I've never been one for horses, which is funny because my mom used to compete when she was younger! But, after stumbling upon this book, I have a new soft spot! - or it might just be the pretty pastel watercolors, and the adorable cover.

I've never been one for horses, which is funny because my mom used to compete when she was younger! But, after stumbling upon this book, I have a new soft spot! - or it might just be the pretty pastel watercolors, and the adorable cover.
Saturday I kidnapped Jeff and we invaded The Distillery for the evening!! (this is also the place where I shot some of my first etsy photos!) I work with a really sweet girl who happens to live in the most amazing space and she was so kind enough to let us spend the evening shuffling things around and setting up lights in all the little nooks of her loft.
My original idea for the clothing for this series ended up taking a totally different turn - I have this amazing black dress I wanted to use and was thinking I'd pair it with pretty cream dresses and fur collars - but then I found the dress with the pockets and stripes and instead I was inspired by the the bright colors of a carnival .. and also the small town ladies and children who get dressed up to go to a carnival!
I had plans to sell everything, but as soon as I put those dresses on I couldn't part with them! So, as of right now I'm being a greedy little thing and holding onto them - BUT, there are a few other pieces I had picked out that we didn't get to photograph that will be going onto etsy within the week (or maybe weekend!) so be sure to check there for them! (including a really adorable purple wiggle dress, and a great red pseudo-tuxedo/ascot style blouse)
Lately I've been feeling pretty uninspired by my closet. I don't know what it is - but getting dressed has been impossible and I feel like my outfits have consisted of the same few shirts/skirts/dresses rotated on a weekly basis. I'm watching three amazing blouses on ebay right now, they end tonight so - fingers crossed!!
So, since I have no outfit posts, or new and exciting happenings to share here's the little bits of clutter and junk I've been happy to look at every day. I'd show more but there's too much stuff laying around and it'd probably make you feel crazy at the sight of it!
I've been spending most of my free time by this window lately. The two pillowcases are from my gram's attic and the three quilts were found in the same room. I'm determined to find all my linen's from my gram's house and I'm sure that it won't be that difficult to do.
So, there are a few exciting things coming up in the very near future. First - the Bazaar Bizarre on Sunday December 7th. I won't be selling anything but my bffffff Alice of Forest Bound will be selling a whole lot of really wonderful things and I'll be her little assistant for the day! Every time she finishes something new I tell her she can't sell it because I'm going to buy it - so, trust me - it's going to be amazing!
Jeff sent over a big fat email with the scans from our shoot and I am wayy too excited to share! I'm supposed to wait until everything is ready to update (ebay/the website) .. but I can't wait and I have to share something! I decided to use a different version of this photo for the final thing, so I decided its okay to post this one for now!!
This morning instead of doing the zillion and one things I'm supposed to do for Baked Fresh I decided to go run around the Arboretum. It was totally worth it because it was a perfect fall morning. It seems like the first sunny day in a while. This week has been grey and dreary. I actually did go with a purpose, I went to try and find more of these funny things..
I think this is going to be the last of the ebay auctions for the next few weeks. I have something good in the works though, just trust me on it!!