Harvard University's Museum of Natural History is one of the very best places to visit in Boston, and I think it's one of the most underrated too. I suppose that's probably for the best though, because it's not very much fun to look at funny 'ol dead things with a crowd around you! If you live in Massachusetts, the museum is free on Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. I always find a new favorite animal when I visit, and of course I have my old flames I'm sure to linger around a bit longer (the coelacanth is one of them!)
Someday I'm going to spend a few afternoons and photograph everything in there, but for now- here are a few of my favorite photos!! (there are a bunch, so click Read More to view!)

Oh my! That dress is amazing! Its beautiful. Lookin good! :)
P.S. Good news, I might get my act together and my blog might be coming. :D
kathleen: that's amazing! i can't wait! keep me posted!
i find you so endearing! the first photo (with the zebra) is just so very great. and, i know this is going to sound so weird, but i really want that taxidermied (spelling?!) hedgehog to sit on my entry hall table - THEY'RE SO CUTE! -even when they're dead!
is that an otter or sea lion? the angle you took the picture, makes it look utterly cute, or should i say otterly cute.
natural history museums are kind of like zoos you know.
What is it about kiwis that makes them so darn cute?! You look lovely as always :)
the zebra looks lovely with you on it's side! it was way too long ago i visited a museum.
Natural History Museums are so quietly perfect. Very fitting for your style ethic.
Do they have a Tasmanian Tiger in Boston?
I just adore this photo! It's amazing!
Another amazing outfit! <3
I'd love to go that museum some time...
these images are fantastic.
check out richard barnes (animal logic series).
you'll love his work.
The Harvard Museum of Natural History does have a thylacine, or Tasmanian tiger, as well as the skeleton of the extinct Dodo, and the basketball sized egg of the extinct elephant bird..12,000 specimens drawn from the University's collections of over 21million. They'll open a new exhibition, Language of Color, on Sept 26th...www.hmnh.harvard.edu.
It's a 6 minute walk from Harvard Square T.
The only thing I love more than Natural History Museums is...well I can't think of what it is right now. This is the perfect backdrop for your darling styles. They have a coelacanth at the London one too and it's always been my favorite. That and the Hummingbird Cabinet. Sigh...
I want the hedgehog too. SO cute!
I adore that outfit!!! It's perfect, it looks great on you, and the photo with the zebra is so cool.
My favourite thing of all...that fab doctor bag. I love them.
Hehe, dead stuff. I could have fun there. You look too cute, that dress is lovely.
All your dresses are so beautiful!
There's something about all of their expressions that's so inviting!
I once tried to photograph everything I saw in the "House Of Nature" in Salzburg, Austria. Did you know there is a "snail king"?
By the way, I love your blog.
Well that is a great post... Very interesting article...
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