Monday, September 21, 2009

Places to Visit, San Francisco - The Perish Trust

Do you ever find yourself in a place ... a store, a restaurant, a sweet shop, heck even a bowling alley and feel just overwhelmingly happy it exists? I feel that way about a lot of places on the East Coast and that is exactly how I felt when we went to visit the Perish Trust.

Before we even stepped in the door I was taken aback by how beautiful their window display was. If there's one deal maker or breaker about a store - it's their window display. And I was immediately in awe of every single tiny detail. Amazing weathered wood. Beautiful glass. A mermaid/anchor duo. And that dang chair.

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

Even after stepping just a few toes through the door I knew I was in for it. So many magical items rescued and restored back to a working state. The forgotten literary, meticulous engineer, wayward seaman - all so perfectly placed under, around, and next to one another. ....Ah! If only I could be like one of those cute little mice in that forgotten children's show Today's Special.

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

The Perish Trust

... AND they have the best twine collection I've ever seen. In my life.

The Perish Trust

It's shop like these that make me appreciate living in San Francisco. It's nice to e able to pop in whenever I want and be a part of that beautiful world for an afternoon.

If you live here, or you're visiting - here are a few things to remember:
1. Plan ahead. They keep somewhat wonky hours which are posted on their website - but it seems like they might change depending on the week and their availability. So, be sure and make sure they're open before you go!

The Perish Trust

2. DO NOT leave without a box of the sea salted chocolate caramels. Seriously. I'm not joking. They. Are. Amazing.

The Perish Trust

3. That's all really... but let me just stress again how important it is to bring home a box of caramels!! For real, this is no joke!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The other day I spent a really nice afternoon exploring a bit of San Francisco (I guess they're calling it Nopa these days?)

I have to be honest, I haven't really done too much of this since I've been here and I really lucked out with a sunny and clear afternoon - it was just WINDY! We went to a pretty shop (that I'll post about later tonight) and then found our way to this crazy little dog park and then whaddya know - the Painted Ladies! Yessss Full House dreams coming into reality!!

Here are two little photos from our park adventures.. Sadly, no tourist pics in front of the painted ladies - we tried ... but the sun wasn't co-operating!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Day-off apartment progress and a Big Cartel Opening

Well, my day off is quickly coming to an end (I still go to bed early, even on West Coast watches) and I wish I would have been a bit more productive - but, I still got a whole lotta things done so I guess I shouldn't complain!!

We'll start out with my outfit for the day! A pretty little 30's cotton day dress I recently picked up in the city.

Day Off!

And then we have all the fussin' I've been doing with re-arranging and trying to make do and find homes for things...
A little more kitchen bits:

kitchen windowsill


And my bedroom.

bedroom daytime curtain setup

new bedroom

old junk in new places

The Layering Process - Part 3

... If you go to my flickr you can see what came before this ... sit tight - this is bound to change at least 6 more times! We need a lamp near the chair and then I think some old medical illustrations to go above. I'd love to find a nice embroidery sampler in corresponding shades, but those cost a pretty penny and chairs should come first!!!

OKAY - now, onto the somewhat exciting stuff. I opened a Big Cartel shop! I'm no etsy traitor - but I wanted to give Big Cartel a whirl!! I'm still fussing around with it ... so bear with me as I figure out things in this apartment and with this new website. Hopefully I'll be adding a few new things each week due to the fact that I have a walk in closet and I've quickly run out of space for my clothing and that's not even including the 4 bins of winter stuff sitting in New England... so ... you know... gotta make some room!!

OH! And I don't think you can add Big Cartel to your readers ... so I just created a twitter page for the store that I promise I won't update too much, just one tweet per big shop update. I had to use underscores because someone named John Moore thought it cute to take 1385... John, whoever you are, I'm not impressed.

Anyway, here's the link to the Big Cartel shop - check it out!

Long Lost Summer Photos

A few weeks ago, back in Boston Land - my bestest pal in the world, and pro-photographer extraordinaire came over on one of those too dang hot to move kinda summer days. We spent the afternoon on the back porch, where I forced him to play Uncle Wiggily with me. These photos have been sitting on my computer since then ... hiding away in my iphoto because my hot frizzy hair was a little too crazy crack head for my liking. But, I miss Jeff and that back porch and hot days that make your hair go floofy ... so here we are!

I don't know what the weather is like where you are right now - but if it's hot, have an ice cream cone! And if your best friends and family are close - give them bear hugs!







PS That lovely dress I'm wearing is one I picked up from Stellate Vintage on etsy! I looove it, but I don't fill it out properly and I don't think there's too much opportunity in SF for me to wear even a quarter of all the summer dresses I have... So - expect a blog post about a Big Cartel shop update later today!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

getting settled

I'm here. All well and fine! I've been busy with scrubbing and cleaning and trying to stay organized, but I wanted to share a teeny little glimpse into the workings and makings that I've been wrapped up in the past few days!

our kitchen

makin' house

our kitchen window

wish wash

It's not much right now, and I think it's going to be a long time before this apartment puts itself into place... The rest of my things will get here on Thursday and then it's just a matter of time before we find the perfect couch, and chairs, and lamps, and side tables and curtains and all the other things that make a house a home. In the mean time, this little lamp is holding strong!

the only source of light

Saturday, September 5, 2009

bos --> sfo

American Airlines

I found this adorable American Airlines lithograph map in the pile of maps I snitched from my grandmother's house. The illustrations are particularly great ... I wish airlines still passed this kind of stuff out. Only in mid-century illustration styles though, please!

American Airlines

Man, I bet there were complimentary three course gourmet hot meals on planes at this point. But, now instead of hot food there's tv and internet access.... hungry stomachs for entertainment... what funny trade off's!


Speaking of wireless internet! I'm currently in Colorado... 2,615 miles to go! The numbness of having not moved for 4 hours is only starting to bother me slightly... just two more to go and I will be feasting on sweet lovely In 'N Out!

San Francisco

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1st

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I don't want to be a bore with woes of moving. There are certainly woes, but I'm almost done... I think?
So, instead - here are some photos that Jeff and I quickly took last week while I was taking a break from packing... This dress. It's one of the older things I own and by far the most bizarre....
Culottes. Yes.
And they almost touch my ankles.
Two elements that do not belong together but in a pretty butter yellow silk fabric with this beautiful carnival type detailing at the bodice, or at least that's what it reminds me of.. somehow I can't help but feel like all it needs is to be set free from its culotte ways and made into a normal dress. I don't care how old it is! I just don't think I can get fully down with the culottes!


There's a funny tale about how I found this dress. It happened by luck, and it just proves how much old junk magic is in New England, hoarded and protected by their insane/sweet owners that will share beautiful stories about collecting when they were a teenage boy in the 60's when thrift stores first got their start, or about how they used to have a theater company with their sister in the 40's/50's with twinsie acts and matching dresses. And they are truly and genuinely excited to pass their treasures onto a new home.

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I call them my piles of luck, and I'm achingly leaving them and New England behind... I don't want to hate on California, but I feel like it's this funny place where everyone goes to find their own kind of magic.... I'm hoping there's some left for me.


...I have one more dress that came from the same pile of luck as this yellow one. It reminds me of fishing piers and late sunny afternoons. A dress that's so perfect for San Francisco I'm saving it for Hyde Street Pier and Grace Cathedral Hill. Oh, heck. California here I come!

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