Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer Hats

Good summer hats are hard to find. Ones where you can actually step out of the house and not feel like a goofball or like you're wearing a costume.... I think I found myself a nice one at Cafe Society last week. A pretty little floppy straw hat from the 40's and I can't wait to wear it at the Cape this weekend! (it'd be a teeny bit better if it were brown instead of burgundy, but you can't be picky about these things!!)

my new summer hat

In the mean time, I wore it out for a little movie date at the Coolidge with best twin mouse friend Jeff. Here we are loitering around near a church on some mysterious road in Brookline.

Summer Days

Sometimes when I get dressed I feel like a 60's girl dressing up in her mom's old clothes. I think yesterday was a particularly good example of that.


Jessica said...

Look how lovely you are!!! That hat is real special--the perfect summer hat! Aw, and I love what you said about the '60s girl--you totally look it in the most, most wonderful way! You're a 'lil Carnaby Street bird!


Josephine Frances said...

You look so lovely and classy in the black and with that hat! Lovely!

Casey said...

I love your outfit! :) It seems like the perfect, late summer look. I've been on the hunt for a summer hat since February, and still have yet to find my ideal (or maybe I'm being too picky?). ;) I love the wide, floppy brim on yours!

Jay said...

Ah! It's darling! Is that a little hat pin, I spy?

I found a perfect floppy straw hat last week, but left it in Maine. :/ I'm dying waiting to be reunited with it.

jeff allen said...

ex best mouse? thanks jerk...

Lemon said...

oh wow.
that hat. and that colour!!
p.s. i've given you the lemonade award -come visit my blog to see ;)

Isabel said...

Damn, you pull off hats well. Something I could never do!

Anonymous said...

You look lovely. I love that hat!

Rebecca Jane said...

I love that hat - it looks fantastic on you - that outfit is so pretty!

Jessica said...

i know what you mean about hard-find-hats! i always feel a little silly. this one is a beauty though! i love the moody colors of your outfit!!

Q's Daydream said...

I adore this outfit! You are too tooo cute! :o)

Liz said...

Hahahaha the color of the hat is lovelyyyyyyy!

And yes! definitely reminds me of playing dress up as a kid ^___^

Annie Spandex said...

That purple goes so well with your blonde hair and coloring..

heleen said...

That's an amazing outfit! The hat really takes it to another level.

I've been looking for a nice straw hat myself, but I can't seem to find any that's satisfying enough...

Samantha said...

lovely blog<3
that hat is beautiful.

text machine said...

what a pretty picture of you. I love that hat. I think the purple makes it special!

Unknown said...

Just lovely darling btw come visit

Rosa said...

Oh you look wonderful! I love it! xxx

Teresa @ good-grace said...

oh my... you are rocking the hat! It looks picture perfect. Love it!

Sasi said...

You look gorgeous in that hat and dress:)

Sandra said...

Wonderful hat! That outfit is very lady-like, in a good way :)

H to the izzo said...

Oh what a great summer floppy hat! I like it in burgundy, makes it more unique and feminine.

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