I've been daydreaming about visiting the Monterey Aquarium for a longgggg time. Especially when I found out they had an entire seahorse exhibit!!!! Today was finally the day! A really awesome one too. I plan on over-loading this space with photos of sea horses tomorrow - but for now, I'd like to share a few nice photos from our special little pre-aquarium parking lot adventure. Actually no - not really a parking lot at all - but just free street side parking right near a cliff at low tide. And I think this might be one of the best low tide adventures to date!

And this was me trying to get down to the beach. I'm trying so hard not to lose my shoes/slip on that rock. My boyfriend has deemed these ballet flats the "worst adventure shoes ever"... And I agree... even though I still wear them every day! They're horrible city shoes too and hurt after walking around for a few hours and they're so stretched out I usually lose one running across the street... So, they're 100x worse when paired with ocean water and mossy rocks and sand!

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Once you made it down there it was like a little mini aquarium! Fat slimy sear stars, hermit crabs, snails, sea anemone, and these small shy fish that swam so fast and barely came out of hiding!! So much life in every little place, each step you took across the rocks had to be carefully chosen.

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And then there was a rock of mollusks... Or, as I like to call it - the rock of death!!! (I'm realllllllly allergic to edible sea creatures... like epi pen style)

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I ended up stepping on something I shouldn't have and got my right foot drenched - but besides that our little time on the rocks was as perfect as can be!!

OH! And on our walk over to the aquarium there were sea lions!!! I wonder if any of those dudes used to call Pier 39 their home??? hmmmm...

** I took photos with my new lomo lc-a+ camera too! So, hopefully they came out and I can share the film versions soon!!