I am a pack rat. There's no two ways about it, I just love being surrounded in a little rat's nest of junk. I decided I should start documenting things a little better - so here we have the start to a little series showcasing all my 'ol stuff!
It's the raggly and scraggly humble old friends that people once formed their childhoods around and they steal my heart each and every time! I have them scattered about - sitting on suitcases and hiding in book shelves - I try to keep them spread out as it's best not to lump this collection all together - at 22 you might be mistaken for having pre-cat lady symptoms.
I did however get the the gang together for a family portrait of sorts. It should be the first and last - but there's no promising!

I buy most of my stuffings at flea markets and antique stores. I rarely find the nice oldies in thrift stores. I've had the best luck at flea markets but sometimes people ask for outlandish amounts of money - I try not to pay anymore than $5 - but once in a while there are some you don't mind forkin' over a few extra doll hairs for ... I think these two pals were the priciest.. Each alone could be a new pretty dress - but we all have our vices.

This little one eyed bandit was a gift - and I think he hails from Western MA and he just might have been the catalyst for the collection...

This fancy cat was a gift from the always lovely Rhiannon He's so long and lanky and I really adore his blue bow-tie!

Lion Dog was also a gift and comes from one of the most beautiful antique stores I've ever been to in my entire life. His two tone tail is my favorite part!

The next few were all found in flea markets and are some of the very best!

I bought this zebra at the Bizarre Bazaar - I really love zebras, because they're awesome and also because my last name starts with a Z. The lovely girl who makes them lives in Boston and has a wonderful etsy shop. You have no idea how much I want this and this!

Sadly, I have more - a lot more - but I'll only share one last one! Alice bought this for me for Christmas. It's a little wind up lion and it's probably the most perfect thing I own. His little red tongue and exposed spring tail is really too perfect!! They're both very dear to my heart!