Finally I have photoshop! This post has been a long time coming, and I'm soo excited to finally be able to share pictures!!
I think by now everyone is familiar with the
Traveling Shirt! The weeks before receiving the shirt I had been thinking and thinking about what it might look like and what items from my closet I wanted to use... When I finally put the shirt on and looked at the side details of the sleeve I immediately thought, old shipyards and wealthy sailor wives! The outfit came together pretty easily, but the background was tricky! I had this idea of an old abandoned ship yard with decaying piers and rusted machinery but finding just that with public access was next to impossible!
The few days around our brief relationship were totally jammed packed with other things so when the day came to take the picture of course it was cold and wet and drizzly. (Good 'ol New England weather for you.) We drove around Charlestown for a while and did a bit of wandering... Every perfect place we found had big metal fences around the perimeter and I was in no footwear for fence hopping! I was about to give up but we finally found a perfect spot and it was during low tide so we could walk out on the rocks a bit!!
The best part of the day was the fact that all of those rocks had little tiny
snails stuck to them! I certainly do love snails, and I especially love collecting their old shells so I was sure to grab a few of the empty ones before we left!

These are my boyfriend's glasses, and this is me holding my findings!

. . . . Now, as for the best part - the launch party!!!!

All the girls look so amazing and it was nice to see the photos in real life and so big! Strange to see Wardrobe Remix type photos right there in front of you instead of on a computer screen!

The very best, best part of the night was getting to meet Beth and seeing all of her hard work come to life! She did such an amazing job with everything and it was nice to be a part of it! She's even funnier and more adorable in person (if you can believe it!) and she is definitely one of those girls I wish I could have over on this side of the country on a permanent basis!