Yesterday was a grey, rainy day - much better for staying indoors then trekking across the city to walk around looking into shops - so I stayed home and worked on cleaning... The main focus- my closet ... which was... a disaster. A mish mosh of cotton sundresses and winter wools all heaped up in a pile. I lugged what might have been 100 lbs of clothing back to California last month and it's just been sitting around.
Specimen A.

Yes. I'm embarrassed to be showing that. But, it's real. Actually I might have moved some of the clothing off the floor onto the pile for the picture so I wouldn't be so ashamed at how rats nesty that closet got.
BUT! Check out Specimen B !
Sweaters are folded and stacked by color!

And the clothing is off the floor! (actually, I lie - there's still a small pile that I'm not sure what to do with because I have no space to fit a single hanger on that rack - not even if I really try)
And I finally got around to putting up my grandmother's sewing samples!

Oh, and that pretty crocheted flower light pull - I picked that up at that lovely store I went to on Wednesday. It's so sweet, there's a little thimble inside the flower to keep its shape!
OH! And don't fret, I'm dragging my boyfriend to that lovely shop today! The sun is shining and the photos will come out much nicer!! You'll see!
arrgh i wish i were as organised as you. i recently moved and my new room is a giant mess - clothes strewn over the backs of chairs and in messy heaps on the floor, books everywhere... this is great motivation, though! maybe if i tell myself that my room could maybe possibly hopefully look like yours i'll whip myself into shape and get cleaning! your closet looks beautiful!
Oh're probably sick of hearing me say this but...dream world!!!! I swear, if I could live in your closet I'd be a happy camper for life! The dresses, all of the clothes, and bags, and shoes, and wall hangings and little decorations and oh my! And all of those stuffings are the greatest!!!
Your closet looks like a beautiful vintage dreamland! :) I too have the same problem with not-enough hanger space (it is an arm workout shoving my clothes together enough to squeeze another hanger on there everytime I want to hang something back up!) so I was thinking of investing in some slimline hangers (e.g. huggable hangers) to see if they might help, although I don't have too much faith!
oh my gosh what a lovely wardrobe! I love the mixture of colors and patterns. It's so sweet.
Seeing other people's well organized closets is always so inspiring. Thanks for sharing yours!
if only i could be so organized as even specimen A!
You found a closet like that in SF?! Wow. I moved to Oakland from the Midwest the same time you moved out here (Early Sept) and even in the East bay I didn't find a closet like that! Jealous!
Your grandma's dresses are wonderful!
Oh goodness! I'm so excited to move in! ;o)
Wow I love the way you organized your closet! I wish I could get mine like that :) Haha mine looks worse than your before picture!
I'm so jealous of your closet space! And glad that I'm not the only one who sometimes despairs at the state of her messy closet:)
i'm in love! what a lovely closet- it's huuuuuuugggge! wowee! and the stuffies on the top are melting my heart. yay you!
p.s i want your gramma's samples so badly, esp. the flappery one on the left!
How do you get a closet to look that beautiful? It must be magic.
Looks great. My closet recently had piles of clothes in it too. Sometimes piles just work for me though... it can be nice to "rediscover" something that had been hiding under one. :)
i want you wardrobe!! it is so pretty and vintage and dreamy and organised!
gahhHH. i love your closet messy or not!
My dream closet! Everything is so pretty and vintage-y and YOU.
you have the most beautiful closest!
wow, dream closet! sigh.
Uhm, if ONLY I had that many items I wouldn't even care about the mess!
oh my goodness, if only! your closet is so gorgeous! also, your little animals remind me of ones i used to sleep with when i was a little girl over at my grandmothers house...i'll have to see if she still has them! simply lovely photos!
your closet looks like a lovely vintage shop. the colors are beautiful; what an inviting spot!
Now, don't you feel good? That looked like a mammoth job. I love the way you color coded your clothes.
You seem to have a lot of wonderful clothes in there!
Is that the velveteen rabbit I see? Yay! One day i will organize my closet. I suspect it will not be for quite some time....
I am so going to rob your closet :P
Anyway I am quite a fan of your reader, and believe it or not, I am from Malaysia(A small country @ Asia)! We don't really have any interesting antique stores here, which is really tooooo bad.
Anyway great blog! :)
Oh my, how I wish I have your great taste and your wardrobe (before or after organisation, it looks great).
ahhh.. i love your color-coordinated closet! now i'm so inspired to organize my wardrobe.
I see a vintage Peter Rabbit there!
love love love!
I'm so jealous of your closet, even in its messier Specimen A state! So many lovely frocks and colors, and oh em gee, it's big enough so that you can stand inside it and take a photo??
Your closet looks so beautiful! As do the clothes are you selling in your store! I so envy that you are living in San Francisco. I moved from there almost three years ago and I still dream of the magical stores and hills that look like they are going nowhere and also food food food everywhere!
Such a dreamy closet. Love it!
totally blown away by your incredible organizing skills. please come fix up my place! haha no but really, you're a huge inspiration for making my little home prettier.
Your closet is a vintage paradise!!! Wow, so many beautiful things. Good job on the organization, too. It must be such a joy to get dressed in the morning!
cant even handle how perfect all of your stuff is! dreammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Gorgeous closet! So roomy and organized! I'm jealous!!!
T'm sure my closet is a bigger disaster, (especially because it's so small!). Anyway, organized or not, I would be happy in your wardrobe. Tomorrow I'm going shopping, and one of my main objectives is a flowered-retro-dress like that one you show in the last photo. It's perefect!
Oh my giddy aunt - wardrobe envy!!! I long for the day I have that much space to store my clothes, and that many beautiful items to fill it!! You were quite right not to brave the rain, there are few things like the quiet satsifaction that comes from a really good tidy and organise!
i groaned inside at even the thought of cleaning an entire closet because it can be overwhelming and such a mess until everything's back in place. your closet really looks great. you're industrious!
Piles aside, that's a great closet! Especially to me who has to share one teensy closet with her bf AND has the rest of her clothing an a clothing rack (albeit a pretty cool one).
that's impressive! not only the organization, but the clothes! man i wish that was my closet, i'll even take it messy!
wow! i'm inspired! my closets are dreadful. . .
I am very proud of you mouse, now lets see how long that lasts!
See you Soon!!
Oooh.. now I've seen it I just want to look at every single piece in that lovely wardrobe :-) and disappear into Narnia..
aah! best closet ever! so pretty.
my closet needs some major fixin' up!
Loved the pics of your organized closet. I'm a big organizing freak myself & did my closet last month. This post finally made me get off my duffer to let you know how much I enjoy your blog not just for yr fashion but also for your choice in home decor. Not surprisingly, its given me a LOT of wonderful ideas for decorating my new home that I moved in to last May. FYI- if ever you get the impetus, I think you would ROCK at putting together a home decor blog. PLEASE let me know if you ever do such a thing. I could stare at yr photos ALL DAY!
Best regards,
embarrassed for your mess...???
nooo...i want to steal all those colthes gilr!
ugh, you have such a cool closet! mine is messier than your messy picture and it is actually 'clean'. i'd be scared to post what mine looked like!
I know just how you feel - I have a storage shed for my clothes I can't fit - until I move in a couple of months to a 2 bedroom place where I shall convert the second brm into a dressing room!
It all looks so wonderful! Such a great mesh of pretty fabrics, love how you organized it by color. During the summer I did my closet by decade, but I think I'll try this way next time!
I wish I could live in your closet! I have to clean mine, too, and your pictures are very inspiring!
LOVE those after-photos! what a dream closet. (:
What a dream closet. If it had pillows on the floor I would want to crawl right in there for some reading and sipping of tea. It just looks so cozy and pastely.
Oh wow...your wardrobe is my dream. Mine is very much your {before} picture... Love all your vintage. Do you find that a lot of the clothes you pick up are polyester or acetate? I've fallen in love with so many vintage dresses over the years that I've bought up, and then thrown them into a pile after they make me scratch and sweat all day long! Do you only buy natural fibre vintage, or do you put up with the scratching?
oh my heart... there's so many loveliness that I want from your closet! oh I soo envy your wardrobe! xoxo
How I wish to have those dresses, I mean to have lots of dress. You did a great transformation on your closet.
Oh, my gosh...I am totally coveting your closet! Such beautiful things!!
I just discover ou blog...and I immediately add it to my Blogroll!!!
I love your universe, your photos (awwwwe your dressing!!! ♥)
I will come back here!
how beautiful! what a lovely collection!
LOVE your closet!
Your closed is quite simply amazing.
You look so organized, and I can't even imagine what beautiful dresses live within there...
Thanks for posting!
Nice work! Closet organzing is the absolut worst! And geez, how did you end up with such a nice sized closet in the city!?
dream closet!! it is beautiful!
your closet is completely amazing. i think i will print out a photo of it and post it in my closet. maybe that way my closet will feel ashamed and want to become more beautiful!!
You closet is quite amazing!! even when it's not organized! I'm jealous... so many lovely things in there!!! I'll be dreaming about your closet all day long...
Love & Aloha.
I am so jealous of your closet!!!!! Good job - it looks so amazing new and the dresses you have on display are beautiful! :)
i've the same dressing ! it's so hard to find something !
it might be a bit late for this comment since the last one was made in early december, but i thought my hoarding of vintage clothes was bad!!! not saying that it's bad in a negative way =) i aspire to have a closet like yours one day.
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