Saturday, May 21, 2011

Calling Cards

Victorian/Edwardian calling cards: my new favorite way to squander money. Here are the very first 15 of my brand new collection:

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Rebecca J. Smith

Lucy Houser

Isaac M. Moote

Harvey Phipps

William R. Richardson

Ella R. Mankins

J.W. Batchelder

Mary Joyce

A. E. Merritt Stationary & New Depot

Ugnies Noland

Annie B. Mankins

Flora Mourphey

Paris Abbott

Janie Abbott

Abner A. Abbott

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shop Vacations + One Last Flea Sale

I leave for the East Coast on the 29th ... just a teeny bit over a week away. I'm still in major denial that we're moving... I've packed a total of 4 or 5 boxes .... Guuuhhhaaahhhh ... Too crazy.... It's cool though, everything will get done!

In the mean time - here's a boring post about shop vacations / sales / etc ...

Libris Lunaria

The shop is closing on Friday evening (5.20) until July/August (basically whenever we find a place in Brooklyn and get settled)

Print Orders - We're accepting only 10 more between now and Friday evening.

Fox Totes - I have 20 totes left and was planning on stashing them away to sell at markets ... but I think I'll keep re-listing them until the shop closes. I won't be re-printing these, so if you were thinking about getting one - now is definitely the time!

New Totes - I'm going to be getting a new image printed, but I can't decide what should be next - The Hare or The Seahorse .... Leave a comment and let me know your pick!

Thirteen Eighty-Five

I'll be putting the shop into vacation mode Friday evening (5.20) -- hopefully reopening sometime in early June - I have a few boxes worth of stuff I've been stashing away so hopefully the hiatus won't be for very long. It'll be nice to reopen with completely new things!!

So starting now - the good 'ol Flea Market Sale is happening - everything needs to find a home, and what's left over will go to some of the second hand shops on Haight....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fox Tote Sale

I wanted to do a nice little sale on the Fox Totes before they get packed away and sent to a new time zone ... So today only - you can grab one for $12.

And to keep things inexpensive, I'm offering First Class shipping for International folks instead of the usual Priority !!

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I did some google snooping and found these foxes around the internet ....

Emily of The Black Apple

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Meggy of The Novelist's Hubris

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Ashley of Fancy Fine

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Christy of Stories Read Aloud
(and she's wearing a 40s wrap dress I sold in the shop a little while back!)

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Jennifer of Sally Jane Vintage

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Starr of A Thought Is The Blossom

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Louise of Coffe & A Cardigan

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Lotta of Le Fabuleux Déstin de Lotta

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(If you have a photo of you + your tote, please send it my way!)

Hyde St.



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Black and white photos Sonja took from this day. It's been way too long since I've seen her and I'm very, very excited we have Golden Gate park weekend plans!

(sorry for the repost - apparently blogger decided to delete this at some point between now and yesterday?)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Post flea market ice cream cool times with Ashley !

Friday, May 6, 2011

Alameda Flea

My kind of Scrap Book

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Alameda Flea Market, you will always be one of my very favorite places in the entire world. I mean, what else could I want besides old dresses and a 9:30 AM sausage w/ onions + a soda? Nothin' much else, really...

My last flea (for a little while) was a good one. Spent from 7:30 - 2:00 pawing around with good company.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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81 degrees of perfection today!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dead Horse Bay

dead horse bay

dead horse bay

dead horse bay

dead horse bay

dead horse bay

dead horse bay
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Finally just developed the very last pictures from my lomo camera before it bite the dust. Minutes after the camera stopped working, my brand new iphone fell into the ocean. Luckily, both Alice and Amy snapped their own photos - and my phone was totally okay. I even managed to snap this one right before my phone went for a swim ....

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