I either have a nasty cold or an insane case of allergies. I'm leaning toward a cold but I'm hoping tomorrow I'll wake up and feel fine. I got home from work not too long ago and I'm already in my silly looking cotton candy pink matching pajama set which I found in Elinor's attic and I'm buried under 5 blankets. This is serious. Not serious enough to muster up some energy to take some pictures of a few new additions and old favorites that have been keeping me good company while I lay here with tissues up my nose...
I found this book at a flea market a few weekends ago. I really liked the contrasting bright flowers to the black background and the flowers are done in that illustration style I really like from Sunny Rhymes .. And Marcella is totally adorable. You can't see her dress too well, but it's perfect. Also, I neeeed her hat for summer.

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I found this pillow maybe three years ago in my grandmother's house and it's still one of my favorite finds. I know there's probably more dust mites living in there then I'd like to think about - but it's so perfect looking I don't even think about it!

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This little bag holds some of the most perfect candies to ever exist. Does anyone know where to buy them besides Miette in San Francisco? I will pay top dollar!!

and this is where I've stashed what's left of them, in a little jadeite colored planter I bought on etsy and it's sitting underneath the silliest plant in existence and right next to my one eye'd bear.

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Despite the fact that I had a sniffly chilly walk to the train this morning, I started things out on a pretty perfect note - the light was coming through the trees so perfectly and made the dandelions in my neighbor's over grown yard look pretty gosh darn amazing. (and I took this picture on an iphone - just imagine it in real life!)

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And the items below would be the newest additions to the creamy pale colored portion of that wardrobe of mine which keeps growing and growing.

On the top left we have my Nadinoo Pixie dress that came in the mail over the weekend. It's so gosh darn cute - I'm going to wear it with denim cut off shorts come summer and sit around by the lake. I really think I could wear every piece of her collection this summer and be happy as a clam!
To the right of that is a perfect 40's dress that has traveled from blogger to blogger care of ebay/etsy and it's finally found its permanent home!! I loooove it more then I even thought I would! I'm going to make Jeff take some pretty photos of it out and about soon!
On the bottom left we have a silly little nylon sleep blouse I found in my grandmother's attic. I just need to find that illusive pair of high waisted - seam down the center - cigarette pants that aren't too tight so they look like spandex, but tight enough so they're not frumpy.... If anyone has any ideas of where to find these pants - any links would be appreciated!!
Ah yes, and last but not least - a little (and by little I mean 4x too big) 40's silk sundress from Bobby's... It was too pretty to leave behind and I WILL make it fit, somehow - some way. I'm hoping to go on vacation and wear tortoise shell sunglasses and drink funny fruity frozen drinks by some sort of body of water. This is probably not happening anytime soon - so I think instead I'm going to make it one of my designated flea market dresses.
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And now thankfully the sun is off to better places and it's finally dark enough to try and fall asleep without feeling like too much of a weirdo.
i love your blog! you can find some super cute high waisted capris that are skin tight but not too loose from Chloe Angus. She's an Canadian Eco designer. You can order her stuff online from junoandjove.com. i hope that works!
this is a dream of a post. pray tell, what kind of plant is the silliest plant in existence? because i find it all too charming!
birdsandplanes: thank you!!! and thanks for introducing me to that clothing line!! those pants are quite lovely - but maybe the crop is a little too high? I saw a girl on face hunter (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6UzdmF8O-Oo/SfKLXtE58KI/AAAAAAAAON0/zKxb3FHx8Z0/s1600-h/IMG_8289.jpg) that had a pretty nice pair - but, I swear they probably don't exist in real life. I feel like if you find one element that's right - the rest is all wrong!
And Suzy - I agree! But, I have no idea what the name is! I'll have to ask my best friend - she very well might know, if not - I might just go back to the shop and see if they have any more!
gorgeous finds! hope you feel better, my allergies have been going crazy all week. your one eyed bear looks so happy nested in that shelf
That dress looks divine!
I love your clothing finds. The last dress is too cute!
I might have to plan a road trip to San Francisco this summer just to go to that Miette's. The desserts on their web-site look so delicious!
Those are all deliciously cute bits of creamy clothing!
hope you feel better, I got a horrific cold just like this a few weeks ago, at first I though it was allergies, but it turned out I just needed some rest
those books are adorable
and the photo you took is amazing
Cute photos! ^^
I sick too, so here's to us getting on the mend :-)
Love your finds! Especially the determination in reference to making the 1940's dress fit.
Beautiful picture of your neighbor's yard. Serene.
Did you get this stuff in SF? They have great flea markets there but my most recommended one is not directly in SF, but in Alameda. Its a bit of a trek but completely worth it! They have tons of old cameras along with other gems.
I don't have a blog so I can't comment without being anonymous but I was wondering if you could possibly add your email to the blog (if that isn't too personal). I'm going to Boston this summer and I am in desperate need of more clothes and I'm just curious about the stuff there. Bobby's is already on my list but I am clueless about flea markets there. Sorry this must be a tad weird but I have been meaning to ask you this for quite some time.
Ahhhh...these photos are the loveliest of lovelies.
1.) I am so excited to visit Miette one day. I will keep my eyes out for the strawberries when we are in SF for Renegade this year!
2.) I think the Bardot style might be too, too tight as can be, but the mid-rise cigarette legs from J Brand jeans are just a dream:
I own these, except they're from their "curvy" range.
3.) The creamy clothing quadrant at the bottom is just the best! (Also, abandon hopes of taking in the floral one on the bottom right and surrender it to ME). :)
So happy your pixie dress arrived ok! Was worried it may have got lost in the post.. Thanks for including it in your lovely post. Hope you like it x
oh, it's horrid getting a cold at this time of the year, but lots of lemon and ginger and a shot or two of Sambucol works for me.
All those lovely things have made me feel better about my cold anyway! Those strawberry candies are so darling.
oh i love your pale clothes, especially the bottom two... those colours are slowly seeping into my wardrobe too. just beautiful. the sweets are just too cute, and i LOVE that pillow. sorry about the allergies/ickiness. my hayfever started today, and it's bad, so i feel your pain...
Oh these are really, really beautiful photographs, what camera do you use? I think that my grandma has the Marcella book, is is just delightful!
I do hope your health improves!
Holly xo
Your pillow made me laugh because I was just in the musical Annie, and there's a part when one of the orphans goes up to Miss Hannigan with Molly, the youngest, and says,
"Miss Hannigan...you know your shiny satin souvenir pillow from Coney Island? Molly just threw up on it."
Not very charming, but the adorable pillow fits the description!
That Marcella book is BEAUTIFUL.
So sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather! :p Hope you feel better soon...
All these pictures and the treasure you show are so pretty! I'm feeling super inspired just looking at these... Can't wait to see your outfits that come of the newest additions!
this post was so full of wonderfulness i hardly know where to start. your clothing finds are dreamy (love the x4 too large dress haha!) and the old Marcela book brings back such memories!
No, no, I'm quite sure it's SWINE FLU! ha, only kidding...I hope! Did you go to the doctor's yet? I hope you feel better soon!!! Feeling sick is the worst :( Sorry you're under the weather!
But, on the bright side...every single thing you just posted is as perfect as can be!!! That floral '40s dress is a dream!! Haha, I would've totally bought it too--regardless of the size! I'm sure you'll be able to figure out a way to make it fit....take in a little (or a lot!) here and there and voila! Oh dear..and I know I told you already, but that other little dotted '40s dress is a DREAM! I can't even believe just how perfect it really is!!!! Everything about it, from its cream color that reminds me of antique lace, and the little rufflies, ooh and the shape is just perfect! I could go on and on...Ah! And that pillow!! What an incredible treasure to find in your gram's house! It seems like her house is a dream world full of treasures just waiting to be found! I could ramble on...but last thing! I promise! I can't help but gush over your walls!! Those antique medical illustrations are killin' me! You have quite the talent m'dear...you really have that unique touch to transform your room into this old fashioned dream world that is just distinctly Frankie! Everything looks so perfect...including that old photograph in the top right corner and of course, Mr. Cyclops Bear! He's the cutest!
Adorable! Love the little dress, you should definitely get it fixed.
And about those Miette candies you've left me so curious! I must taste one now...
Hope your allergies/cold aren't keeping you out of action too much! The 4x too large dress is gorgeous... I have a habit of forcing clothes that are too big but oh so perfect to fit me, so I feel your pain :)
Oh and I live in SF so if you wanted I could pick up the candies if you paid the price of them and shipping! I have been meaning to try them and I actually drove by it yesterday!
(Same anonymous as before, again sorry it this is weird, but its the only way I can contact you!)
oh and the clothes look amazing! you are such an inspiration
Everything is so lovely. What flea markets do you frequent? I don't know anything about Boston-area/MA flea markets.
i'm guessing you've heard of judi rosen? her jeans would probably do the trick.
ps that floral dress, i die...
I'm officially in love with your blog!
I love your blog and frequent it daily...this last post gave me the much needed push to start a sewing project...I love the Nadinoo dress! I also can't get over the pants this girl is is wearing http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6UzdmF8O-Oo/SfKLXtE58KI/AAAAAAAAON0/zKxb3FHx8Z0/s1600-h/IMG_8289.jpg
I'll keep my eyes open...xo
I hope you don't mind, I added your blog to my links.
Even when you're sick you manage to write a wonderful post, which is more than I can say for myself considering I too have been really sick over the past week! I hope that you're feeling better, & just wanted to mention that that little sheer yellow night shirt is darling! :)
wow what a lovely collection of things you have! i am a bit envious. and i too love coming home and getting straight into my pj's. pure feeling of contentment!
your blog is delightful xx
I promise I'll get back to each of these lovely comments - but for now - dear anonymous commenter, my email address is at the very bottom of my blog! (scroll all the way down and it's there!) I had to have it sneakily at the bottom because I started getting a lot of junky unwanted email!! In the mean time - you should look through some of my Boston/New England posts to get an idea of the places I'll be sending you to! And I'm going to be in SF this weekend, so I'm going to buy Miette out of those candies! thank you for offering though, it's very sweet of you!
Oh such a lovely blog!!! It's like visualisation of my dream! So wonderful and full of magic.
What do you think about my blog... it's in german... but it would be nice if u give me a nevertheless feedback...
Blumenwiesentänzer means flower meadow dancer... ;-)
I am sick too and that dress that's too big on you totally brightened my day! What a great find!
you always find the most amazing treasures!!!!
i need to find some good flea markets when i go to new york next week, anybody know any?
Beautiful post! I especially love those '40s dresses, and especially the top right one... and beautiful dandelion garden pic! Hope you feel better soon :)
^__^ your photos are something magical - keep posting more please <3
Posts like these are my absolute, absolute favourite and are an complete joy to read! You find so many wonderful things! Thank you for sharing :)
Marcella is a lovely name
I love those plants! I see them and I always want to know what type they are - what type is it?
ps love your blog!
i present you with a lovely blog award!
chelsea jade.
Wish you could write posts more often. I love them and your unique style.
I just discovered your fabulous blog and as I was looking through it I'm thinking...this girl looks sooo familiar. Did I meet you at Bizaar Bizarre? Did you purchase a fuzzy zebra???
Your blog is so fabulous and I absolutely love your style and collections...they're after my own heart!! :)
Your wardrobe must be filled with all sorts of beautiful vintage goodies :)
I love finding vintage illustrations and that pillow is very cute hehehe
Your blog is so pretty - I'm so glad I found it! Sorry to hear you're not well - hope you get better soon.
i love your blog!
i scrap my blog.
i take a look round blog.
Hi there! I know I'm like, a year too late, but have you checked out J. Crew's Minnie pants? http://www.jcrew.com/womens_category/pants/minnie/PRDOVR~18850/18850.jsp
They also come in a tall inseam as well, if you need it. Oh and they're on sale. :)
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