Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today's Inspiration: The Mary Frances Cook Book

I'm at my mum and dad's home and it's been a perfect snowy day filled with lots of home cooked hearty meals (including apple crisp and chocolate chip cookies!) and in honor of my mum's wonderful cooking I thought I'd share these sweet little images a dear friend forwarded my way!

I myself haven't done any cooking today - instead I've been working on my scout merits and tending to the fireplace and maybeee roasting a marshmallow or two or three... But - for those of you who decided to stay inside and stay warm and cook - these are for you!

The Kitchen People

Kitchen People, pt. 2


Measuring Spoons

Raddish Bunch

"I declare! He's right!"

Thank you kindly, Miss.

"This hat's crazy!"

"Oh my lid!"


"Oh yes, here it is."

A Sauce Pan is a funny thing.

Oh, hum-m-m! O, yah, yah, yah/

. . .

And for good measure - here are some of the cute little guys that I found in that book.. un-related to cooking, but too sweet not to share.

"He'll be like the frog."

"Let's give it to Jubey."

"Hello, Sister."

Three Cats


Then he bragged

As hungry as two bears.


Jubey led all the hungry cats in the world.

* If you'd like to repost, please use proper reposting-etiquette; contact me or link back. Thanks!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Boston Bound

I'm here. In New England. Just for a short while but here none the less! It's been a measly month and a half since moving but it felt like this trip was long over due! And with that, I've been thinking about what to pack since I booked my flight (a month ago) and here's a little peek into what did, and didn't make the cut!


Pictured clockwise: My practically cheesecloth 30s floral dress, my new 30s dahlia print dress (this dress is in my top 5 favorites list... it's that good!) my pride and joy 30s tweed coat, a 30s felt hat, my boyfriends plaid cashmere scarf, 40s black heels and 80s two-tone oxfords, yee olde trusty black gladstone, a scrap yarn ball knitting project I'm doing in a k2p2 with circular needles (don't judge - I can't find anything but long circular needles in the midst of my mess!) my tweed Lyell shorts that are too dang big on me, andddddd - another pride and joy- my beautiful B sweater.

It's my new crush and it also happens to be a similarly displaced New Englander - purchased in San Francisco, hailing from Boston... This thing is all I need to keep me warm this weekend when I brave the windy seasides for a wedding!

AH, that sweater is so beautiful it makes me misty eyed! And it reminds me exactly of fall, and how good it can be here. Grey days with white clouds and that crisp bite to the air in combination with a distant smoky fireplace mixed with roasting nuts and sweaters and scarves and hands shoved into pockets ... Wool. Corduroy. Exactly how it should be!

And today was close, (sans corduroy) but it was so nice to wake up to the Boston skyline and spend the entire day with two of my favorite people, doing all of my favorite things and then getting to see the first snow fall of the year.

And it's on that note I'll end this. Good night North Country East Coast land ... there are no words that can properly express just how much I love you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Apartment progress + shop update!

I had the day off today - and spent it mostly lounging around and prowling the depth of ebay for pretty jewels and day dresses. I didn't find too much.. but I'm not worried because I'm heading home (east coast) on Wednesday night and I know that there are treasures to be found!!

I did snap a few pictures of my bedroom progress. It seems like this room is the one that's coming together the easiest.

new bed!

YES! A bed frame. A nice old antique brass $50 craigslist find! I'm an adult now, no more box springs on floors ... ever again!

The letterpress table got kicked out when we found that dresser for a whopping $20. The little kiddie floral chair- a little pricier at $40. The polka dotted suit case that's somewhat tough to make out was found at Alameda last month and the rest of the things followed me here from Boston. Except for that pretty red silk dress - thank you Miss Stellate Vintage!!

Anyway - that's all I have to share today. The living room/dining room is a ridiculous mess that I fear might never go away .. or maybe it will once we find a couch, end tables, coffee tables, shelving ...... until then it's mostly a midnight maze of booby trap piles inviting you to trip and fall on that sacred quest for a glass of water in the middle of the night...

Oh, actually - one more thing! I did update my shop today - I'm really excited about all the pieces up right now... unfortunately the pictures are terrible since it's an awfully grey day (storms a comin' tomorrow) and so this apartment takes on bat cave qualities... Someday I'll figure out a good photo solution... Until then, take my word that this stuff is goood!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today's Inspiration: The Magic Box

It's fall! And I completely forgot until a few days ago that I haven't posted the final Rainbow Box book! Perfectly enough, The Magic Box is Autumn's book and I'm going to save you from my gushing and squawking and just get right down to business!















Happiest of week's ends!

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