is seriously incredible. you win.
What a great set! Some kids just are quite particular. I always was. I nearly cried when my niece and nephew tore apart and drew all over my treasured vinyl stories and books I gave them when they were the same age.
Perfection! Those ink pads are divine! The camel one is from the camel cigarette company isn't it!?!?! How quaint/creepy that cigarette companies used to have lovely little things for the kiddies. ;-)
Adorable, as always! Thanks for sharing!
holy moly how incredible! nothing is so cheery as a great set of stamps.
i love this, it is so cute and perfect. you must hold on to them tightly. just a wonderful find, dear. this is amazing! xx
oh thanks for sharing. I want to do a similar post one of these days now ;-) also wanted to say a quick yay to how often you've been posting lately. :-)
That is pretty darned fabulous.
these stamps are AMAZING!
Wow this is a great find! I always find children's old toys and such in antique stores and long for the day when I have a child so I can just decorate their whole room with it! (or my own room....)
These are beautiful and I love the messy way the stamps have been colored. Adds an extra layer of loveliness...
Bad Dick!
You could probably make your own stamp pad out of a sponge and ink.
Oh, your blog is absolutely amazing and you are so beautiful.
this is too adorable.
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