Friday, April 29, 2011

Legion of Honor

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The Legion of Honor again, quite possibly my favorite place in San Francisco to take photos. Had a really good day date with one of my best pals. It was a perfect day. And I'm glad I was finally able to wear my black 30s silk chiffon + lace dress Amy sent me a few months ago.

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Photos of flower things I like at the Legion of Honor. And also the best dog to ever exist in oil paints.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


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More dog walk disposable camera snaps.
The weather here isn't quite warm enough to ditch tights, but I hate the thought of having to still wear them - so jeans it is instead. And this R.P. Miller stripe shirt, picked up from Gravel and Gold for a cooool $25.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Some disposable camera snaps from a dog walk last weekend. The edge of Nob Hill and Chinatown. I really loved that sewing machine repair shop. They had a bunch of beautiful antique machines with painted flowers on them (much like this one) lined up in the front window, but the glare made it impossible to take pictures of.

I wandered into Rugby a few months ago and was really surprised at how good their Spring '11 collection was. Seemingly perfect 30s reproduction pieces (with real shell buttons!) and not one embroidered skull to mess things up. The online styling was, well - totally horrendous ... these wool trousers went on sale (just a teeny bit) but after thinking about them for weeks and weeks, I couldn't say no. They'll be just the perfect thing to wear with lace blouses come warmer days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

grocery store flowers

grocery store flowers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


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We're moving to NY this summer. Which is crazy to think about. We'll be leaving SF at the end of May, and then bunkering down in MA until we find our dream apartment in Brooklyn. (which basically means anything other then an over-priced crack den. Maybe tin ceilings, good natural light, and a claw foot tub if the apartment universe realllllly loves us)

I've been half excited / half terrified about everything since I found out it was happening for real - but these photos of Siri in Brooklyn are making me a little more excited. There's something very New York about them - which I know is a funny thing to say, because I can't exactly explain what I mean ... but. They're good. Really good. And I hope our apartment will be half as pretty as this one.

(Siri + Bows and Bandits + Kathi Reckendorfer)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Luck Charms

1 3 8 5

My friend Alicia is back in town until the end of the month and it's been really nice having her to drag around while looking for old junk. I've found every single thing in all of the pictures while she was with me (including that bunch of ranunculus from Whole Foods, which is definitely the prettiest set of colors to ever come from a grocery store)

Some to keep, and some to sell -- and then there's a nice pile of 30s dresses that are too big for me but I'm hoarding them away until I feel ready to let them go...

summer dress

1 3 8 5

shell buttons

Wednesday, April 6, 2011



new hat !

Most Favorite bag


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Yesterday Ashley and I spent the day snapping shop photos for Fancy Fine + 1385 ... I stole this perfect pretend 40s dress from her shop stock and I think it's exactly the kind of dress I want to be wearing all day everyday... These pictures are from our walk to Bourbon + Branch -- the best place to be at 6 o'clock on a weeknight... things are always better by candle light!

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