Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter Wonderland

I almost forgot what a New England Winter is like. Its been a roller coaster of weather patterns, from a crazy rain/wind storm on Monday that ate its way through all the snow - to a nice little snow dusting that covered the roads back up in white. I reacquainted with my Sorel boots and was most humbly reminded of what it's like to have 8 degree wind whipping at your face. I will not complain about bad California weather ever again!!

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After the rain storm

after the rain

after the rain

after the rain

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After the snow storm

after the snow

after the snow

after the snow

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Back Roads

back roads

. . .

Early Evening Wolf Moon

wolf moon

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shop Updates

Here's a little look at everything in the shop right now! I added 4 dresses today that were really hard to part with. And all week I've been hard at work trying to get 12 very special little dresses ready for some nice photos, hopefully by early next week!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I want to share a little secret with you. It's a good one. It comes in an 8.4 ounce glass bottle with the most beautiful label you could ever imagine.

Rose Water

Let me introduce to you Santa Maria Novella Rose Water and it'll be the best 28 frivolous dollars you can imagine spending. Alice and I stumbled upon these fine Italian products by accident in a very lovely, very fancy fragrance store in Seattle and I couldn't stop twisting the cap off, taking a sniff, twisting the cap back on, staring at the label - repeat.

The rose petals are from the Florentine Hills and the recipe has certainly lasted the test of time. We're talking 700 years, way back to Dante's time!!! (if you have a few minutes you should read this article!)

And let me tell you all the reasons why this bottle is my new bff. I add a little to my wrists and face when I need a mid-day pick me up. It's hydrating and reduces puffiness from tired eyes! Perfect to splash into a bath A lovely little pre-dream spritzer for your sheets And on top of that it can be added to your laundry in the rinse cycle, or right into the iron when you're steaming out those wrinkles!

Ace Hotel

All in all a magical little elixir. And I'd say, with Valentine's day approaching it might just be the perfect thing to give to your mum, your sister, best gal pal - shucks, even just a special present for yourself!

Now, if only the bath tub in the Ace Hotel Portland was in all of our apartments and homes!

Ace Hotel

PS If you're looking for where to find a bottle for yourself - Lafco carries it, and they seem to have a beautiful selection of other products!

PPS It just dawned on me that this bottle of Rose Water might be the most perfect way of beating the Winter Blues!

Tomorrow night I'm flying back to New England for a 12 day visit. I'm really, really excited! Lots and lots of family time, of course!! And then the normal grandmother's house rummaging will be in order. There's small town antique stores to be visited. And the part I'm most excited about is taking photos of 1385 things with my grandmother's dress form, in a beautiful space that belongs to our family.






Two stories of perfectly crumbling rooms. A little sneak peak for now - I'll share so much more soon!
But, right now - there's a lot of things heavily marked down in my Big Cartel shop, anything purchased before Friday 2/22 at 5:00 PM (west coast time) will get shipped before I go! There's more treasures waiting to be found, so take some of the other things off my hands!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 3 - here and there

I'm currently stuck in the Seattle airport due to a crazy wind/rain weather situation in San Francisco. We're looking at a 4 hour delay right now.... But at least Alice is with me!!! So, in the mean time I think this is a perfect opportunity to share the last photos from those two rolls of film I shot with my lomo!

. . . The Fleas . . .

flea market blankets

flea market van

. . . Around the city . . .

A nice peeling house in the Mission . . .

Mission House

View from Twin Peaks . . .

Twin Peaks

Ferry Building Farmer's Market . . .

Ferry Building Farmer's Market

Leaving San Francisco on the Golden Gate Bridge . . .

Golden Gate Bridge

. . . Our apartment . . .



Monday, January 18, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 2 - Sunset Car Rides

Since moving to San Francisco I've realized my favorite thing to do is get out of the city for little day trips with my boyfriend. Even if it's just for a few hours in the afternoon. These photos were taken on our way home from Sebastopol and each one was taken just out of the passenger side window.... My favorite place to be. (Except for the photo of the horse, for that one I hopped out)


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That last one is my very, very favorite.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lomo adventures, pt. 1 - By The Sea

I finally got the film developed from my lomo camera! I had been sort of haphazardly snapping photos, totally unsure of how they'd come out and after seeing the photos I really can't wait to buy more film! So, here's a little peek at some of our Pacific Ocean adventures!

Rainy, dismal Half Moon Bay

half moon bay

and Monterey . . .





The best is yet to come though!! Up next- farm lands and car ride sunsets!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The start of the new year has been mostly quiet - cooking more then I did in 2008 and watching more movies than 2008 and 2009 combined. Besides that I've mostly been busy hand washing dresses, little mendings here and there and well the general workings of 1 3 8 5. My boyfriend showed me how to add a little twitter badge to my side bar that will be very helpful for finding out about shop updates! and there's also a link to add shop updates to your RSS Readers! Next order of business, making an icon for my blog that shows up instead of the blogger one by the url bar!

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Here's a not so exciting look into a typical day in the life of:

step into my office

Clothes, coffee, computer, and the stupid curtains I have to yank back to get enough light in here to take pictures.

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That dress I'm wearing is a really nice old cotton slip I found at the flea a few weeks ago. I've been really drawn to dressing in brown, black, and cream. It's now at that point in the year when I look to old Lyell collections and street style photos of their pretty shop girls for inspiration.


. . .

I've also noticed most of my home item purchases have been some sort of floral pattern. Add this 1940s garden box to the pile...

best box

40s floral box

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An army of white slips from my grandmother's attic. I fished these out of a huge box of slips and pajamas last time I was there. I finally just got them a few weeks ago as my mum so kindly washed them for me and sent them away in another box filled with my forgotten treasures. There's one cotton/eyelet slip in particular that I really love.


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That box from my mum included these pillow cases! I have a few weaknesses, well maybe more than a few. But old pillow cases are definitely one of them!




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I'm trying to get better at picking up after myself. I'm notorious for leaving a trail of things around, everywhere I go. Sometimes the little trails are nice, like this one. Most of the time they're just lazy, sloppy things. I was doing so well last week but the apartment has since fallen back into chaos!

the things i leave around

There's more work to be done today and tomorrow for a shop update with dresses/blouses! And then Alice is getting in for an entire week on Wednesday! The two of us are running off to Northern lands come Friday and I'm so, so, so, so, so, so excited I can't even begin to explain!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Secret Life of Sea Horses

An un-finished version of this post has been sitting in one of my internet browser tabs for seven days... an entire week!!!! Sadly, this happens to me a lot. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?!? I just made myself a cup of coffee and I'm not getting up until this post is finished!

Anyway, here are the rest of the photos from our day trip to Monterey! Before I show off the seahorses, here are a few from the rest of the aquarium... Which is pretty amazing and the best part about it is that they have these huge larger then life tanks!!! (that's me pointing to an incoming visitor)

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Jellies, of course! No trip to any aquarium would be complete without the obligatory jelly photos.




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This was a cool circular room with a tank that went around the ceiling. There was a school of fish that just kept swimming around and around. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower!

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And just a few little snippets from some of my favorite colored tanks!

pier life

girliest tank!

. . .

And now we can get onto it. The Sea Horses!

This is me standing next to a giant plastic male seahorse statue giving birth to a little gilded baby sea horse (yea, seriously!) ... and I'd say its a pretty accurate representation of how stupidly excited about life I am to be at that exhibit!!!

sheer glee

I would seriously love to have that giant sea horse statue in my apartment, but maybe one that wasn't weirdly giving birth would be better?

. . .

Zebra Seahorse

That's a zebra seahorse.... Which by default I'm particularly fond of, because well my last name starts with a Z and somehow I just associate zebras with that and also zebras are awesome!

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I don't remember this guy's particular species, but I'm really into the monochromatic thing going on here!

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This tank was my favorite - there were so many of them! Dancing around and changing colors!!! But it was also the most crowded tank and it started to stress me out too much. Too many people just trying to push their way in and I got to pushed out to the back... People get nutty at aquariums, it's crazy!

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A little bebe seahorse

bebe sea horse

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And this last photo is my favorite I think, a lovely bunch of miniature sea horses!!!

mini seahorses

. . .

If you plan on visiting I'd say definitely stay clear of school vacation weeks. And plan your trip around low tide so you can snoop around in some of the tide pools along the road! (Don't be tempted by the flat rate parking options, park ocean side and it's free and you can explore!!) The aquarium closes at 6 and seems to empty out significantly after 5, so it's nice to have some of the tanks all to yourself! Oh, and added bonus - there's a Pendleton outlet in town too!

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