Tuesday, June 21, 2011


last of SF
. . .

I've never been good with changes, but my 25th birthday is on the horizon and I think it's the perfect time to call it quits for The Snail and The Cyclops / 1385

The particulars haven't been ironed out quite yet, but I'm in the process of creating a new space for myself on the internet. I'll still be selling vintage, and I'll still be taking photos of the old junk I find - it's just time for something different.

I'll be sure to post the formalities, url, etc. here once everything is in place.

Until then - I'll be temporarily re-opening 1385 sometime next week with a mix of things that aren't quite right for the new shop.



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Friday, June 3, 2011

Pfeiffer Beach

My last California day trip to Pfeiffer Beach. It was one of the best places I've ever been to, yet it was only a tiny peek at how amazing Big Sur is.... I've basically been thinking about when I can go back since the moment we got there.







Big Sur



Big Sur
. . .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Welcomed Distractions

Packing is a truly miserable experience... especially towards the end of it. But, I do appreciate finding all the things I've lost, or just totally forgotten about.. These detachable collars and 20s boudoir sashes are all things I had carefully tucked away in my closet.... A most welcomed distraction from playing moving box Tetris finding just the right spot for every little thing.

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