Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tadich Grill


I wanted to post some photos from lunch on Tuesday at Tadich Grill, the oldest restaurant in San Francisco. Apparently it was established in 1849, although the location on California is definitely not the original spot. I don't know if I can officially back this spot up as a, 'Places to Visit' worthy restaurant but - it's definitely of note. It's truly an old fashioned, no frills kind of place. I don't know what dinner is like, but at noon it's a very boy's club high power business exec. lunch meeting type of place. Interpret that to be good or bad as you wish.

The menu is predominately seafood based, of course I'm really allergic to seafood, but I mostly just wanted to go here for the interiors - dark wood and the Art Deco light fixtures. If I wasn't wearing my pink 20s dress that day (the weather was truly just too chilly for it) then at least I could spend some time in a place that reminded me of the 20s. And they call themselves "The Original Cold Day Restaurant" - pretty perfect for my 30s tweed fox hunting coat and a chilly over cast early afternoon.


Tadich Grill

Cheesy photos at Tadich Grill

I tried to take as many sneaky photos as I could - but there's so many waiters walking around all the time it was hard not to feel like a tourist. Here's a photo I stole from yelp - I wish we would have eaten lunch at that bar instead of at a table, but maybe next time...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


post birthday living room

I think this year will be a good one... It definitely started out differently. No grandeur adventures this year. Instead a hodge podge mish mash of errands and lovely little things. Cold weather mornings and fancy lunches at the Tadich Grill. Shopping around Haight Street - where I found an amazing 30s/40s faded cotton paisley peter pan smock shirt that works as a 60s esque mini. I ended up wearing it last night to the party instead of my 20s dress... Speaking of, photos of party things to come! Although, I didn't really worry about taking pictures yesterday, I just let the day happen as it may. It felt nice. I did brake my tradition of wearing a 20s dress for all my 'twenties' birthdays and taking proper pictures, but I think that's okay too.

Monday, July 26, 2010

july 26

lake house

lake house

(scenes from my parent's lake house)

...And I'm back. What a whirlwind July has been - and it's not over! But, at least I'm back in San Francisco and can start slowly settling myself back into the normalcy of things. I have about 5 zillion things to take care of. Emails.. etsy messages.. sewing.. washing.. picture taking.. etsy listings.. sleeping - but it'll have to wait until Wednesday. Tomorrow is my birthday and today I plan on sprucing up my apartment (for a teeny tiny cupcake/prosecco party) and hopefully finding a bow tie for Westley to wear tomorrow... something barber shop/Gatsby lawn picnic appropriate to go with my pink 20s dress. The weather might be totally wretched here right now for me to run around in a thin, sheer dress - but dang it - Westley will wear a bow tie!

In other non-weather clothing related woes, I'm having the pre-birthday crazies. I just chopped more layers into my hair and I'm seriously considering walking to Walgreens and buying a box of hair dye. I know how damaging drug store hair dye is for your hair, so I won't actually go through with it ... but I'm really itching to change my hair color to something more golden. I found a box of photos of my mom in the late 60s/early 70s and I'm having major hair envy. I took photos of the photos, but I really should wait to share them until I scan them in properly... Until then, please enjoy these photos of some flowers I currently have sitting in my kitchen!

back in sf

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Brimfield in July

Brimfield. The Big Flea as some call it... I went once, I think in high school and I swore never again. Too big, too expensive... no fun. But then all of a sudden it got really popular in blog land... Which is funny to me because I grew up so close... How could something so close to my little old home town be worthy of an Olsen twin making the journey from NYC? Totes cray cray, right?
So, for the past year or so I thought maybe I should give it a second chance... Even though I knoww that vendors pretty much double their normal prices and there's a whole slew of corporate chain store gremlins roaming around trying to grab everything before you do. But, it's so close to my mum and dad - and it's a huge flea market - why wouldn't I want to go?

Alice shares the same "to Brimfield, or not to Brimfield?" views as me ... but I somehow convinced her with good 'ol fashioned enthusiasm (I think I was also trying to convince myself a little too...) and we promised we'd act casual about this. We'd get there early but we weren't trying to be up with the sun and we weren't going to get stressed if our dream objects were sold to someone else from right under our nose. Whatever is whatever ... just go, check it out - no biggie.


The night before as I was planning our attack (what fields were a must to visit, where to park..) my parents suggested we take their Radio Flyer wagon. Which was a savior - and I am pretty sure that I need to bring a wagon to all flea markets from here on out. No more tired shoulders! And we sort of managed to beat the heat delirium with an ice cold cooler full of snacks and drinks.

humble wagon crew

We spent about 7 hours walking around. And even ran into Jeff! We covered a lot of ground, but it's just impossible to do it all in one day (which is why it's 6 days long)

jeffphoto and forest

cool pix

To be honest - I wasn't really wow'd by too much. A lot of the vendors had more of a 'dirt merchant' vibe rather than 'collector and seller of the most beautiful objects' ... But, I think it's just the time of the year. No one wants to deal with the heat and humidity that is July and I think all the vendors pull out the good stuff for the May/September shows when there's way more people who come out.

returning to the best booth

There was one booth that I spent too much time in, and of course I found a few nice things to take home...

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Brimfield Finds - Yellow Rose Print
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Brimfield Finds - under things
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Brimfield Finds - Floral Mirror
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Brimfield Finds - Mourning Cards
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Brimfield Finds - Button Cards
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Brimfield Finds - Americana Quilt
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Brimfield Finds - Americana Quilt

Sadly I totally ruined that quilt when cleaning it - so instead of selling it on etsy I'm going to tuck it away and save it for the next time I'm in New England and want to go on a warm weather adventure.

I'm heading back to San Francisco on Thursday night with my parents and Westley in tow and I have a whole lot of things to do before then. Lots of things for the etsy shop need to be cleaned and fixed up - so I best be off to take care of business!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Dresses

Hi! Things are snailishly slow around here. I don't know if they'll get better any time soon - but in the mean time, I have a few dresses I want to offer up for sale. 4 cherished, tried and true summer dresses. I'm crazy to part with them, but I brought about 20 with me on this trip and I know I'll be accumulating more this week.. Brimfield!
I'm sorry for the size discrimination ... they're all Extra Smalls, so if you're like me and cursed with a flat chest then this is your lucky day! Those of you who have real lady curves, I promise I'm collecting a range of sizes for the shop re-opening at the end of the month! (I have about 15 pieces so far - lots of late 40s/early 50s dresses! A tree novelty print and a few nice plaids!)

I have a whole bunch of home items that I left here when I moved to San Francisco that I should go through and part with as well.... I have an entire room filled at my grandmother's house with those big plastic boxes and there's no way to even walk through there. I'm worried this might be the onset of a hoarder life... My junk is just spread out all across the country!

** Edit. 7/14 - Since I'll most likely have more items I figured I should re-open the etsy shop... the following dresses can be found there!!

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End of Summer

1940s Plaid Voille Sundress - XS - SOLD

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Late 1950s Yellow Bud Calico Sundress - XS - SOLD

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1940s Pink and Black Gingham Sundress - XS - SOLD

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Early 1950s Plaid Sundress - XS - SOLD

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