Friday, September 26, 2008


I'm alive, I swear! The past three weeks have been a total blur - seasonal/job/life transitions have taken up all of my time and it hasn't left too much room for the computer (this was that period of quietness I talked about before) But, here's a little sneak of the 1385 plans I keep hinting at. I wanted to get everything online by Sunday - but we ran out of light and this weekend is supposed to be all grey skies and rain clouds - so I'm hoping to get everything all set and ready to go for Thursday or Friday!

PS New England: Don't forget, Baked Fresh is October 5th. I'll be there under a bright yellow tent and there's going to be a whole slew of other lovely vendors - so please, please come visit! I'm excited - but until then, I have the longest to do list.... ah!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beacon Hill

This weekend has been nothing but rain and I think I've mostly just laid around and slept for the majority of it. Today I got to hang out with my two favorite boys (my boyfriend and my twin brother Jeff, wink) and we ended up testing out Jeff's fancy polaroid camera!

These pictures were taken on some cute little street in Beacon Hill. I miss working in that neighborhood, the little narrow brick streets are charming and I love looking into the shop windows.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

some more dresses for sale

I think this is going to be the last of the ebay auctions for the next few weeks. I have something good in the works though, just trust me on it!!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

a work in progress

A few Saturdays ago I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and decided I hated the new room and needed to change it around. It's a very similar setup to my old room, but I just can't sleep well without being near a window. I've been slowly collecting pieces of lace for my windows and the fabric canopy above my bed, it's not finished yet, but it's coming along! I also need to find some antique inspired light bulbs for the ceiling fixture

Today it's been so hot and sticky I've been hiding in here with the air conditioner on and listening to old Duke Ellington songs. (This one is my favorite!)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Long Crouch Woods

I had heard tales of abandoned bear cages somewhere inside of Franklin Park, but it was always one of those 'to do' things that gets pushed back and pushed back. Well, on Monday we finally found them!!

Apparently the cages were built in 1912 and then abandoned in the 50's. The dens were too too expensive for the city to keep up, and it turned into an illegal dumping ground. Over the years there have been grants to clean the place up and I'd say it looked like it was in pretty good shape!

Except for these guys, but I think the animals are actually my favorite thing about the dens!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Harvard University's Museum of Natural History

Harvard University's Museum of Natural History is one of the very best places to visit in Boston, and I think it's one of the most underrated too. I suppose that's probably for the best though, because it's not very much fun to look at funny 'ol dead things with a crowd around you! If you live in Massachusetts, the museum is free on Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. I always find a new favorite animal when I visit, and of course I have my old flames I'm sure to linger around a bit longer (the coelacanth is one of them!)

Someday I'm going to spend a few afternoons and photograph everything in there, but for now- here are a few of my favorite photos!! (there are a bunch, so click Read More to view!)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

thank you Jennifer!!

Well, do to an unfortunate miss-hap on Sunday, the bear cages were pushed back to Monday.

Instead we did some neighborhood wandering and then an unexpected visit with family! It turned out to be a nice day and we were able to snap a quick photo for Wardrobe Remix.

You might have noticed that the picture I have in my blog is a bit different then my original post... the lovely Jennifer worked a little bit of her magic! I think she really could be made up of at least one half solid gold! and you all should go right over to N.E.E.T. Magazine - she's featured on the cover and I'm really excited for her!! There are a few other lovely Wardrobe Remix girls featured as well!
(and thanks again Meggy for the dress!!!)

Monday, September 1, 2008

dear summer, please don't leave.

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