Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas !

gum drop land

I hope everyone is having a magical little day for themselves - filled with loved ones and cookies and chocolate and maybe a Christmas sweater or an Elvis Christmas carol or two!!

This is my second Christmas in SF ... away from the East Coast... It's really tough being away from family, but Christmas Eve was sort of really great!! A Westley walk to Grace Cathedral hill around 11:15 PM, for a gum drop tree photo shoot and then I wandered into midnight mass ... the cathedral was so pretty with the glowy lights and the frankincense rising up into the rafters. I've never been to a midnight mass before, and I've never actually been into Grace Cathedral ... I think last night was the perfect time to be there.

gum drops

gum drops

merry christmas


Today Westley and I are relaxing and eating our own treats respectively - freeze dried chicken for him, and Lacey's cookies for me! Even though my family is miles and miles away - I'm happy to have this little fur baby as my official present shredder!!

Christmas morn treats

merry christmas
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Be well and warm!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Legion of Honor

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Saturday was a really great day spent running around The Legion of Honor with Sonja. The weather was totally bizarre, when we got there it was foggy, then turned sunny, then turned foggy, and then then the sky was grey, red, and orange all at the same time. When I was running around in that polka dot dress, a live organist started playing Christmas songs and the fog was coming in and it was one of the strangest/best places I could have possibly been!!

These things will probably be going into the etsy shop tomorrow afternoon, I ran out of light today to photograph the polka dot dress so I guess I'll just wait and post it all at once. I'll have another update coming soon too ... I've been stashing some things away for a holiday pop-up shop happening on Friday hosted by my pal Ashley - and whatever doesn't sell after the party will make its way onto etsy. If any of you in SF might be interested in shopping for dresses, have a look here for more info!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fragile Wings

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Canada on Carousel

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I'm having a hard time putting words to this post because everything that comes out sounds waaayy too sappy. But, it's hard not to dote on such pretty pictures taken by my pal Sonja. On top of being way too sweet and a million times cooler then I ever was during my teenage years - she has the very best blonde hairs I ever did see.

It's nice that we happen live in the same city too! Fingers crossed everything falls into place and Sonja and I get to take 1385 photos on Saturday... I have a small stash of extra pretty things I found in Boston that need proper photos taken before they find a new home..

Oh, and I almost forgot - she also has one of my most favorite tumblrs.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wild Flowers of America

Wild Flowers of America

Wild Flowers of America

Wild Flowers of America

Wild Flowers of America

Wild Flowers of America

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Yesterday I stumbled upon 17 (of 18) volumes of Wild Flowers of America circa 1894.... 16 lithographed flowers in each volume and I feel like I could spend the rest of my afternoon taking pictures of the pretty details.. I'm going to be adding the plates to Libris Lunaria - Vol. 1 is already up... Vol. 2 is next!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tender Cuts

Tender Cuts

Tender Cuts

When I first started selling vintage I noticed that so many of the collectors/sellers I'd meet always dressed so simply... And usually always in modern clothing. I didn't understand why, but I think I get it now... You start to feel guilty keeping things for yourself - and the ones that you do hold onto feel too precious to wear. I feel like more and more I'm having a hard time finding clothing for myself - and the things that I wear each day tend to be so boring.

I bought these floral shorts almost a year ago from the sweet Emily Bryngelson's clothing line, Tender Cuts and it's been one of my best non-vintage purchases! I also bought the white/black long sleeve blouse too and I can't even tell you how many times it's gotten me out of an outfit pinch. I've been meaning to use both the blouse and shorts for proper pictures ... but I suppose these blurry photos taken a few weeks ago will have to do for now.

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Oh! And I'm back. Lazing about in bed with a scruffy white pup perfectly curled up to my right. I plan on spending my day packing up etsy orders and unpacking my suitcases. I'm feeling extra lazy though and any excuse to putz around on the computer whilst tucked under blankets is a-okay with me ... so I'm having two sales today!
The 1385 shop is 25% off from 11:00 AM Pacific until 5:00 PM Pacific!
And the Libris Lunaria shop will have $10 prints from today at 11:00 AM Pacific until tomorrow, same time!

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