I'm back in San Francisco! Somehow every time I come back to California from visiting New England I always, always end up taking back an extra suitcase. This time I was extra embarrassed because they put a "heavy" tag on it... But, my dress form is in there! along with a whole lotta other random things... I even had hair clips from my grandmother's beauty shop shoved into the pockets of my coats... A day in the life of a traveling hoarder is all.
Like a nice 6" stack of old maps. (from my grandmother's house)

and a good pile of 1974 reprint Randolph Caldecott postcards (from Putnam)

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and string!!!!!!!!! I love string.. I think I forgot to add that my list yesterday. I guess I love any sort of old general store supplies. Because I do love old labels too... (all from my gram's attic)

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All sorts of bits, some to put in packages - some to keep (from gram's attic too!)

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And these crazy old lady shoes...A racing stripe down the back of a cork heel and embroidered flowers. Yes, they fit the crazy old lady bill quite perfectly. And I think they're going to be good for Spring. (these are part of this collection and were left behind in the move along with 5 or so other pairs... it's insanity!)

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This special little box once belonged to my Great Uncle, who's 93!! It's his First Communion attire and it's so sweetly placed into that box. I love that its been sitting like that for 80 years!

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I have a bunch of my grandmother's old Cosmetology certificates around the house. I love them because they look like fancy medical certificates - but, nahh - just for gussying gals up. Here's another nice one to add to my collection!

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I found a nice Owens Illinois canister for only $20 in Putnam.. People are always trying to sell these things for $30 - $60. So, if you want to start a collection, be patient!! I found 2 for $30 once at a flea market once! And some anemone bunches from the Ferry Building Farmer's Market ... I could seriously look at these flowers all day!

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And last but not least, and maybe my favorite thing - a little, little baby elephant who once belonged to my Aunt Bettie. My mom set him aside for me and he was waiting for me when I got back to MA two weeks ago. There was also a really sweet letter sitting next to him that my mom wrote to her mom when she was a little girl. Asking for a puddle (in little girl language that translates to a poodle) I took photos of it because it's so darn cute, but I think she might be a little embarrassed to have that on here! We'll see, we'll see ... it's kind of too cute not to post!

And that concludes my New England loot. Well, actually - there's a few more things I found in Putnam including a nice wool dress with a cowl neck, a few cotton Victorian blouses (amy, this means I'm working on a package for you!) and one more other thing that deserves its own blog post - but I can't resist showing a little sneak because it's THAT amazing.

You'll just have to guess at what it is for now!
ok, your grandmas attic is magical! i wanna visit it too
Incredible collection. This post makes me feel like I just perused an antique emporium.
Like Betty Lou said: pure magic!
You've got some beautiful finds there - your grandmas attic sounds amazing!
That little elephant is so cute and I love packages tied up with string, you always find some lovely gems to pop in your packages! :)
Wow, so many great things! Those shoes are great, the racing stripe makes them perfect!!
Dreaaam loot! Everything you find is made from pure magic. Oh shucks, and that elephant!!! I kind of recently bought a funny little old elephant for myself, too! He's tiny, though! Oh dear oh dear, and I know what the secrett issss! xx
you must have inherited your hoarder tendencies from your sweet granny! ;)
Your grandmas attic must be the funnest place to explore!
I love the elephant. so sweet.
thanks for always sharing such wonderful goodies!
Love the shoes! So cute.
Oh, what fab photos! Not to mention the things IN 'em!! I do believe I have a children's book collection -- which I've kept since I was small, because I'm a tad of a hoarder myself! -- with stories that feature that same artist's work. Maybe I should get around to posting them sometime...
Anyhow, I love your blog :)
*faints* Oh my golly, lady--you find some amazing treasures! :D I love the mental image I got of you stuffing your pockets with little things while traveling; sounds exactly like something I'd do. ;) haha!
I cannot tell you how much I adore that little elephant! So sweet!!!!
♥ Casey
blog | elegantmusings.com
so many treasures! i always end up bringing back some treasures of my own whenever i go up to visit my mom in Mass. so much fun!
wow. These finds are amazing.
There was a terrifying moment when i had to wait for that amy link to load and i was thinking oh shit. Does she know another amy?!?!?!?!?
I have things for you. and the seasons have rotated since i first started finding them, so they almost make sense now!
oh, hey - thanks everyone!!!
lexie - YES. I did.....
retasroses vintage - ohh, you really should! I'd love to see photos!
Amy - No, no - you are my one and only!!!
Oh, that little elephant! So cute!
Looking at this nearly brought tears to my eyes, but I pushed them back because I am sitting in a public place. Gotta love Starbucks and the WiFi!
This reminds me of when I was going through my grandmothers things. I have her old swimsuit and some dresses she use to wear. I also have all the purses that when I was a little girl I wasn't allowed to play with because they were her FANCY ones. Its amazing the treasures that can be found and the wonderful stories that go along with them.
That shoe collection is mighty fine! THis makes me want to rush up to my Nana's house in NE. I can't believe the treasure trove of things that grandma's keep.
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