Wednesday, July 30, 2008



I can't possibly express my love for Pastis in words, so I won't even try... but - believe me, it's markings are pretty high in my book!

I don't have very many photos, it's always too crowded in there to take more then a few sneak attack shots - but here is a little bit of an idea just how dreamy this place is!

mini mini Gladstone


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lafayette House photos


I added a whole slew of photos from the Lafayette House to my flickr. I was going to do a blog post but my eyes are sleepy and I can't focus correctly!

Monday, July 28, 2008

birthday dress

twenty   two

and all the little trimmings


(thank you forest bound!!)

(and thank you Lafayette House for having the most perfect hotel, ever!)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lafayette House

Right now I'm in New York City laying on the most comfortable bed in existence with a Henry Darger drawing hanging above my head! I'd say this is the perfect way to spend one's last day of being 21!

Lafayette House is the most perfect hotel I've ever been too (sorry Copley Fairmont, you've been bumped to second place) and I can't wait to share photos! But, right now we're leaving for dinner at Freeman's... I've been sneakily looking at pictures of the restaurant on-line and all I have to say is: taxidermy!! eeee! I can't wait!

P.S. as I was typing this post I looked up and realized how high the ceilings are in here... I just couldn't help myself!
i had to

Thursday, July 24, 2008



Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Copley Fairmont

Friday evening was my parents' 35th Anniversary party! We had dinner on Boylston Street and got them a room at the Copley Fairmont for the evening! It was the first time I've ever been in the hotel, and boy oh boy - it was lovely! Everything is just so over the top extravagant! And did you know - every US President has stayed there! (thanks Alice for the history lesson!)

I think my favorite parts were the the big lions at the entrance, the mailbox waiting right by the elevator, and of course that amazing staircase that wraps itself through the hotel!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

indiearts fest!

Attention all New Englanders! This Saturday Alice and I will be hawkin' our stuff at the INDIEARTS FEST in Providence, RI! I'm excited! The flyer looks awesome! And it's my first outdoor flea market!! It's also put on by the lovely folks of What Cheer? Brigade and well, they are insaaanely fun to see live! especially when they play the tetris theme song! (except I don't know if they're actually playing on Saturday or not...)

Just to let everyone know - I'm not going to be taking any of the nicer clothing pieces I have... I don't want anything to get ruined by Miss Fickle Mother Nature (40's crepe dresses and sudden downpours make me nervous!) So I'll be selling a lot of 'as is' dresses that may need some sewing work or have some stains here and there but are totally still wearable! I'll be selling things at cheapie thrift store prices too because I don't want to take anything home with me after the market! My room is unbearable with things waiting to go on etsy and all the other clutter I can't part with yet - so please, come take this stuff off my hands!!!

PS I'm most excited for the best facial hair competition! I might have to find the winner and have my picture taken with him!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

(Tottally Not Gunna Happen) Birthday Wishes

1953 Stuedabaker, if you please?

the sunglasses

I've been on the hunt for a certain pair of sunglasses since the new Lula came out...
When we went to New York back in April we went to the A.P.C. store to see if they were there, but I think it must have been from the previous season because they were no where to be found.

Sarah found herself a similar pair and they look so adorable on her it totally confirmed my love for them!! (but really, everything looks adorable on her!)

My roommate Ryan (aka DJ Ghostdad) has the perfect pair that's really similar to the A.P.C. ones, but that boy found his for $3 at a garage sale! I offered him $200 for them, (I don't have $200 to spend on sunglasses, but he doesn't know that!) but he still wouldn't part with them!

Yesterday we went for brunch in Roslindale and on our way home we stopped by this really sketchy abandoned warehouse for a photo. (There were needles on the ground, that's how sketchy it was.)

Ryan was nice enough to swap sunglasses for a few photos. I have this ridiculous pair that changes color from light brown to black with a little wheel at the nose - and strangely he doesn't want to switch forever! Weird, right?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Friendly Toast

Last weekend we took a little shopping trip to New Hampshire (where I purchased the early 50's bathing suit that I so appropriately fell in a pond with) and stopped at The Friendly Toast for lunch! Whenever I'm near Portsmouth this is one of my favorite places to go!

The entire place is filled floor to ceiling with 50's kitsch! There's a huge menu and the best part is that they're open all night on weekends!! AND they're trying to open one up in Boston!

I've been here so many times, but this is the first time I've actually mustered up the courage to take photos. The waitstaff is cute/young/hip kids so I always feel so touristy when the camera comes out. (I was able to snap just a few photos this time, but the courage ended quickly!!)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

the 'ol gray mare 'aint what she used to be

Forest Hills Cemetery


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

lucky 'lil shirt!

lucky 'lil shirt!

Finally I have photoshop! This post has been a long time coming, and I'm soo excited to finally be able to share pictures!!

I think by now everyone is familiar with the Traveling Shirt! The weeks before receiving the shirt I had been thinking and thinking about what it might look like and what items from my closet I wanted to use... When I finally put the shirt on and looked at the side details of the sleeve I immediately thought, old shipyards and wealthy sailor wives! The outfit came together pretty easily, but the background was tricky! I had this idea of an old abandoned ship yard with decaying piers and rusted machinery but finding just that with public access was next to impossible!

The few days around our brief relationship were totally jammed packed with other things so when the day came to take the picture of course it was cold and wet and drizzly. (Good 'ol New England weather for you.) We drove around Charlestown for a while and did a bit of wandering... Every perfect place we found had big metal fences around the perimeter and I was in no footwear for fence hopping! I was about to give up but we finally found a perfect spot and it was during low tide so we could walk out on the rocks a bit!!

The best part of the day was the fact that all of those rocks had little tiny snails stuck to them! I certainly do love snails, and I especially love collecting their old shells so I was sure to grab a few of the empty ones before we left!

These are my boyfriend's glasses, and this is me holding my findings!

. . . .

Now, as for the best part - the launch party!!!!

All the girls look so amazing and it was nice to see the photos in real life and so big! Strange to see Wardrobe Remix type photos right there in front of you instead of on a computer screen!

The Vintage Society

The very best, best part of the night was getting to meet Beth and seeing all of her hard work come to life! She did such an amazing job with everything and it was nice to be a part of it! She's even funnier and more adorable in person (if you can believe it!) and she is definitely one of those girls I wish I could have over on this side of the country on a permanent basis!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Skillful bicycle riding:

Not so skillful bicycle riding:

etsy procrastination

Sometimes I buy dresses for the store and then once I put them on I can't let them go. This is one of them!

Speaking of the store... and dresses- I have a whole lot to do right now for this etsy update I'm trying to do's been gray and wet all day and instead of working on taking photos for the update I fixed that coy fish romper and rode bicycles to the South End for lunch, then to the farmer's market in Copley Square to visit Alice. I brought home strawberry rhubarb jam, two bouquets of flowers and some strawberries. All very nice things to procrastinate with.

Okay, okay - I'm going to start ironing!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

more ebay

los angeles, part 2

The Getty

(1940's rayon dress: Bobby From Boston. Suede shoes: Re-Mix Vintage.)

On our last day in LA we went to The Getty. I'd heard lots of talk about this place before we even thought about going to California, so I was so excited to spend an afternoon roaming around!

Beth had told me an adorable story about wind gusts and dresses, but I thought I'd be safe with this one... boy, oh boy was I wrong!! All afternoon I was clutching my dress for dear life!!

fair warning!

Besides the near indecency - the museum was wonderful! I think I could have spent my entire afternoon staring out at the view and wandering around the gardens and exhibits. They leave parasols out for visitors to use while walking about, which I thought was really thoughtful!

My favorite exhibit was Women of Art and Science. I wanted to set up a little art heist before leaving for Massachusetts and steal all of her work so I could put it on my bedroom walls! .. Instead I just bought some postcards.... (I wish these were the postcards, but I just found these images on the Getty's website)

The August Sander: People of the Twentieth Century exhibit was incredible too... We took home a book, but those images are for another post!

PS I've been waiting and waiting to do the Traveling Shirt post until I have photoshop on my computer, hopefully just a few more days!!

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