Sunday, March 29, 2009

the in-between days

I'm terrible when it comes to the in-between seasons - Fall into Winter - Winter into Spring. I start getting grumpy about everything I own and want to get rid of it all and start over (and it's usually for a closet full of Lyell). The past few weeks have been pretty confusing as far as cold grey days that feel more like the start of Winter then the start of Spring. But, we were really lucky to have such wonderful, wonderful sunny days a few weekends ago and I keep telling myself there's more warm breezes to come, they're just taking their dear old time!

It was nice to run around with NO tights on! But, now those warm days seem like forever ago now and it's totally breaking my heart. There are things I want to do! Places I want to visit! People I want to see! ...But, for now - I'll be good and practice some patience.

Friday, March 20, 2009



I wandered into Barney's a few months ago looking to sniff all the pretty perfumes and things in there (I've found that sometimes going around to Fresh and C.O. Bigelow to smell 'n sample helps cure the after-a-bad day blues..) and happened upon a table with two long rows of absinthe colored hand crafted glass candles - each sitting under their own bell jar.... Cire Trudon....  I had one or two quick flings, but fell head over heels in unending love for Abd El Kader.

It's like a summer's day in the shady backyard of a little cottage. A small pond with bullfrogs and a weeping willow tree. Basil leaves and over-grown mint patches. A faded cotton sundress and a straw hat... I'm not pulling your arm either - it so perfectly captures everything about a perfect summer day that I was half expecting to close my eyes and have a glass of raspberry lemonade sitting by me. (I think the candle's official lineup is: spearmint, lemon, blackcurrant bud, apple, ginger, clove, jasmine and vanilla.) But, after looking at the price tag I remembered it was the middle of a bitter cold winter and I couldn't possibly fork over the doll hairs for..... a candle.


Well, it's the first day of Spring and I just strolled right in there and bought it. Not even one batted eyelash or second thought. And - I've done my research, these candles certainly have an impressive resume. They were no stranger to Versailles, illuminated the halls of great thinkers during the Enlightenment and were a personal favorite of Monsieur Bonaparte. 

.....You can't blame a girl for wanting a little bit of her own "antique prestige," right?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring comes slowly

I'm having a difficult time coming up with words to go along with this post. But, I will just say that this outfit was inspired by the Velveteen Rabbit scans I previously posted about, kumquat soda, ranunculus flowers in any and every color, cupcake breakfasts, and all the nice daydreams that have been swirling around my head lately of owning a candy store and ice cream shoppe. And I mean the nice kind - with a long countertop and pretty stools that spin around and around. Old booths with carved initials and a black and white checkerboard floor to hop across. Not to forget the pretty pretty pink and white milk glass and jadeite dishes and shelves and shelves of the most beautiful imported candy to exist... If only....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Today's Inspiration: The Velveteen Rabbit

It's 6:15 in the morning and instead of getting ready for work and cleaning my messy room in preparation for my most favorite person in the entire world to visit me this weekend - I'm procrastinating. But, I think this is an acceptable form of procrastination as it comes in the form of beautiful scans from The Velveteen Rabbit. The University of Connecticut sent us 4 carts of wonderful books - and this is the first of a few I plan on sharing! I know this book holds a special place in my childhood (my heart almost exploded when I saw it on the list of books they were sending!!) and I'm sure it does for many others - so I'll stop the yappings and get to the pictures (so I can also get to the tidying!)


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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh my!

This is more or less how I spent my snowy Sunday. Important things like grocery shopping, buying a bunch of white ranunculus, cooking with kale, dusting out the cobwebs, stitching up my old tattered quilts, and of course ... re-arranging. It seems like every weekend I end up fussing with my bedroom, I think I'm finally getting there though - I've realized the more stuff I cram in - the cozier I feel. This weekend was sort of a big deal though since I'm clearing out all my things from my extra room/closet and moving it all into my teeny tiny bedroom. I feel like I'm living in some sort of fun world right now. There's just floor to ceiling stuff and a little three foot path that goes through my room (this extends for approximately 14 feet).

There are little fragile dresses hanging all around and I've got all sorts of pretty books stacked up and organized by color. My wooden thread collection is complete and spreads itself out perfectly across my windows. I've yet to add my wall hangings - but, I'm trying to save some things for me and Alice's shared studio space (by studio space I mean the spare room in our house that's only down the hall about 12 feet) I'm excited to see how the room will work itself out. We hope to make a few nice spots to take pictures by and hopefully we'll have the ultimate shipping table for our Forest Bound and Thirteen Eighty-Five endeavors. I'm sure one of us will share photos when the room is complete - but for now - here are the newest photos of my room and the chaos that it is:

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spring's cleaning

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mostly the winter wools

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It's funny - I don't know if you can tell from those pictures that it's all one tiny room! The claustrophobic ... *ahem - I mean cozy feeling doesn't really come across as well as it does in real life.  

Today was another snowy day and Alice was sweet enough to help me with some etsy photos - it was nice to have a clean room as the backdrop! Much cozier to be inside then outside in the white fluff!!

Off to the Circus Tap Suit

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Palest of Pale Tank

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Summer's Eyelet Dress

Now I'm off to bed - I've been sick for the past two weeks and I feel a relapse coming on - the dreaded 'hard to swallow soar throat' business!! I hope I wake up feeling better in the morning!!!

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