website is finished (although it needs a few minor changes here and there) but I can finally post the photos we've been working on!! This is just a few pictures, to see the entire thing - go to the website!!
If you're wondering the location on this, some of the photos were shot at Holy Land, an abandoned religious theme park in Waterbury, CT. The rest were shot at the bear cages in Franklin Park. I wanted to capture that carefree, late afternoon, Indian Summer feeling with this collection, and I thought these strange abandoned parks would be the perfect place! The dresses have that warm autumn feel to them, and are perfect as they are or underneath scarves and little jackets.
So, from here on out Thirteen Eighty-Five will be hawkin' it's wares through different themed collections. One of my best buds in the entire world,
Jeff Allen will be taking the fancy editorial style photos for us and everything you'll see in the photos will be for sale!!!
I wanted to start doing it like this for a few reasons - it's easier for me to have a theme in mind so I don't go crazy when I'm out shopping for the store. Unfortunately, I can't sell clothing full time - so I do this when I have a free afternoon (or when I start running out of room in my house!) Selling clothing in separate collections makes it easier for me to prepare little by little for it, rather than everything all at once! And also, I just have a hard time letting go of some things!!! Taking pretty photos of the dresses with Jeff is going to be a really good way to help me let go of those pack rat tendencies. It's hard for me to find a dress I think is really wonderful and not want to do more with it before I send it on it's way to another home. So, it'll be fun scheming up locations and ideas for new shoots. I already have the next two ideas pretty well thought out, and I'm excited to see how they'll turn out! It's going to be fun to play dress up but not feel too guilty for keeping all the clothing!!!
PS The ebay listings aren't up yet. They're in the works though. And I'll be sure to let everyone know when they're ready!
PPS I know this is totally hypocritical of everything I just mentioned, but I might be doing a one week long etsy market sale from the Baked Fresh leftovers. I'm not sure yet, but I'll keep everyone posted on that too!