Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well spent Saturdays

Awh heck - the warm weather is here (for the most part) and I finally feel like a normal human being again. I've been walking instead of driving and taking the long way and finding new little bits and pieces of Boston that I didn't think existed before. Yesterday I went for a little stroll around the South End and Back Bay and I ended up (four hours later) back at the car with with blisters and crooked toes from wearing shoes that are too eencie for me feet - but, it was no matter because there was vanilla soda and caramel swirl ice cream to keep me distracted, oh and also my favorite faraway visitor to keep me company.

May 2nd

I braided my hair and made a little headband across the top because it was just being unruly in the morning and it seemed like the best fix.

I also met this funny little tinny snail along my way.



  1. lovely dress. it goes so perfectly with the hair too.

    it's so sad that the trees are starting to lose their blooms. they smelled so wonderfully just a few weeks ago, and now the endless rain is just washing everything away.

  2. your dress is amazing

  3. lovely hair, and snail. that last picture is divine, isn't spring wonderful. :)

  4. Your dress, it's just perfect! Lovelovelovelovelove. And your hair, was that easy-ish to do? Wish I knew how, so pretty and summery.

  5. Lovely pictures. Like the dress.

  6. I need to learn how to braid my hair like that. Until then hair bows will have to hold me over. I adore your dress.. .& the teensey snail for the snail & the cyclops goes very well.

  7. Sounds like you had fun! And you were looking amazing :)

  8. That is SUCH a gorgeous dress..

  9. I love absolutely everything about your outfit here, that dress is just wonderful! And exploring sounds like fun! I hope to get to it after my exams are over :)

  10. Your dress is so pretty and I love that last picture of you, standing under the tree :)
    It's always fun exploring parts of your city that you don't know that well, yet.

  11. Aw, that sounds lovely! Your outfit is wonderful, what a perfect dress :)

  12. Oh I'm so glad it was you who bought that dress! I was watching it on etsy and you've saved me from fooling myself that I could fit into it and the inevitable disappointment that would follow :P
    So pretty! It is just the lovliest dress and looks so good on you :)

  13. Love the hairstyle! I've tried to do something similar with my hair but I've always failed...
    The dress is gorgeous too!!

  14. A completely gorgeous dress! You look lovely lovely lovely!

  15. You look like a princess out of a fairy tale. :)

  16. You look divine! Sounds like you had such a wonderful day! I love warm weather, please let it stay forever! :o)

  17. ooh, the dress is so beauutiful! my hair is far to short for braids at the moment, i wish it was just a little longer, your's looks absolutley lovely.

  18. lovely shots here! a very well spent Saturday, indeed.

  19. You look beautiful in that dress! Thanks so much for buying it, I'm glad it finally found the perfect home! That last shot is lovely, I'm loving the tree in the background, sounds like you had a wonderful day.. <3

  20. This is so, so lovely!!! That dress looks gorgeous on you--I'm so glad you bought it!! It's especially wonderful with those little shoes (literally!), even if they were painful! Everything about these photos are gorgeous and you are just the loveliest little lady ever---plus SHNAIL!!!!!


  21. that dress looks amazing on you!

    i love spring time!

  22. Oooooooooooh amazing dress and hair!

  23. you look beautiful. I love the dress and the hair! and I love your blog as well! :)

  24. Lovely dress!!!

    Your braided haire looks cute. I wish I know how to do that.


  25. these pics are so pretty! what a lovely ensemble & your braided headband looks so cute :)

  26. what a dreamy dress, and perfect hairdo
