Monday, November 29, 2010


My too short visit with family is almost up.. It's been a really nice week petting doggies, eating too much food, hanging with the coolest 3 year old niece ever, and folding my soon-to-be-here baby nephew's teeny tiny clothes - I think the miniatures socks kill me the most!!

Tomorrow I'll hopefully spend my last afternoon with my best girl digging around a big warehouse filled with pretty dresses. I have my finger's crossed I'll find some silky/lacy things like these underpinning blouses I found at the flea market a few months back. They sort of remind me of French macarons and I'm greedily keeping them until forever!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1 3 8 5 updates



Well, the etsy shop has been re-stocked ... I'm amazed that I managed to do this entire update whilst manually focusing my camera ... it took 2x longer then normal to photograph - but I'm realllllly happy about my newfound photo location. Taking photos in my apartment was really bumming me out. I live in a courtyard facing apartment and in the Summer time when the light is at its brightest - I have about an hour and a half of good light each day. Now that the days are darker my photo time is cut down to about 30 minutes, if that. But, then I realized that this little window area just 15 feet down the hall from my door is perfect! And the light is nice all afternoon!

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1930s Dusty Blue Crinkle Chiffon Dress

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1930s Hearst Castle Dress

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1950s White Ruffle Blouse

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Edwardian Lace Ruffle + Pintuck Blouse

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1960s Ice Gray Accordion Pleat Dress

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1920s Black Silk Velvet Dress

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1940s Navy Satin Dress with Copper Beading

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1930s Junior Printed School Dress

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As far as shipping goes for orders - I'm leaving for the East Coast this weekend and won't be back until the first of the month - so any orders placed after Friday (Nov. 19th) around 2:00 PM Pacific won't be shipped until December 2nd!

Monday, November 15, 2010

november 15


Today was a really sad day for me as far as camera stuff goes... my 35mm lens has been on the fritz for the past month and it officially bit the dust this afternoon. I can't decide if I want to try and get it fixed or maybe just buy a 50mm lens instead.. My computer has also seen better days, and of course I fell asleep watching Law & Order SVU on netflix watch it now and I woke up at 1:45 am to a loud thud, which was my knee pushing my computer 4 feet off the bed and onto the hardwood floor. Thankfully it's working still - but I fear its ultimate demise is quickly approaching.

Anywayyyy, here are some blurry photos from yesterday afternoon. The weather here has been so good, in the 70s!! It's been really great not to worry about tights and warm layers. My dress is a teeny tiny teenagers dress from the 30s that I found at the flea market. I can't actually snap the snaps shut, so a cardigan is mandatory. The shoesies are from Maria's lovely shop, Adelaide Homesewn.


Oh! and my backpack! A really lucky flea market find from last month when Alice was here with me.. It was supposed to be a birthday present for my boyfriend but, I haven't let him use it. Not even once.. Whoops!

back pack

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd

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carpet suitcase!
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A few different things from the past few weeks...... A ruffly cotton voille 30's dress with a pretty houndstooth-esque printed skirt. I wore it around on Halloween day, the weather was so perfect I didn't even need a sweater! I sort of gave up on shopping for myself and have just been sneakily taking a dress or two from the ones I find for the shop, this is one of them!

I've never seen this movie, but it looks so great! That little girl has the best autumn/winter clothing! And her hair! The cloth ribbon thing definitely looks much better on her and not so great with bangs.

And a gigantic 60s carpet suitcase I found at an estate sale. I once saw a similar bag at a store in Manhattan that was around $700 and it's haunted me ever since. Three years later I finally found one for what seems like chump change compared to the Manhattan price!

Two of my favorite prints in the Libris Lunaria shop ... from a British mycology book... There's 5 plates from that book in the shop and I think I have to add more, they're just so great!

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