Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 8 - Hearst Castle

We've been back from Los Angeles since Tuesday night but I've been on the verge of getting sick all week (and still am) so it's taken me a few days to get film developed... I finally got out of the house, so now I can share photos from our trip!

My favorite part of visiting Southern California was stopping at Hearst Castle... ahhhh - I want to go back right now! Actually, I want to move in!!!!!!!

We took Tour 2 - and I snapped about a zillion digital photos that I will definitely share - but in keeping with the Lomo adventure series, here all the film photos from the day!

california lyfe stylez

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Celestial Suite

Celestial Suite

Celestial Suite

And by far, hands down - the very best room in the house - the Celestial Suite .... 360° of those glowing windows - no camera could possibly capture the amount of warmth and just plain old dreaminess of that room. I died. Really and truly.

Okay, more to come! Fore sure you'll be sick of Hearst Castle when I'm through with you!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 7 - Golden Gate Park

I'm supposed to be packed and ready to leave for LA in ohhhh, about 50 minutes. Yet here I am sitting in my pajamas with nothing accomplished.

I thought I'd post these photos really quick before I left so they don't get lost within the depth of my flickr account. They're from Monday, President's Day - when it started out sunny and so warm and then turned chilly and foggy... San Francisco, you seem to do this to me every time!

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Legion of Honor


(outside the Legion of Honor)

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sad buffalo

(buffalo in Golden Gate Park)

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Okay! Super speedy rushed packing here I go!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 6 - Stamps and Watercolors in the Park

I just got the rest of my film back from this past lovely long weekend and I'm sad that it's gone and over with. But, we're going on a car trip to Los Angeles on Saturday so there's more fun to be had in only 4 days! (the joys of having Valentine's Day and an anniversary so close together!)




These photos were from Valentine's day afternoon when we set up camp in one of the many clearings of Golden Gate Park and made use of some of my animal stamps! I was feeling inspired by the little child who colored in their own scenes before me so I thought it might be nice to stamp on some mini kraft envelopes and paint them in.



Well, I for one don't know a thing about using watercolors so the outcome was somewhat pathetic. And the antique animals don't seem to want to stamp (a problem I've put at the back of my mind and will try cleaning them later to see if that helps)... But luckily I brought along my other set and spent the day painting snails and sea horses!! I think this might be my new favorite thing to do, so if anyone wants in - let me know!!!!





Now, back to getting shop updates together! Gots me some bills to pay and a road trip to make some pocket monies for!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 5 - Puttin' on the Ritz

Spring has found its way to San Francisco during this lovely, sunny, triple holiday weekend! Happy, happy, happy to everyone!!!

Yesterday my boyfriend and I made a last minute decision to go out for afternoon tea at the Palace Hotel downtown. It was an early Valentine's gift and it was a perfect day!! Sun, pink blossoms, and cotton dresses with no tights!!! A miracle! The sun is shining again today so I better skip the yappings so I can get outside! But here, are some photos from our day.

My dress for the day...

New Spring Dress

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And the city's first signs of Spring by where we parked the car

empty streets




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Afternoon Tea at the Palace Atrium

Palace Atrium

Palace Atrium

Palace Atrium

Palace Atrium

afternoon tea

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I'm off to Golden Park next. Expect a pt. 6 to come!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Working at home can kind of make you crazy. It was nice when Alice and I lived together - periodic human interaction in between sewing and photos and joint post office trips. But, when one is doing said things solo, it's not always so fun. So, today I woke up and I thought, I'm going to take myself out to breakfast. So I gussied myself up, and putzed about and before I knew it- breakfast was lunch and then I decided, going out to eat by ones own self isn't so much fun.


So, I thought - well I'll snap some photos... and in the time it took me to build my tripod (aka stool/multiple boxes and a piece of styrofoam setup) I knocked over a cup of coffee and stepped on a few other things. So I do suppose that I better stay home and clean up this mess.

Well, anyway - whilst I'm cleaning (aka eating rocky road ice cream and watching lost on netflix) ... you should check out the fully stocked etsy shop. This dress was supposed to make its way there today, but I think I'm going to hold onto it - just for a little while. Even though it's a size too big and I'm pinching it a bit in the back to make it look right!


(but if you realllllly love it, let me know - and i'll list it sooner!)

Prize Possessions

What I'm about to show you is currently marked down at #1 in my mental list of The Very Best Things I Own. I own a lot of junk too, but - I've given it an A+ in all of the following categories:

1. Interestingness
2. Rarity
3. Condition in relation to Age
4. Just plain 'ol general awesomeness

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Animal Stamps

Animal Stamps

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Uhmmmm, whaat!?!? I didn't even know something like this could exist in the world! Not only are there 12 beautiful animal stamps but there's also three ink pads and a slew of other little paper bits all stamped up and colored on!

Excelsior Self-Inking Stamp Pad

Camel Ink-Pad

Fulton Self-Inking Stamp Pad

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I'm not entirely sure on the age. The company was founded in 1860 and one of the ink pads says 1910 on it... so it's somewhere between 150 - 100 years old ... crazy, right? It blows my mind that a children's stamp set could survive its early years with the original owner, never-mind be carried along through the generations! Or maybe it belonged to a very fussy, and particular child who kept their toys neat and shiny and after they grew out of these stamps they were kept safe inside a box only to be rescued years and years later. Who knows! And that's part of the fun about it!

All I have to say about its prior life- whoever this little bebe was had some amaaazing crayon color blending techniques!

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I also really love how simple the stamps are in comparison to the drawings that accompany them!











billy goat


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Now I just need to track down a stamp pad. In the shuffle of moving I seemed to misplace all of mine, and would you believe it- Dick Blick doesn't carry even a silly blank ink pad?!?

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