Sunday, August 31, 2008

gibbet hill and perfect dresses

This dress.... this dress has quite the epic story behind it (and I really hate using that word) I don't even know where to start with the story, because I'm in awe of everything - but this dress was originally on etsy, then I thought it to be lost and gone forever (someone bought it) but now care of some crazzzy weird internet coincidences and a swap with the amazingly sweet and adorable Meggy, I've been running around the city with it, twirling around big farm hills and lounging around parks - I love it and since I got it on Tuesday I haven't wanted to take it off!

(I'm wearing it now and plan on exploring the abandoned bear dens of Franklin Park - so hopefully more photos to come!)

Monday, August 25, 2008

a tiny farewell

.... My computer is off to the doctor's tomorrow. It's in need of a new logic board (eeek!) and for the past week I've been borrowing computers here and there. So - the blog quietness is starting to set in, even though I'm not even trying!!

That means for the next few days I have no excuses but to be spending my free time stitching and mending the enormous pile of clothing that's been haunting me all summer - and the other half of that time will be spent with my hands dipped in laundry bubbles or attached to an iron. Yep, it should be a fun week (and I'm only being sarcastic about the sewing part, I really do love laundry and stubborn stains and ironing! The sewing is awful because I only have tedious things to do like fixing hems and mending holes, nothing easy like loose buttons)

Oh, and if you're wondering- that little black top is from the 30's and one of the things that needs some handiwork this week, as well as the slip.
And then there's the medical drawings! I just got these in the mail and I'm excited about them! They're a seventh grader's biology sketches from 1900!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1385 - ebay - tonight!

I decided to skip etsy this week and put everything onto ebay! I'm getting faster at it.. (but still - I mostly work at a snail's pace) There's also some etsy leftovers on there, so in case anyone was wondering where those things went - head over to ebay!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Last weekend Sarah came to visit Boston and it was a great big whirlwind of a time! We started our days with eggs in the basket, visited all the very best Boston shops, ate the most delicious cupcakes that Sarah made for us and brought along in an adorable yellow cake tin, visited a flea market and The Friendly Toast, went blueberry picking - and made blueberry crisp! I'm sure I'm missing some other things.....
....OH, and we took these silly polaroids. How could I forget that?!

PS There are a few more photos on my flick!

Monday, August 11, 2008

rainy rainy days

A good long while ago I purchased this dress from Liebemarlene Vintage. I had seen it before in one of her Wardrobe Remix photos and it was one of those love-at-first-sight dresses.... When she put it up on ebay I figured it'd be another one of those things online that you wish for, but don't end up winning (like this Mama Stone Vintage dress some other lucky girl won) But, by some crazy luck, I won the auction!

When Rhiannon sent the dress she also sent along some other lovely things. (Including this black bag that I'm holding! - she's the sweetest!)

The dress looked so perfect on her, the way she styled it with the brown accessories - but when I put it on I looked ridiculous! it was a bit too short and the white and blue looked too childish on me.... A few tea bags later, and the dress was just right!

I was also lucky enough to have superstar Jeff Allen take these pictures! We ran around a big field and it was practically dark, but he has himself a magic camera and the pictures came out perfect!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

paper letter wish list

Monday, August 4, 2008

little things

I was feeling really good about the new room, and then I fell asleep and woke up feeling like I was in some other girl's house. I think this is because all of the walls are bare (except for the little area above the suitcases) and it just feels strange. The old bedroom was the product of two years of compiling and collecting and stuffing, so this minimalism thing is a foreign concept to me.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

new room

This weekend I've been busy with painting, cleaning, and re-decorating!
I switched bedrooms, (Ill be using my old bedroom as a glorified closet/workspace!) So I've been hard at work to create the same cozy atmosphere of the old room, minus the clutter. The old bedroom was wonderful, but it would get messy even if I sneezed! I've been listening to Vashti Bunyan all afternoon and I think I'm going to take a blueberry break soon because this room is definitely coming along, but nowhere near finishd. I haave some things on hold until I can find time to visit a few flea markets. I need to find some big lacey pieces for the window treatments and the little tent/canopy thing I want to build over the bed. (Kind of like this)

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