I'm at my mum and dad's home and it's been a perfect snowy day filled with lots of home cooked hearty meals (including apple crisp and chocolate chip cookies!) and in honor of my mum's wonderful cooking I thought I'd share these sweet little images a dear friend forwarded my way!
I myself haven't done any cooking today - instead I've been working on my scout merits and tending to the fireplace and maybeee roasting a marshmallow or two or three... But - for those of you who decided to stay inside and stay warm and cook - these are for you!

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And for good measure - here are some of the cute little guys that I found in that book.. un-related to cooking, but too sweet not to share.

* If you'd like to repost, please use proper reposting-etiquette; contact me or link back. Thanks!
Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Thanks for sharing!
This is so ridiculous and cute! I love the little sayings with the boiling kettles!
That is the cutest thing I have seen all night. The toaster man and the kitties are my favorite. Thank you for the smile!
what!!! that is amazing!!! this is a post i have been savin up to to share! this is my most favoritest cook book ever!!! i have never met anyone else who knows this book!!!!
Oh my these are wonderful!!! You always find the most darling books. My favorite one is the mouse that looks like he's directing traffic or something.
how utterly charming! i like the steaming pan especially.
I love these images! They really made me smile! A saucepan on leg - brilliant!
Polly x
Oh that's wonderful! I adore the tea kettle and all of the little cuties that are not related to cooking.
these brought such a smile to my face! thankyou for posting them all!
Super cute illustrations!
these are so cute! how neat would they be framed and on a kitchen wall?
Aw, I'm so glad you shared these images! They're so silly and cute, It's unreal!
Perforated Skimmer and Can Opener.
Love it!
And way to have two desserts at the same time, by the way.
O, Jubey! What a good, generous cat! Although my favorite part might be the equipment list, which specifies a yellow bowl. No other color will do! I wonder why the round cake tin looks so ambivalent, though.
These images are amazing amazing. Thank you for sharing!!
that was too cute for words! what a great find.
These images make cooking fun and more enjoying. Thanks for sharing this with us.
It’s lovely! If only kitchen utensils talk it would probably happen like these images posted above. LOL!
So adorable!!
Put a big smile on my face. Thank you. Truly needed it today. Love the kitties!!
:) this is very happy
I love these images! The animals are all so whimsical and cute
I love that little mouse - rather Beatrix Potter in style.
What a cute book!
cute! i wish more things were still made like this today!
Oh. Love.
these are just fantastic!
These are so amazing! The tea pot one just cracks me up!
Ohhhh my! My my my my my! I adore this! Add book to cookbook shelf, check!
awwww tooo cute! this teapots and stuff reminded me of Disneys animated movie the cinderella :)
ahhh, most adorable drawings i've ever seen. my favorite is the crazy hat one :)
- jen
!!!! Those are so cute!
Those are fantastic images! Love them all!
I love them!! My fave has to be "This hat's crazy!"
I love these illustrations SO much!
I would love to repost the Jubey ones, as I am a kitty fanatic AND one of my nicknames is in fact, Jubey! Thanks for posting these, they are all very lovely. Let me know if it's alright with you, I will surely link back. :)
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