Saturday, August 1, 2009


A few months ago I hit the jackpot of finds at my grandmother's house. Actually, that's not true - my dad did. But, before I explain I have to give a bit of a back story...

Maybe three summers ago I was at my grandmother's house, rummaging around in her concrete block garage that's been stuffed full of things from my mom's parents home and also keeps all the old workings of my grandfather's work shop (he was a mechanic for the Underwood typewriter company) ... can we just say that this garage is like, the mecca of all things amazing? I don't even know 3/4 of what's in there because you totally can't even get around (boxes and boxes and boxes) but, from what I've climbed over, I know it's good! I've pulled my mum's 1960s era Raleigh Robin Hood Cruiser out of here ... dream bike, just like no big deal sitting in the garage...

ANYWAY - I found this old cigar box of metal letters. A really dark metal, almost resembling lead ... they had little holes at the ends so you could nail them into a wall and I thought - oh how perfect to put these on a nice blank wall! Welll, my grandmother didn't part with things easily and she would not let me take them because they belonged to my grandfather and that was that. So, she hid them. Yes. She hid the damn things and I've been wracking my brain as to where she stashed those stupid letters and I think I'm going to give up soon. I've asked everyone in my family to keep their eyes peeled for a 'box of letters' and my dad thought he'd found them. Well, not quite - but maybe this is even better!!!

one of my happiest finds

I love my grandfather's permanent marker writings on each of the letters, and I love that there's a beautiful little tray with rows to keep the letters in place that I know he must have made for their safe keeping...

one of my happiest finds


I very lovingly cleaned them up a month ago and sort of forgot about them until Wednesday afternoon. Then I got crazy, stamping this - stamping that.... too bad I'm missing the 3 ... 1385 hang tags and business cards were going to be in the works until my plan was foiled (it's okay though, i just found a similar set on etsy that's going to work to replace the three seamlessly!)

So, instead of focusing on business branding - I've been trying to whittle down my paper collection and add a little somethin' else to 1385 wrappings ... some of these have been delivered, some are on their way - and I can't wait to stamp some more!







I've also been making good use of all the road maps, astrological charts, and blue prints that I found at my grandmother's house last week. Thank god for my grandmother, the best of the pack rats.


Suzy said...

Ahh! Those packages are too darling! I always thought about tucking a hankie into each of my own etsy packings, but the thought of one being tossed by the wayside has kept me from it. So little faith on my part! These are truly lovely, though; Something for me to work up to :).

amy merrick said...

I got mine yesterday! Currently wearing my dream shirt, watching an early morning viewing of "Out of Africa" while doing some sewing and freaking out because I feel like Meryl Streep, my hero! I love you to bits!

daria said...

oh WoW! what a great find.. and you make the most darling packages i've yet to see! it doesnt even matter what, if anything even, sleeps inside, the wrapping is already good enough!

Mr Yen said...

i wish i could receive a package from you, they all look so lovingly wrapper with amazing papers and little details like the string and the buttons. Im so jealous of the metal letters too!

Anonymous said...

So neat!! So jealous!
I was in an antique mall in Northern Wisconsin once and found a set of old stamps just like that - only there were close to 150 different shapes and sizes. And I don't know what came over me, I don't know what happened; but I did not buy them. If it wasn't over an 8 hour drive for me, I'd go straight back.
Thank goodness for Ebay and Grandmothers' houses!

Parapluie said...

This is wonderful! The packages look lovely

Love_Again said...

Wow they are the most beautifully wrapped packages I have ever seen! The recipients will be absolutely delighted, I am sure. The lettering works a treat. I have been looking out for a lettering kit like this for a while now. Have fun stamping!x

Anonymous said...

the art in your packaging is incredible. like the japanese, wrapping everything so thoughtfully. i use stamps too, to head each thank you note with orders. they're a great touch, and fun to use. just seeing these though, i have to buy something from you now. i love your blog by the way - i think you've channeled everything i loved when i was in my twenties - musty finds, old postcards, furniture, clothes. your style is just beautiful!

jessibee said...

Beautiful packaging!
You are on lucky girl. I wish that my grandmother was as much a pack rat as yours. She always had yard sales! :(

karen said...

what a great find I love old letters and text and this fits into that category!

natalie said...

Amazing find! I love the packages, so neat and sweet!

Jessica said...

SO BEAUTIFUL! I just love your posts. I miss going through all my great grandma's things. I'm completely in love with that blue package :)

reilly said...

how exciting! i love the font type, all the stamping you've done looks beautiful!

Jessica said...

Oh my! What a dream find!!! That's such a treasure...Ooh dear, and that bike!!! Talk about a dream! I can only have a bike like that while I'm a-snoozin'! Haha, and I love that your gram hid them on you...I think that's just about the cutest thing I've heard! Aw, and of course--the packages!! Always, always the loveliest! You are truly one special 'lil lady!


the exhausted etiquette (kirstine) said...

oh jeeeze, these are the best.
I think my heart would drop right out of me if I could explore such home as your grandmothers.

Kelley Anne said...

Oh you lucky girl! My grandparents did a major purge of their attic when I was about 14 and got rid of so many things that I would love to have now...including clothes. Your packages are so lovingly wrapped, even more incentive to order something:)

The Body Electric said...

Egad, those are fantastic!!!!!!

SK said...

Wow I love the packages wrapped in twine!!

Gracie said...

i love the packages.
its very wonderful (:

Tracy said...

those packages are beautiful! now i really want some 1385 mail for myself...time to go shopping! :)

Khanh said...

Love your packages, you are brilliant!!

Catherine Shu said...

Your packages are so gorgeous, like photos in a Japanese zakka magazine. Your grandparents sound like they were awesome people -- yay for pack rat relatives :-). It must be so awesome to have a garage filled with memories like that.

babieswithstaches said...

I can't believe you never told me your grandfather was an Underwood Mechanic.... that is an important piece of information. That is one of my obsolete life goals.

heather. said...

those packages are just soo lovely!! and those stamps! I need to get my hands on ones just like them!

Amy P. said...

Mmm, that's awesome to have a garage full of hidden treasures! And your grandma is a sneaky one for hiding those metal letters, but the letter stamps you found are darling.

Thoseee packages are even more darling. So attentive to detail and adding bits of hankies and

Anonymous said...

I love your things! Check out mine men.. I want to ask do you have a art grade or other education? Because you show your shop really well, thanks bye! Love yah!
xoxo Jane

Anonymous said...

That packaging is breathtaking!!

Your grandmother's garage sounds wonderful ;)

Abbie Lee said...

You make the loveliest packages!

Casey said...

How utterly fun! I just love how you pack your shipments--they are so beautiful! :)

Sasi said...

Uh, I totally love the packages:)

all saints said...

really liking those packages!especially the first 2

calivintage said...

wow. wow. wow. those letters are so perfect and your packages are so lovely one would hesitate to unwrap them. so lovely!

Anonymous said...

sooo lovely

we could grow up 2gether said...

omg, i love those

Jay said...

Those packages are the freaking cutest things I've ever seen! And you're so sweet to send them out to people--I'm afraid I would hoard them all.

Once again, I'm amazed by your grandmother and her house. And I hope you'll post photos of that bike!

Isabel said...

The packaging is so artistic and beautiful! Wow.

into the trees said...

finding hidden treasures is the greatest thing! the lettering is lovely as well as those packages you put together!

Anonymous said...

Wow! beautiful and exciting packaging, makes me want to buy something :)

Lisa said...

The packages look perfect! So creative and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to stop by to let you know I have linked your blog under "blog love" on my page. you have an amazing sense of design and an exceptional eye for beauty! looking forward to your next post! :)

Wild Keiki said...

I have a collection of letter stamps as well! But these ones are MUCH nicer. I love the idea you have, of using them for note cards on gifts. It's so clever!


Rebecca Jane said...

what a fabulous find - i love stamps. Gorgeous packages as well!

tamerajane said...

So lucky! Both my grandmothers moved a lot and never pack-ratted much - but I am lucky that I did grab a few things!

Beautiful parcels!

Dani said...

I love those stamps. And who wouldn't love to receive one of those charming packages in the post?

andrea said...

I'm so jealous of the astrological papers! I don't know how you part with them...I would wallpaper my whole apartment with them for sure. :D

Mia said...


Unknown said...

OMG, these are just amazing! I love to make special packages for my customers 2 ;-)

VintageChanteuse said...

fabulous packages!

Teresa @ good-grace said...

oh my gosh... the packages are aMAZing!
... but I digress... I think the story about rummaging around in your grandmother's garage is just so sweet! How special to have such wonderful keepsakes - that you can actually use.

Elissa said...

LOVE your gift-wrapping!

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