I spent the past weekend in California, cold grey San Francisco to be precise. It was a nice weekend but it was too gosh darn cold for my liking. Like - I could have used my winter coat and been really content, that's how cold it was. I won't complain anymore because I did enough of that and my poor boyfriend is sick of hearing about my disinterest for San Francisco weather!!
But in between whining about chilly fingers and eating more in-n-out than one human being should possibly eat in a weekend I was able to see some lovely things! A vintage paper show that I could have spent at least 5 hours at and easily spent $500 - but we were good and didn't buy a thing! There was a beautiful pale pink and green chrysanthemum print that I almost bought but decided against and now I keep thinking about it... But, I'm sure I'll find something somewhere to fill the void!
We also did a little shopping on Haight Street, gosh - I've come to the conclusion that all the vintage shops in SF have silly price tags (too many pennies, wayy too many pennies folks!) but I did come home with a beautiful wool cloche from the 20's with tan top stitching and an olive green bow! And two perfect one piece bathing suits from the 50's that fit so well I'd be stupid to leave them behind. Detailed photos of those to come!!!
We did a good amount of wandering around Golden Gate Park. Please, don't get me wrong - I will always, always love Boston Garden, but Golden Gate Park is certainly something special! I mean - octopuses and white washed Victorian greenhouses? Yes, thank you!

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. . .I think my favorite part of the entire trip was getting to see sea-horses in real life! I wandered around the Academy of Sciences or a long time hoping to find a little tank with them in it and I was about ready to go upstairs when I finally spotted them! There were three in the tank and they barely moved at all - much different then their portrayals in
Jean Painlevé's films... but, everyone has their bad days I guess.. I think I stood by their tank for way too long and had too many funny interactions with strangers who wanted to pay the sea-horses a visit. Come to think of it, I spent a creepily long amount of time sitting by that tank! It was funny though, most of the people who stopped by made a remark about how 'cute' they are - I couldn't agree more!!
I also think that the Conservatory of Flowers is definitely my favorite place to be in all of California - the aquatic plant room was perfect - hot and humid!!! I think come fall I'm going to spend a lot of time there. It's a bit more affordable then visiting the sea-horses too.

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. . .I spent my last day in California actually enjoying some real heat and sunshine (not just fake sauna style heat at the Conservatory) but we had to go about an hour and a half outside of the city to get it. ... The Russian River! We had ourselves a little picnic afternoon with some kind folks and tasty treats! I was especially excited to wear one of my new bathing suits and take my hat out for the day! I even got to bring along two of my rattier patchwork quilts! I've deemed them my official picnic adventure quilts and I can't wait to see where else they'll take me!
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Psst - There's a little sneak at one of my bathing suits - and a double sneak peak at my hat!!!